Become a rich girl

Chapter 394 The old man's doubts?

Chapter 394 The old man's doubts?


It was mid-morning at this time, and the weather in Beijing didn't seem to be very good today!
The capital, which has entered the deep winter season, looks a little foggy, and the sun cannot be seen at all.

"Hey, what's going on? Yiyi, you have to explain it to me!"

Ruby Lin received Lin Yiyi's plane early this morning. Lin Yiyi is really not used to Lin Xin's enthusiasm!After all, the sister-in-law in front of me is not very familiar with me, at least the impression of this sister-in-law in my childhood was very weak.

Since it was the end of the new year, which was also the period of New Year's Day, Lin Yiyi had the opportunity to return to the capital.

And this time back to the capital, apart from visiting the old man, the biggest thing was that Lin Wancheng held the recognition ceremony held by Zhou Momo!
According to the rules in the Beijing circle, this kind of recognition ceremony requires a feast, and invites some people from the circle to witness!
Lin Yiyi knew that Lin Xin was asking about Zhou Momo, so she spread her hands helplessly and said, "Sister! Momo is one of my best friends, and my dad seems to like her very much, so I accept her as a job Daughter!"

"It's that simple? Don't think your sister-in-law doesn't know. You only met Zhou Momo when you returned to Beijing when the old man celebrated his birthday. How did you become so close in an instant? One of your best friends!"

Ruby Lin is considered number one in Forty-Nine City, so it's easy to inquire about someone!

Hearing this, Lin Yiyi could only sneer and said: "Hehe, sister! This is really the case! Momo and I hit it off right away, some people are destined to be friends when we meet, and some people may not be friends after seeing each other for a lifetime , isn't it?"

Facing Lin Xin's questioning, Lin Yiyi could only talk nonsense!I can't say that Momo was my good brother in my previous life, right?It's no wonder that she doesn't treat her as a psychopath!
"All right, all right, Yiyi is right! Didn't that Momo come back with you?"

"Well, she came with the mouse! So leave her alone!"

"Come back with Liu Hao? Are you mistaken?"

After Lin Xin heard Lin Yiyi's words, she grabbed Lin Yiyi's hand in surprise, and Lin Yiyi quickly stepped aside in fright!
What happened to my little sister?Why such a surprise?

Looking up, Lin Yiyi saw Lin Xin's serious face!

Although my sister-in-law is no longer young, she still takes good care of her!
At this moment, my sister-in-law looked at me as if she was insane!

how?Did you say something wrong again?
This time Lin Yiyi came back but recalled the relatives here in her head, did she make any mistakes?Why is this little girl so taken aback?

"Yiyi, why are you so relieved to let a girl go with Liu Hao? Don't you worry at all? You are so smart, why did you make such a mistake?"

What the hell!

Hearing Lin Xin's words, Lin Yiyi instantly felt that her little sister's old habit of gossiping had happened again.

Helplessly, he explained: "Sister-in-law, Liu Hao is also my best friend, and the two of them have a good relationship!"

"Not bad? Do you know that they have a good relationship? Yiyi, it's not my sister-in-law talking about you! You are too simple in this respect, what kind of friend is Momo? Is it a girlfriend?"

"Let me tell you, girlfriends are sometimes the most unreliable! Isn't there a lot of things like this? It's all in the news and on TV!"

Hey, are you done yet?

Why do you say that?You're so fucking mistaken, okay?

Although Lin Yiyi thought so in her heart, she could only continue to express her relationship with Liu Hao very tactfully!
It doesn't matter what you said, Lin Xin continued to chatter with herself as if she had a convulsion!

Within the inner sea!

Lin Zhenggang, who is at the helm of the Lin family, is having fun playing with his starling!

"Little thing, little thing, say something!"

Lin Wancheng and Lin Wanyou came to the garden where the old man was in the morning. Today, the old man summoned them obviously because he had something to say, but they had stood there for 10 minutes, and Lin Zhenggang was still playing with his starling.


"Well, here we come!"

After Lin Zhenggang heard Lin Wancheng's voice, he deliberately pretended to have discovered the two of them.

"Wancheng! What's going on with this kinship recognition ceremony? Why do you want to accept a goddaughter?"

As the head of the Lin family, Lin Wancheng didn't dare to hide the fact that Lin Wancheng wanted to take care of his daughter!

I have already informed my old man!
Lin Zhenggang turned around and stared at his little son with his hands behind his back.

Slowly said: "Tell me, what happened to Zhou Momo? Are you on good terms with Yiyi?"

"Father, it's like this! Momo is a good girl, and she has a good relationship with Yiyi! You also know that I am very lonely in Xihua Province, so it's not bad to have such a goddaughter!"

Lin Wancheng also knew that the old man disliked Zhou Momo's background.


