Become a rich girl

Chapter 374 I got it?

Chapter 374 I got it?
"Is it really Senior Official Huang? No way!"


Many viewers saw the radiant Huang Ke coming out of the backstage the next moment.

His secretary took the briefcase and stood respectfully at the backstage exit.

"Hello, everyone! Many of the guests here are old acquaintances, so I'm not so special here! Haha!"

"Hello, Senior Officer Huang!"

"Hehe, Senior Officer Huang, long time no see. The last time we met was at the Xihua Provincial Business Forum!"

As Huang Ke said, many businessmen present knew him, one of the bigwigs in Xihua Province, and had dealt with him, and some of them even had dinner together not long ago.

"This Huang Ke is really a shrewd guy! Knowing the nature of this party, he didn't put on airs! He's a character!"

It was not the first time Liu Hao met Huang Ke, but he had never had any in-depth contact with him. This time he recognized Huang Can's father's strength.

As Huang Ke himself said, as a leader attending this kind of occasion between formal and informal, it is not good to be too high on the shelf, but it is not dignified to be too friendly.

But Huang Ke got it right!
Seeing this, Lin Yiyi also nodded, approving Liu Hao's evaluation of Huang Ke!
"It is also my honor to participate in this charity gala!"

Huang Ke delivered her speech in an orderly manner with a smile, appearing very at ease, completely in control of the scene!
"Master Wu, we didn't get the news in advance that this senior official Huang came here! Logically speaking, this guy shouldn't show up!"

"Hehe, don't worry, don't rush! Just wait and see what our senior official Huang wants to play!"

Wu Shuang was still unmoved after listening to Xiang Yun's words. As a member of the Wu family, he certainly would not be afraid of such a high-ranking official. Even if he wanted to do something, his status would not be easy to stop him now.

After all, on this occasion, I am only representing Xinke Media Group, and I am here as a corporate manager!Maybe the headquarters directly carried it out of Wu's house?
"Thank you for your contribution to the charitable cause of Western Hua Province, of course."

When Huang Ke on the stage said this, his eyes fell directly on Lin Yiyi, and the smile on his face became wider.

He smiled and said, "Of course, I also saw many young friends, such as our chairman Lin Wancheng's daughter, Ms. Lin Yiyi! And Mr. Liu Hao, the son of Chairman Liu Anhuai!"

Hehe, it turned out that he really came to the station!

Hearing this, our Young Master Wu finally knows the reason for Huang Ke's visit!
Obviously, this guy mentioned the names of Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao at this time just to support them!
After Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao were named, they naturally nodded to Huang Ke, which was regarded as a greeting!

"It took up so much of everyone's time. Here I would like to express my gratitude to everyone on behalf of Xihua Province! I will not waste your time anymore! Thank you!"

When Huang Ke withdrew, he was arranged in the VIP seat beside Lin Yiyi and the others, a few tables away.

"Then it's time for the main show!"

After Liu Hao saw Song Yu on the stage again, he knew that this time the charity party had finally officially started, and the previous ones were all warm-ups!

Song Yu was very serious and asked the staff to turn on the big screen behind him.

Then everyone present put away their smiles.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this map is the distribution map of the poor population in our Xihua Province!"

Song Yu pointed to the places marked in red on the map, and said: "These areas marked in red are the focus of our charity gala this time. These places are all in the mountainous areas of Xihua Province. Many children in these places have no For school, even if you want to go to school, you have to go to a place far away and walk a long mountain road!"

Is there still such a poor place in Xihua Province?
Lin Yiyi has spent all her past and present lives in Tianhua City, even her hometown is just a rural area on the outskirts of Tianhua City, and the conditions are relatively good.

When Lin Yiyi saw the backward scenes in these places, she also felt that her life was too chic?

"In these places, we have the final say! We will build at least [-] primary and secondary schools based on townships. Of course, this is only a conservative estimate! It is also the data we have obtained after many planning and discussions!"

