Become a rich girl

Chapter 292 Discussion!

Chapter 292 Discussion!

"Hey, did you make a mistake? Si Momo, what are you doing!"

Lin Yiyi was very depressed today, because Zhou Momo actually drove her BMW 760li to school today!
After school, that damn mouse asked them to talk again, so Lin Yiyi wanted to go to the appointment in Zhou Momo's car!

"Haha, it's so cool, it's only comfortable to drive like this!"

Since receiving this car, Zhou Momo has driven it to and from school almost every day. Even though he lives in Lin's Manor with Lin Yiyi, this guy still likes the feeling of driving.

This made Lin Yiyi who was sitting by the side very helpless!
Is there something wrong with this guy?Why do you like drag racing so much?
Seeing Zhou Momo's excited appearance, Lin Yiyi was also relieved. After all, Zhou Momo is not a rich second generation in this life, and she never drove a car in her previous life. That's all, let her go crazy!

"Hee hee, I think Sister Momo drives very well!"

very good?

At this moment, Lin Yiyi looked at Sun Xiaoyu who was sitting beside her in surprise.

Since the anniversary celebration a few days ago, I and Sun Xiaoyu have also met every day, and I don't hold much grudges against this insidious little guy Lin Yiyi!
After all, it's a child, let's talk about it.This little guy was only dazzled by interests before, and what's more, there is a real friendship between her and Zhou Momo.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you brat, you were against us a few days ago, and now you're being so affectionate!"

"Hey? Against? Is there any? Has anyone opposed sister Yiyi?"


What the hell is that you didn't oppose us on the surface, but you are very insidious in the dark, and you have set up many dark situations!

In fact, Lin Yiyi accepted Sun Xiaoyu on the one hand because of Zhou Momo, on the other hand Sun Xiaoyu, a talented girl, is indeed valuable.

Because of this, Lin Yiyi will bring her with her today.

Thinking of this, Lin Yiyi gave Sun Xiaoyu a fierce look and said: "You little guy, if I find out what you did again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Sun Xiaoyu was immediately frightened by Lin Yiyi's stare.

She smiled awkwardly: "Sister Yiyi is so powerful, she can't beat you! Don't worry, she is in the same boat as you now!"

Sun Xiaoyu realized that she underestimated the enemy before, not to mention the terrifying Lin Yiyi, even Zhou Momo didn't lie to her!
At the beginning, Sun Xiaoyu was really planning to get close to Lin Yiyi through Zhou Momo to achieve his goal!But later she found out that Zhou Momo, who was somewhat rough, was not stupid.

After the incident in the alley, she found out that she had a problem, but she still didn't say it out, let alone retaliated, and she was still with her as before, which moved Sun Xiaoyu very much.

"That sounds good! What about your dad? Doesn't your dad want to rely on the Bai family recently? Now that the road to the Bai family is gone, what do you want to do now?"

Lin Yiyi's investigation of Sun Xiaoyu didn't just stop at her alone. Lin Yiyi almost touched her background and knew her father's current predicament.

Sun Xiaoyu's father is called Sun Cheng, who is currently in the power field in neighboring provinces, and is also a department-level official!But the previous background has stepped down, and now I have encountered some problems, and I need a new backer, otherwise I will be taken down!

This is also one of the reasons why Sun Xiaoyu wants to rely on those powerful people.

"Well, what can I do? There's nothing I can do now!"

After hearing Lin Yiyi's question, Sun Xiaoyu made a pitiful look.

Looking at Lin Yiyi with very pitiful star eyes, she said: "She is petite, pitiful, and helpless!"

"Come on, come on! Don't pretend to be pitiful! As long as you complete the task well this time, I will accept you as our brain trust! I will naturally arrange for your father when the time comes!"

"Hee hee, I knew Sister Yiyi wouldn't leave me alone!"

Hearing Lin Yiyi's promise, Sun Xiaoyu showed her white teeth and looked at Lin Yiyi excitedly!
"You are finally here!"

After chatting with Sun Xiaoyu in the car, Lin Yiyi and the others finally arrived at their destination!
A mountain villa in the suburbs!
I have to say that Liu Hao can still find places to play. This villa is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and it is a holy place for leisure!

After being brought to the tea room next to the manor by the waiter, Liu Hao stretched lazily!
"Sit down, we can finish our meal here later, they are all good things!"

"Cut, we haven't eaten anything good!"

"Haha, yes, yes!"

Liu Hao nodded with a grin.

Then he said slowly: "Yiyi, I know what kind of cruise party, it should be said that I have received many similar invitations a long time ago!"

Fuck!You are such a person!

Lin Yiyi and the three looked at Liu Hao with contempt after hearing this sentence.

The latter quickly explained: "Hey, don't look at me like that, I haven't been there even once! That kind of occasion is too disharmonious! It's just such a fucking party, how could I go? "

"Don't you believe me, I admit that I know this kind of party, where a lot of female stars go to have fun! No way, I'm from the dandy circle in Beijing, and I've heard about these things a long time ago!"

Seeing Liu Hao's explanation, the three women looked at each other suspiciously, as if they still didn't quite believe Liu Hao's words!
What the hell!

This is too fake, right?If it were me, I would go too!It's a pity that there is no crime tool now!

"You know, what are we going to do now?"

Lin Yiyi doesn't want to pursue whether this guy has been there, or whether the former owner of his body has been there, it doesn't matter anymore!

The important thing is that Liu Hao has received the invitation now, so he can cooperate with him!

"I will go, but I am just cooperating with you to do things! I will not participate in those activities!"

"What exactly are we going to do?"

"I don't know exactly what to do, just play it by ear! I don't believe anyone can do anything to us!"

Liu Hao didn't take it seriously, just like what he said!They have already cleaned up so many dudes, and they have seen the big wind and waves, so there is nothing to be afraid of! ?
Lin Yiyi nodded, expressing agreement, but added with some concern: "This time I asked my father, as long as what he does is legal and reasonable, he will support it!"

"Haha, isn't that bullshit?"

"Ah, no, no, what Uncle Lin said makes sense!"

Liu Hao originally wanted to make some casual remarks, but changed his mind immediately after seeing Lin Yiyi's murderous eyes.

He said very seriously: "Well, I also think it's a little bit more difficult this time, because this time there are a group of dudes gathered there! So if we do things without reason, we will definitely be hated by people in the circle! "

"You already know the organizer of this time?"

"of course I know!"

It seems that this dead mouse also knows the organizer of this time!
Wu Shuang!That's right, Wu Zhicheng's cousin, Lin Yiyi is still unable to collect more specific information.

"That's how it is, I will help you book the air tickets! Let's talk about the situation in the next few days!"

"Hey, I've told you all of these things! Our dear black-bellied little loli!"

Speaking of this, Liu Hao looked at Sun Xiaoyu with a smile, and the latter nodded with the same smile!
Obviously, Liu Hao is also looking forward to the power of this insidious little guy and Lin Yiyi after joining forces!

"Let's go, let's eat! Today I have prepared a lot of game for you!"

Having said that, Liu Hao stretched his waist and stood up, leading a few people towards the dining room!

(End of this chapter)

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