Become a rich girl

Chapter 379 Young Master Wu's Tears?

Chapter 379 Young Master Wu's Tears?

"Come on, everyone, don't worry, let me record it slowly!"

Charity gala scene.

Because of Lin Yiyi's shot, everyone was excited. Countless businessmen expressed their willingness to pay for road repairs, and the busy host Song Yu was in a hurry.

Countless businessmen whispered in his ears how much they would donate.

Seeing this bustling scene, Wu Shuang, who was standing aside, was a complete idiot.

"Fuck, no, what shall we do now?"

"Both of us are from Xihua Province. If we don't donate together, we won't be able to get along in the future!"

At this time, Pan Cheng and Xiang Yun, who were very disappointed with Wu Shuang, were also in a dilemma. What should they do now?this is a problem.

As they said, although they have a good relationship with the Wu family, they are even more from Xihua!Hearing that we are going to build roads together and build a memorial hall together, this is no small matter!
The father of the two of them is also the president and vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, representing the image of a businessman in Xihua Province. If they don't participate, how can their father step down?

"Drip drip!"

"Hello, Dad? This is how it is!"

"Yes, yes, dad, what should we do now?"

Thinking of this, the two who felt that they could not solve the problem well began to call their father, hoping to get some instructions from there.

After putting down the phone, both of them shook their heads helplessly.

"How? What did your father tell you?"

"Take care of the overall situation! What? You too?"

"This can't be helped!"

Speaking of which, the two reached a consensus, and they stood up and walked towards the place where Song Yu was. When they walked past Wu Shuang, they looked helplessly at this confused guy.

Wu Shuang seemed to have never seen the two of them, and was still immersed in the blow just now.

"Old Song, count us in!"

"Okay, Young Master Xiang, Young Master Pan, I will register you both immediately!"

Facing the arrival of the two, Song Yu was not surprised at all. The father of the two men is a big boss in Xihua Province's entrepreneurial family, as well as the vice president and president. It is impossible for them not to participate.

Otherwise, the fathers of these two people would be hit, not to mention the vain duties of the president, if the rest of the businessmen united to deal with them, they would not be able to bear it.

"How could this be?"

Wu Shuang, who was standing outside the crowd, couldn't figure out why he fell into the hands of Lin Yiyi again today. In fact, according to Wu Shuang's previous plan, he came here to make Lin Yiyi feel uncomfortable, but he didn't expect that he would not only He didn't succeed, and he fell into a realm where he was not human inside and out.

Liu Hao also stood up at this time, and came to Wu Shuang's side with a smile.

He smiled and said, "What? Our Young Master Wu doesn't want to continue anymore? Don't you want to donate again? That's for building a memorial hall. Young Master Wu is so proud, so it's not justified if you don't go?"

Liu Hao's purpose at this moment is to give this guy a make-up!

Who the hell made you blind?Not to mention you, a child of the Wu family, even a child of the Bai family in the capital would not dare to confront Lin Yiyi head-on, you are looking for death on your own.

After Liu Hao said this, Wu Shuang's face became even more gloomy.

He said impatiently: "Liu Hao, you boy is really capable, hiding behind women all day long!"

When Wu Shuang learned that the guy in front of him was pursuing Zhou Momo, Wu Shuang became even more upset with Liu Hao, so he had nothing good to say to Liu Hao at this time.

But Wu Shuang's words made Liu Hao's face darken.

Pointing at Wu Shuang in front of him, he cursed: "Wu Shuang, don't be so fucking shameless, I call you Young Master Wu in a nice way, don't you know what's good or bad!"

"I don't know what the fuck is going on? Don't think you're awesome. Doesn't the little bitch behind you just value your money? Wait, I'm going to fix her in front of you sooner or later!"

"And what the hell is Lin Yiyi, don't think I don't know about the conspiracy of the three of you, do you think I, Wu Shuang, are easy to bully?"

At this time, Wu Shuang, who had offended most of the businessmen in Xihua Province and invested hundreds of millions in building a school for nothing, exploded in emotion.

"Hehe, what you said is really strange. What is our conspiracy? Everyone can participate in today's auction. May I ask what conspiracy do we have?"

When Liu Hao saw Wu Shuang who was already a little excited, he wanted to talk to him instantly.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

While Liu Hao was still thinking about how to teach Wu Shuang a lesson, Zhou Momo behind him walked past him silently.

Liu Hao just wanted to stop her, but he found Zhou Momo's strong murderous aura.

