Become a rich girl

Chapter 370 Take the blame for me!

Chapter 370 Take the blame for me! (one)

"Old Yun, haven't you forgotten the meaning of our visit today?"

At this time, Pan Cheng patted Xiang Yun's shoulder affectionately.

That's right.

The purpose of their coming today is to stand for Wu Shuang. They didn't come to participate in the cruise ship activities before, but they came to make up for it today.

When the luxury cruise party was held before, the two happened to be sent by their family to the United States for a business trip.And both of them know how powerful the family behind Wu Shuang is, so they naturally want to support it!

To be honest, apart from their own abilities, the rest of their rise is the help of the Wu family!

Everyone knows that the Wu family is standing behind the families of the two of them!It is also because of this that they are not afraid of Lin Yiyi who has the same family background today!

"Haha, don't worry! I remember!"

After being slapped by Pan Cheng like this, Xiang Yun instantly regained his energy.

He smiled and said, "I also want to meet that Lin Yiyi, I really don't know what kind of little girl can make it difficult for our Young Master Wu!"

"Lead the way! Two!"

Now Xu Ming hates the two elders in front of him even more.

Even though you guys are guests, you can't ignore us like this, can you?
Wang Shiguang on the side didn't mind, and immediately kindly led the way for the two of them.

"The two young masters are today's distinguished guests. We have already prepared special seats, and we are just waiting for your presence!"

Wang Shiguang knew how the families of these two people got together, as long as he could take good care of Young Master Wu, sooner or later he would be as beautiful as these two guys!
"You two young masters, may I ask what is the purpose of your visit today? Is it to stand up for Wu Shuang?"

"Hi, you two. I'm a reporter from China Times. Is the situation really as the colleague said just now? Are you here to help Wu Shuang and Lin Yiyi fight?"

Seeing this scene, countless reporters rushed towards the two of them.

The reporters are not fools, Wu Shuang has a special background and they dare not attack them, but they are not afraid to face these two guys.

I just want to get some news from these two people who are called Wu Shuang's buddies!They don't want to wait until after the party to dig out these news at the press conference, maybe it will be too late by then!

Facing these reporters, the two of them couldn't make a sound. Here, they can't say that they really want to help Wu Shuang deal with that Lin Yiyi, can they?


"Look! Another row of luxury cars is coming!"

While the reporters were waiting for Pan Cheng and Xiang Yun to reply, a luxury motorcade drove into the manor again.


"Hey, it's so lively here! I didn't expect such a big commotion this time!"

After the door slammed, a teenager got out of the car first.

After seeing the person coming, many reporters became excited again.

He took out the microphone and rushed over.

"Hello, you are Liu Hao, Young Master Liu, right? May I ask what is your purpose for coming to the charity gala this time?"

"Yes, I heard that you have an indistinct relationship with Ms. Lin Yiyi from the Lin family. Are you dating?"

"Yes, yes, then, are you here to stand for Miss Lin Yiyi this time?"

What the hell!

What kind of problem is this?Aren't you frankly journalists of finance and people's livelihood?How did he become such a gossip entertainment reporter?

In fact, everyone in the circle knows that this Liu Hao represents the Liu family, but now he is too close to Lin Yiyi of the Lin family, which makes people doubt their relationship.

"Well, everyone, be safe and don't be impatient! Actually, this time."

"Everyone, there's nothing to say! Liu Hao and I are just attending this party on behalf of our parents! If there is nothing else, please ask questions after the party is over!"

Lin Yiyi, who followed Liu Hao out of the car, became furious when she heard these questions!
What the hell is wrong with this?Are you guys really not gossip reporters?

Lin Yiyi's sudden appearance and very cold answer made all the reporters stunned.

Then those reporters became even more frantic, holding the microphone and began to ask: "Miss Yiyi, can you explain your relationship with Master Liu Hao?"

"Yes, yes, please, Ms. Yiyi, please answer our questions directly!"

Numerous reporters pointed their finger at Lin Yiyi as the heroine.

And Xiang Yun and Pan Cheng took advantage of this gap to sneak to the front of the main hall, and stood together with Wu Shuang, smiling, watching the good show in front of them.

Wu Shuang patted Xiang Yun's shoulder and said with a smile: "Old Yun, it's not bad. It's not in vain for my old man to help your uncle to the top. It seems to be somewhat useful!"

Xiang Yun's uncle is now in the propaganda department of Huaxia Ministries and Commissions, and all this is done by the young man in front of him!Otherwise, how could he contact some influential reporters in Xihua Province to raise such a topic?
That's right, all of this was operated by Xiang Yun. Several of those reporters were well-known reporters from various media in Xihua Province, and they were all bribed by him through seeking connections. He specially targeted Liu Hao and Lin Yiyi at this time.

"Hehe, our Miss Yiyi is not feeling well now!"

Pan Cheng on the side also knew Lin Yiyi's background, and he knew that he would never be able to beat Lin Yiyi if he was confronted head-on.