Lin Zhenggang also investigated this Zhou Momo, and found that this little guy named Zhou Momo was a child of an ordinary family, and he had known Lin Yiyi not long ago!

How did you make the decision to accept her as your goddaughter?

It's just that Lin Zhenggang knew that his son was not stupid, and that he was a good-for-nothing, so he must have his own ideas in doing so.

So he squinted his eyes and asked very seriously: "What? You want to adopt that kind of goddaughter for someone like me?"

"Father! How could I do such a thing? Momo and Yiyi's relationship is very good! I just want Yiyi to have a companion! Besides, Zhou Momo's character is really good, which is also recognized by Zhihe! He also accepted her as As an apprentice, teach her the skills of self-defense and fighting!"

Hearing this, the old man smiled and said: "Hehe, okay! Chen Zhihe also approves? This is a fantasy. It is not easy for someone to be recognized by that little guy!"


"Okay! My meaning is very simple. I respect your and Yiyi's decision. After all, both of you father and son are incredible fellows of elves! I'm not worried about that!"

Having said this, Lin Zhenggang turned around and continued to feed his starlings.

While saying: "I can participate in the recognition ceremony, but there is a major premise!"

"What premise?"

Seeing the old man let go, Lin Wancheng was instantly relieved!

"It's very simple! I have never met that Zhou Momo, but if you want to become a child of my Lin family, you have to be capable! I will go to the recognition ceremony, but I don't care about anything, everything depends on this Zhou Momo's own ability!"

Lin Zhenggang's words are already very straightforward!
Lin Wancheng is already very satisfied to get this kind of promise from the old man!
He nodded respectfully and said, "Father, don't worry! My goddaughter will never embarrass you and the Lin family!"

"That's good! That's it, I'm waiting for tomorrow's confession ceremony!"

"By the way, there is one more thing!"

"what's up?"

Just as Lin Wancheng was about to leave, he heard the old man's serious voice.

Turning around, the old man looked at Lin Wancheng with some doubts, which made Lin Wancheng feel very awkward. What could make the old man show such a look?
You know, my old man is a legend in China. Generally speaking, nothing can trouble my old man. Because of this, Lin Wancheng has always admired his old man in his heart.

Lin Zhenggang touched his head and asked: "Tell me! What is the relationship between Yiyi and the Liu family boy? Now Yiyi's reputation in the circle is getting higher and higher! But she is always with the Liu family boy, It made that old boy Liu Zhentian smile strangely every time he sees me!"

"Tell me honestly, are these two little guys dating?"

Hearing the old man's question, Lin Wancheng was also very embarrassed!
Because even he himself couldn't understand the relationship between his daughter and Liu Hao.

"No! I don't see it. The relationship between these two guys is like a buddy relationship between men. There is nothing unusual at present!"

Lin Zhenggang was taken aback when he heard this, and then scolded: "Damn Liu Zhentian, this old boy will say something when he sees me, and he must communicate more in the future!"

"People from other families always think that our Lin family and Liu family are getting closer! Isn't this playing the piano indiscriminately?"

The old man also seemed very speechless when he said this. Now he doesn't know the relationship between Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao. Lin Wancheng, who is Lin Yiyi's father, is also very vague, which makes Lin Zhenggang very depressed.

After putting down the feed, Lin Zhenggang got up and walked to the tea table, took a sip of water from the teacup.

Continued: "Then, what is the relationship between Zhou Momo and the Liu family boy? I heard that at the charity party, Lin Yiyi exposed that the two were lovers? What is this mess! Young people nowadays are so messed up come?"

Speaking of this matter, Lin Wancheng could only smile wryly!

Of course he knew what happened at that time, his daughter actually said that the two were lovers, but after investigation and questioning, Lin Wancheng found out that poor Zhou Momo was just taking the blame for his daughter!
"Father, this matter does not exist. Yiyi asked Zhou Momo to fight this matter for her at that time!"

"Resistance? What's there to resist? I don't hate the Liu family. After all, the interests of the two families are the most important! You should know this!"

"Yes father, I know!"

Seeing Lin Wancheng nodding, Lin Zhenggang continued: "Forget it, forget it, since you say so! Then I won't ask any more! Where is tomorrow's dinner?"

"Beihu Restaurant!"

"Okay, I'll be there on time, by the way!"

Having said that, Lin Zhenggang raised his head and pointed to his son, and then continued: "You, you! I want to see who your goddaughter is!"

"Father, let's go first!"

"go Go!"

After Lin Zhenggang waved his hand, Lin Wanyou and Lin Wancheng hurried out.

On the way, Lin Wanyou also asked in a very speechless manner: "Brother, I will come on time for the recognition ceremony tomorrow. Don't worry, the entire Lin family is here, and no one will mess around!"

"Thank you bro!"

Lin Wancheng smiled at his elder brother, and then walked out of the Lin family quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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