Fuck, this guy is miserable now, who made his mouth stink?
"Hey, isn't this too much? He actually called this little sister a little bitch!"

"That's right, Young Master Wu is wrong, how can such a beautiful little girl scold you like that?"

For a moment, everyone noticed the scene in front of them.

Seeing Zhou Momo angry, these people feel very normal, they have been scolded like this, what else can they say?

It's strange not to be angry!

"Hey, little sister, don't get excited! It's his fault for swearing!"

"Yes, yes, don't be impulsive!"

At the same time, these guys are also worried about Zhou Momo. What's the use of this delicate and beautiful girl in front of him even if he argues with Wu Shuang in the past?
The other party is a big and three thick guy, how could she be an opponent?

"Liu Shao, don't you need to stop it?"

Because Lin Yiyi said before that the relationship between this beautiful girl and Liu Hao was unusual, Huang Ke who saw this scene was also very worried, for fear that this beautiful girl would suffer.

Liu Hao turned around and sighed, "Oh, I can't stop this, Senior Officer Huang, call an ambulance in advance!"

call the ambulance?What's the meaning?Could it be that Young Master Liu has lost his mind?If a beautiful girl goes there, even if she does something, she will be at a disadvantage. Why not worry about her safety?

"Liu Shao!"

"Go, needless to say, if I don't call an ambulance, I'm afraid someone's life will be in danger!"

"Okay! Go call an ambulance!"

Huang Ke really didn't understand what Liu Hao was thinking, but he still asked his own help to call 120.

What on earth does this mean?What kind of medicine is sold in Young Master Liu's gourd?

Seeing Zhou Momo walking towards Wu Shuang, Huang Ke was still very confused!
This is obviously playing the piano indiscriminately. Even if you want to attack Wu Shuang, you, a big man, should do it. Why do you still act like you don't care about your own business?

"You! What do you want?"

Noticing Zhou Momo walking towards him, Wu Shuang was addicted to Zhou Momo's beauty first, then his pupils dilated immediately, and the frightened look on his face was infinitely magnified.

Pointing at Zhou Momo, he said, "You! Just say you, don't come here! You dare to touch me? It's fine last time, you, you dare to touch me this time, do you know the consequences? I'm from the Wu family!"

After being pointed at by Wu Shuang, everyone was stunned!

what is happening?Didn't it mean that Young Master Wu is very interested in this beautiful girl?Why are you scared like a dog now?How is this going?

People who don't know the current situation can't understand Wu Shuang's frightened pale face.

Zhou Momo also stopped, staring at Wu Shuang indifferently.

He hooked his fingers, showed a bright smile and said, "I don't care who you are, anyway, I will pay you back whatever you scolded me just now!"



Just when Wu Shuang was about to speak, everyone saw a scene of astonishment.

As soon as this bubblingly beautiful girl kicked her legs, she immediately shot towards Wu Shuang, and immediately punched Wu Shuang in the face.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, without any procrastination, and everyone who watched was stunned.

"Ah! What are you doing! You fucking!"

"Fuck, who the hell are you talking about? The mouth is still so dirty!"

Zhou Momo, after hearing Wu Shuang's scolding, kicked him in the stomach again, and then Wu Shuang clutched his stomach in pain and wanted to escape.

Zhou Momo punched him directly on the back of the forehead again, and then punched Wu Shuang with a punch!

"Ah, ah, you crazy!"

Wu Shuang was like a human sandbag, unable to fight back when Zhou Momo beat him with all kinds of standard fighting skills.


At this moment, Huang Ke wiped his eyes, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

What the hell is this?

Such a beautiful girl with such sharp fighting skills?
Look at that Young Master Wu's face was covered in bruises from the beating, and he was almost unable to stand up.

"Hey, Senior Officer Huang, it's necessary for you to call an ambulance, right?"


Huang Ke was completely convinced by Liu Hao's words!
Sure enough, the guys who follow Lin Yiyi are not kind!
"Ah! Help, don't you save people? You lunatics!"

Huang Ke couldn't bear to watch the scene of Zhou Momo beating up Wu Shuang anymore. As for his cry for help, he didn't want to pay attention to it. After all, what Huang Ke did was unpopular at all, as for the others, they didn't care about anything. To, still doing their own thing.

"Keep your mouth clean from now on!"


Zhou Momo kicked Wu Shuang hard in the crotch before turning and leaving.

And our Young Master Wu is lying on the ground like a little daughter-in-law who has been ravaged by others, tears of humiliation and pain are silently falling on the smooth marble floor!
(End of this chapter)

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