Become a rich girl

Chapter 50 Local Tyrant, Brother Yi Arrived?

Chapter 50 Local Tyrant, Brother Yi Arrived?
Fujiwood Hotel.

This is the top five-star hotel in Tianhua City.

And today, the awards ceremony of the Dingdang live broadcast platform "Anchor Battle Night" will be held here.

"Will Dan Mo really come today?"

"Yeah, we've been waiting here early in the morning."

"What can I do? Only here can I see Dan Mo!"

"Tch, what are you guys doing? I'm from a neighboring city!"

Countless fanatical fans gathered at the venue outside the hotel. It was only 9 o'clock in the morning, but there were already thousands of people gathered here, including the invited media.

These media come from all over the country, and they were all invited to participate in the Dingdang Live Platform Awards Ceremony today.

The reason why this awards ceremony has attracted so much attention is not because there are tens of millions of rewards in the champion room during this final night, making it the live broadcast with the most gift money in the history of live broadcast.

What about the light ink and the local tyrant, you Yi brother, but the fire has spread all over the country.They all want to have a closer look at who this light ink and local tyrant you brother Yi are.

Besides, recently there was news that Dan Mo was taken care of by you brother Yi, a local tyrant.

In addition, there are rumors that Wanlong Media will be shot by Wanhua Group, which is even more attention-grabbing.

"Senior Qiuyue, right here!"

"Our people are almost all here, and many other students have been fanned. There are probably hundreds of students from our Tianhua Foreign Language School here today!"

At the same time, Liu Yicheng and Li Qiuyue, who were about to watch a good show, also came to the scene.

They believed that Zhang Zitao would put on a good show for them.

Li Qiuyue nodded and found an empty seat and sat down.

"Ouch, damn it. My back hurts! That crazy woman almost crushed me to death!"

It is not easy for our dear Zhang Zitao to sit in the presidential set meal at this time.

He touched his waist that was about to be broken, and directed Xiao Du who was beside him to apply a plaster to himself.

Recalling the scene yesterday, Zhang Zitao really wanted to crash into the wall immediately.

Damn, what a sow!Why is it so annoying, is this killing me?

"Xiao Du, how are you? Are you all ready?"

Xiao Du, who could not help laughing at first, was stopped by Zhang Zitao when he wanted to chuckle.

He quickly straightened his back and said, "Don't worry, the presidential suite next door is ready. You can see everything in the room on this screen later!"

Xiao Du pointed to the laptop on the side, and saw the panoramic view of the presidential suite next door reflected on it. There were dozens of cameras, which can be said to be all-round surveillance without blind spots!
Xiao Du, formerly known as Du Chun, is the general manager of the Dingdang live broadcast platform and is vertically managed by Zhang Zitao.

He doesn't like his boss very much. Doesn't this guy rely on his wife to get into the position?Then why don't you just go to your wife's father's company?
What's more, every time Zhang Zitao does some bad things, he makes himself run around.

Just say you're messing with those female anchors, and let me pick you up?let me prepare?Am I your slave?

Pooh!Why don't you die?

"What did you brother Yi say about that local tyrant? Have you contacted him?"

"Boss! I've already contacted him, but this guy doesn't answer the phone. We communicate with him through text messages!"

not answer the phone?

This is quite normal, and it is understandable that rich people nowadays have to keep secrets if they want to come out and fool around.

Zhang Zitao nodded and touched his waist and continued to ask: "What about his information? Have you read it?"

"Look, this guy has not passed the real-name authentication. So I don't know whether the information is true or not. The information filled in above is 25 years old, male! But the mobile phone number is real. Just pass this to confirm the identity."

"I also told him not to go through the front door, but to come in through the back door first!"


Why didn't Zhang Zitao know what he was doing?Verified?
If that's the case, who will rest assured?Those really rich people don't want to reveal their identities, let's talk about being found out.

"Boss, look! Dan Mo has already arrived next door!"


Turning his head, Zhang Zitao saw Liu Xiaodan who looked anxious.

This chick is still so beautiful!It's really cheap, that local tyrant, brother Yi!

In the picture, Liu Xiaodan, who is wearing a white dress, looks very pure and beautiful.

"Go, go and meet her!"

Zhang Zitao stood up with a grim look on his face.

why am i here

Sitting on the luxurious sofa, Liu Xiaodan clasped his hands nervously.

In fact, she didn't want to come here today, but in order to get a bonus to treat her seriously ill mother, she had to come.What's more, this is what Lin Yiyi meant.

The girl didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Lin Yiyi's gourd, so she asked herself to obey Zhang Zitao's arrangement.

Local tyrant, brother Yi?And the meeting place is still in this room?

The girl straightened her waist, looked at the double bed in the next room with a flushed face, and looked away instantly.

Does shame really happen?


"Hey, isn't this our champion anchor? Is it Miss Liu Xiaodan? Long time no see!"

How could it be him?
When Liu Xiaodan raised his head, what he saw was Zhang Zitao with a smirk on his face!

Thinking of this guy's behavior in the coffee shop that day, Liu Xiaodan was disgusted!
"By the way, I'm Zhang Zitao. The CEO of Wanlong Media, and the Dingdang Live Streaming Platform is also my company!"

why?The Dingdang live broadcast platform is actually his company?

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaodan immediately stood up, biting his lip with his white teeth.

"Miss Liu Xiaodan, you can stay here to welcome our dear 'Brother Tuhao, Brother Yi'!"

"By the way, if you can't satisfy your number one fan. Then we have the right to disqualify you and forfeit your bonus, which is stated in the contract!"

Having said that, Zhang Zitao is very satisfied with Liu Xiaodan's reaction.

The classically beautiful girl in front of her was as wronged as Dou E, with crystal tears shining in her eyes.

Are you not very proud?Isn't your friend great?This time, I will let you little girl know what society is!
"Let's go, Xiao Du!"

"Ah? Yes, yes!"

After Zhang Zitao and Xiao Du left, Liu Xiaodan sat on the sofa in despair.

Can no longer hold back the tears, let it flow down the cheeks and soak the clothes.

It turned out that all of this was Zhang Zitao's conspiracy!What should I do?If you don't accept it, you won't get the reward you deserve!Are you going to confess your innocence here?

You can ask Yiyi for help!
Thinking of this, Liu Xiaodan quickly picked up the phone, hesitating whether to call or not.

Yiyi didn't expect things to turn out like this, did she?Can she still be so confident after knowing that the owner of this Dingdang live broadcast platform is Zhang Zitao?

"Boss, that 'Lord You Brother Yi' has arrived, but"

"There's nothing wrong with it, don't ask me for instructions, just let him in!"

"Ah! Good good!"

Xiao Du, who came in to report, immediately became angry after being scolded like this.

It was you who asked me to let people in directly, so don't blame me!

Zhang Zitao immediately sat in front of the laptop and stared at the computer screen. He even felt that his mouth was a little dry, ready to watch a good show that was about to be staged!
Even if I can't get it!Then I want to see how embarrassed you little guy is!By the way, take these videos and spread them, so that you little guy will be completely discredited!

Zhang Zitao stared at the screen intently.


Finally, he heard the sound of the door opening and closing from the already installed bug.

A figure immediately appeared in the surveillance!

Did something go wrong?
It's just that when Zhang Zitao saw that figure, his obese body immediately began to shake, as if he had seen a ghost!
 The second change, book friend group: 52250945
(End of this chapter)

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