The Lin family is one of the three major families, but so what, the formation of the three major families is actually a matter of the past few years, and no family in China can dominate.

And the Wu family is now at a critical stage, and their own strength is also very strong. Who knows if they will take off if they rely on the Wu family?

Wu Shuang smiled, and said calmly: "Then let's see how our Miss Yiyi can break this situation!"

"Miss Yiyi, please answer this question directly!"

"Yes, yes, if you don't answer positively, does it mean you have acquiesced?"

What the hell!

Are you out of your mind?What do you mean if you don't answer positively, you will acquiesce?
Lin Yiyi has now seen that these reporters have problems, at least there must be people from Wu Shuang's side among them, otherwise they would not chase after themselves and Liu Hao to ask such questions!

Ha ha!Really interesting!This frankly can connect the two of them!
Zhou Momo, who was watching the play, felt very interesting when she first heard the questions from these reporters!
Haha, what kind of relationship does Lin Yiyi have with Liu Hao?Haha this is so fucking funny!

Although she knew it was deliberately arranged, Zhou Momo just wanted to laugh when she stood aside, and she also wanted to see how Lin Yiyi would explain this problem!

interesting!It was so much fun!
Lin Yiyi also seemed to notice Zhou Momo who was smiling.

I am very upset!

Where the hell are you on?Is this kind of question funny?

Being stared at by Lin Yiyi, Zhou Momo still looked at herself with a smile all over her face!

Regarding this question, Lin Yiyi really didn't want to answer it, so why not answer it, these reporters will definitely think wildly, thinking that they are evading, deny it!These guys will definitely continue to ask!
Thinking of this, he glared at Zhou Momo again.

A bright smile appeared on Lin Yiyi's face instantly: "My friends from the media, I can actually answer your questions about Liu Hao's private life!"


"Miss Yiyi, do you admit it?"

What does it mean?Hearing Lin Yiyi's answer, Liu Hao instantly felt something was wrong and wanted to stop Lin Yiyi from speaking!

But those reporters interrupted their words in an instant!
"No, no, Master Liu Hao and I are just friends!"

Lin Yiyi's answer was still not humble, very indifferent!
"Then why are you so close to Master Liu Hao? How do you explain this?"

"About this question!"

At this time, the reporters watched Lin Yiyi pull an extremely beautiful girl from her side with a smile all over her face.

The girl's appearance is not as fast as Lin Yiyi's. The two can be said to have their own characteristics, and they are both beautiful girls that are rare in the world.


"Hehe, everyone! This is my best friend, or my girlfriend! Miss Zhou Momo!"

Zhou Momo didn't know what Lin Yiyi was up to now, and was dragged by Lin Yiyi in a daze.

What the hell is this for?Why do I always feel that this guy has bad intentions?
"As you can see, Ms. Zhou Momo and I are best friends, we are very good friends! In fact, Master Liu Hao and I were not familiar before, and the real reason why we are so close now is that"

Speaking of this, countless flashes flickered.

As if wanting to capture this important scene, the camera also started to focus on Lin Yiyi and the three of them.

"Master Wu, that Miss Zhou Momo is not bad! Do you still want to get it?"

About this Zhou Momo, Wu Shuang has never been able to forget, the last time he saw it on the cruise ship made him feel itchy

But since he was beaten up by Zhou Momo last time, our Young Master Wu is still a little scared!
But now he thinks something is right!

That is: everyone is cheap!

I don't know why now Wu Shuang is a little scared when he sees Zhou Momo, but he still can't hold back the desire in his heart!I even want to find a chance to put this dead girl under my body well, and erase the shadow of being beaten by her last time!
Pan Cheng also knew that Young Master Wu hadn't given up on that Zhou Momo!
Since this is the case, that Lin Yiyi can't keep her!Sooner or later, there will be a gap for Young Master Wu to succeed!
When Wu Shuang saw the incomparably beautiful Zhou Momo, although he was still a little squirming, he suddenly felt his desire swell again, and nodded silently!

Girlfriend?What if they are friends?As long as I'm in the entertainment industry, there's no gap I can't get into!
After thinking that some of his friends had found some starlets to take care of him, Wu Shuang felt that he was really at a disadvantage, as if he really hadn't thought about such a thing during this period of time!

We must launch an offensive against that Zhou Momo later!Shamelessly launch an offensive!In this kind of occasion, it is impossible for her to hit herself again, right?
"Girlfriend? What does Miss Yiyi mean?"

"What is the real reason?"

Facing Lin Yiyi who hesitated to speak, all the reporters started to ask questions again!

As long as they can get this valuable news, they will be able to write weighty reports when they go back!

The love between the two sons and daughters of big bosses is such a big news!What is hidden behind it?Is it a marriage?Or is it the benefit of joining forces behind the scenes?
Lin Yiyi smiled lightly and said: "It's very simple! Because Miss Zhou Momo and Master Liu Hao are the suspected lovers, and I got so close to Young Master Liu through my best friend, Miss Momo!"

(End of this chapter)

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