Become a rich girl

Chapter 345 Don't Go!

Chapter 345 Don't Go!
"Um...can I take a break?"

The time came to around 7:[-] in the evening again, and at this time, Tianhua Royal Casino once again entered the peak flow of people.

Our young master Ouyang wandered around the field several times today, played more than a dozen hands in each game, and lost all his chips again.

Should we stop now?You have lost 5000 million, why don't you leave?If you don’t leave, I’m going to die suddenly. It’s okay, I’ve made enough money, so hurry up and leave!

At this moment, Brother Langhua suppressed his drowsiness and was still by his side. He wanted to sleep several times but was woken up by Xiaoyun and Liu Di who were beside him.


"Yes, please give me a break!"

Looking at Liu Hao's puzzled look, Ouyang Yu only felt his eyelids were fighting, if he didn't sleep, how would he live?I have reached my limit!
Liu Hao stared at Ouyang Yu, snapped his fingers and shouted: "Brother Langhua, another [-] million chips!"

"Ah! One hundred million!"

"Brother Liu Hao, I said I want to rest! I really can't do it!"

That's right, our Young Master Ouyang has hardly had a break since last night except eating instant noodles and coffee, and has been indulging in his favorite gambling career, but now he has indeed reached his limit!

But Liu Hao acted as if he didn't hear it, and continued to yell at Brother Langhua: "Brother Langhua? Are you deaf? I said I still need [-] million chips!"

Another [-] million?
After hearing Liu Hao's request, Brother Langhua and Uncle Biao were extremely conflicted!

What the hell is 5000 million more?Originally, they thought that these guys should stop after losing [-] million, and they have made a lot of money, but now the other party asks for another [-] million!
Does the fuck make money?If you say you want to make money, then you have to continue to accompany me in person, don't make money!That's a fucking [-] million!I have scams and secret operations at each table, it is easy to win money!
The most important thing is, if this continues, I will really die suddenly!
Brother Langhua, who can't laugh or cry, really wants to slap himself hard. Why did I say that I would accompany him all the way?
I do!

Fight for money!

Soon under Liu Hao's instruction, [-] million chips were placed in front of Ouyang Yu again.

chips!Casino chips were originally Ouyang Yu's favorite thing, it could even be said to be an obsession, he thought he couldn't live without this thing.

But now that he was extremely tired, he wanted to go crazy seeing the [-] million chips!

"Hehe, you'd better sit here for me and continue to bet on me!"

Ouyang Yu, who just wanted to continue discussing with Liu Hao, suddenly saw the suffocating murderous aura emanating from Liu Hao in front of him, as if the obedient butler became a demon in an instant.

Liu Hao looked at Ouyang Yu viciously and smiled: "Hey, let me tell you! Since I have so much money, there is nothing I can't solve. If you don't gamble today, be careful of your life and your sister's life! "

What the hell!

Hearing Liu Hao's threatening words, Ouyang Yu felt cold sweat instantly!

What the hell is this kind of operation?

How could you force a person to gamble?And it's a money-giving type of gambling?Is this really sick?
Ouyang Yu, who had come to his senses from the bewilderment of gambling, instantly felt what a fucking thing this was!

"Your sister is not bad! I think you can sleep with me tonight! Let me tell you, I am the real person behind the scenes! Lin Yiyi is just my subordinate, why do you think I help you?"


Liu Hao's very straightforward and vicious words instantly made Ouyang Yu break out in more cold sweats!
It turns out that this guy in front of him came to save him for a purpose!
"Hehe, why do you think I gave you money to gamble? Tell you, I don't care about the money at all! It's just that I want your sister, and you owe me hundreds of millions. How can you and your sister escape? I just want her to owe you money." I paid off my debts, and sat on the bed as my slave!"

"I'll tell you again! It's so easy for me to kill you. Believe it or not, you were hacked to death as soon as you walked to the door? If you don't want to die, just sit down for me immediately and continue to gamble!"

This guy is perverted!
Only at this moment did Ouyang Yu realize that he had fallen into a trap, a trap of a psychotic rich second generation plus a psychopath!

"You don't have any qualifications to resist me. If you don't obey me, you won't be able to get out of here today!"