"Not to mention, this Song Yu's on-site appeal is really strong! Just look at his tone and expression, he is simply a natural actor!"

Liu Hao has also been listening to Song Yu's introduction, and he is also very depressed after hearing about the situation in these impoverished areas.

Lin Yiyi replied seriously: "Does this need to be said? He is not eloquent, so he will be invited to be the host? How many people are infected by this guy's sensational scene!"

After that, Song Yu played some live videos and photos, and everyone present saw the current situation of children in impoverished mountainous areas.Let’s not talk about how many schools there are, just say that those roads are too rough, and some places are even the most primitive kind of mountain roads, and the feet are full of time.

In countless photos, many children are wearing thin sandals to school!
"Oh, it seems that we haven't done enough work!"

The table where Huang Ke was sitting was almost all the power holders in Xihua Province. Of course, Huang Ke's rank was the highest.

At this moment, Huang Ke, who saw the current situation in the impoverished areas, was discussing with other colleagues with a gloomy face.

"Then, next! Let's raise money for the construction of schools for these children first!"

After Song Yu finished playing everything, he looked at the deeply moved businessmen and said lyrically.

"First of all, according to our plan, among the thirty schools, there are ten elementary schools and twenty middle schools, including middle and high schools!"

"If we build according to the infrastructure of a standard school, the minimum standard is 50! Of course, a better school needs more or even millions to meet a certain standard!"

"Okay! I've covered all these schools!"

Just after Song Yu explained the situation, Wu Shuang, who was sitting by the side, said something directly!

Let everyone's eyes focus on this young master of the Wu family.

I saw the three of them proudly raising their feet and smoking their cigars, and that Wu Shuang just held the cigar and said the heroic words just now!
All packed?

Thirty schools, or 1500 million!This number is nothing to Wu Shuang!
Wu Shuang, who was very proud, saw that everyone was staring at him, and shook the soot with a smile.

He continued: "In addition, I checked the information! To meet a certain earthquake resistance standard, at least 300 million! Since everyone is doing good deeds, why not do it in one step? Right?"

"That's right, Young Master Wu is right!"

"Yes, do good deeds, of course you must do them well!"

Xiang Yun and Pan Chengcheng on the side seemed to have discussed it in advance, and immediately started to hold each other.

"That's it! These 350 schools will be built by me, no, no, no, our Xinke Media Group will build them according to the highest earthquake resistance standards, and add additional items, including tables and chairs! For each school, I will invest [-] million yuan !"

350 million per school?
After hearing this number, everyone present was shocked!

What the hell are you trying to do?This is too proud, right?

"Hehe, our Young Master Wu is really proud! Did you see that, with a budget of 50 yuan, this guy directly became 350 million yuan!"

"Hmph, this guy is a lunatic, does he really want to do charity? It's just to show off!"

"Of course, we already knew that!"

Liu Hao and Zhou Momo also despised Wu Shuang's arrogance!Let's start a lively discussion!

This time Liu Hao was in a bit of trouble. He didn't expect that Wu Shuang was here to make trouble, and he didn't play cards according to common sense. Generally speaking, the host will follow the process at this stage.

After asking everyone's opinions, everyone discusses and decides!Of course, there is no problem with how many schools someone is willing to take over during the period!But as an outsider, Wu Shuang came here as a guest, and it seemed that he was here to disrupt the situation!
Zhou Momo calculated from the side: "One school is 350 million, ten schools is 3500 million! Damn, isn't it, this guy invested more than 1 million?"

"The specific number should be 1.05 million! Our Young Master Wu is really generous!"

Liu Hao added from the side.

However, the rest of the merchants at the scene looked at Wu Shuang very unhappy, but there was nothing they could do!
Isn't this our charity gala in West China?So what if this kid is from the Wu family?Can it refute our face?

Countless guests have already begun to feel dissatisfied with this Wu Shuang!

(End of this chapter)

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