Seeing the very vicious Liu Hao, the helpless Ouyang Yu could only sit down again, forcefully cheered up and continued to participate in gambling!
"Teacher! Ms. Yiyi is too messy, isn't she? Such a waste of money, why not just help that Ouyang Yu?"

At this time, Xiao Yun, who had been discussing with Liu Di in a low voice, looked at Liu Di in surprise and said.

Liu Di had already analyzed with her just now, the reason Miss Yiyi put up such a battle was to punish Ouyang Peipei's brother Ouyang Yu!
But this way of spending money is too outrageous, right?

"Hehe, yes! Ms. Yiyi doesn't play cards according to common sense, but you said to help directly, how do you help?"

"Of course it's good persuasion!"

After hearing Xiaoyun's answer, Liu Di laughed and said, "If gambling is so easy to quit, that would be great! In this world, there are people who go bankrupt because of gambling every day, and there are also people who are stabbed because of gambling and borrowing money." Hacked people!"

"If it were so easy, these things wouldn't happen!"

After hearing Liu Di's words, Xiaoyun was speechless for a while, and she also felt that what she was thinking was so naive!

If that gambler like Ouyang Yu really quit gambling so easily, it would be hell indeed!
"Xiao Yun, sometimes some things cannot be solved by normal means! You are very smart, but not flexible enough, so you should learn more from Ms. Yiyi on this point!"

"Hmph, what is there to learn!"

Seeing Liu Di praising Lin Yiyi, Xiaoyun felt very uncomfortable, didn't he just use some abusive means?How can it be flexible?

Time goes on.

And now our Ouyang Yu's hand holding the cards has started to tremble, he feels that the cards in his hand are becoming more and more blurred, and he seems to have double images when he sees things!


"Oh, my dear young master, I think you should continue to hold the cards! You must have a good time today!"

at last!

Our gambler Ouyang Yu dropped the cards in his hand because he was too tired, and this time came to the early morning again!

Ouyang Yu has been betting here for nearly two days!And I haven't slept in the middle!

"I really can't do it, brother! Can you let this matter go?"

At this time, our Young Master Ouyang could only beg Liu Hao with a mournful face.

He was indeed dying. Liu Hao only gave him instant noodles and drinking mineral water during this time, and didn't let him rest. Isn't this killing people?
Liu Hao glanced at him with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Hehe, I'm still fucking asleep! Play for me, hurry up! Hehe, are you out of chips again?"

"Come here, waiter, take another [-] million chips! Our young master is not enjoying himself yet!"

Want chips again?[-] million this time?
At this time, Uncle Biao and Brother Langhua, who were suffering together with Ouyang Yu, were already suffering beyond words!Those who are on the road must pay attention to some principles, and what you say must not be regarded as giving up!
And the other party is still a big customer, so many people here have heard it!
My girl!Are you done yet?How long do you have to bet?
Brother Langhua who wants to cry but has no tears now wants to die!
"Me! Me! Let me go!"

"Shut up! Let me continue! If you stop, I promise you and your sister will be finished!"

Who the hell is this guy!OMG!
Seeing Liu Hao threatening him again, Ouyang Yu, who had already failed, was crying like he was seeing the king of Hades.

What the hell is [-] million more?I don't even have the strength to hold the chips, what kind of devil are you?
Time passed by every minute and every second, and our young master Ouyang's eyes were already blurred. He even believed that if he was touched lightly, he would fall to the ground!
Nine o'clock in the morning!

Ouyang Yu looked at the time very tiredly, his face was extremely haggard, like a dead person!
"Me! I can't do it, please let me go! It's been two days, and I can't do it! Can you do it well?"


When Ouyang Yu dropped the chips in his hand, Liu Hao slapped Ouyang Yu in the face!

This slap completely woke up everyone who was already drowsy!

Lin Yiyi happened to see the scene where Liu Hao slapped Ouyang Yu, and instantly woke up everyone present!

How is this going?Why would the servant beat the master?

Brother Langhua, who was woken up, knew what happened under the explanation of his subordinates, and looked at the scene in front of him in amazement!
(End of this chapter)

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