Become a rich girl

Chapter 503 Bidding!

Chapter 503 Bidding!

Beilin main hall!

This is the largest main hall of Beilin Temple. Beilin Temple has a very long history, dating back to the year before last.

According to historical records, this palace was built by an emperor. It was originally used for royal sacrifices, and later it became a temple that ordinary people can enter.

It can be said that Beilin Temple represents the oldest temple in China.

And this time can be said to be the busiest time in Beilin Temple!

"Isn't it? So many people? Is this a fair?"

Xiaoyun followed Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao to the main hall of Beilin and saw a lot of people crowded in front of the temple gate.

And many monks were present, but the most conspicuous ones were those well-dressed guys!

"See, these people are those local tyrants!"

"This time the auction will be held in front of the temple gate. Take a look at the classical platform. A certain master from Beilin Temple will appear later!"

Lin Yiyi roughly looked at the layout here, and saw that the huge square was full of black heads, and there were countless tables and chairs, and many people were sitting there.

It's just that the guests of honor who participated in the auction were sitting in the most facing positions!

"Is this kind of auction so open?"

"Of course, Beilin Temple is just a temple after all, and they also need sources of income. Although Huaxia will give them some money, the money is not enough to feed the monks! So this kind of thing is allowed!"

Lin Yiyi also knew this. Many temples in the previous life had to rely on these incense money to maintain, which is not a big problem.

"Where's their host master? Why doesn't he come out?"

"Haha, you don't know, the abbot of this temple usually doesn't show up, only tomorrow will he come out to preside over the incense ceremony for the winning bidder!"

Is it so stylish?How could an abbot be so mysterious?

Liu Hao smiled and said, "If my father didn't allow me, I really want to participate in the auction!"

Are you going to the auction?I'm afraid it's not going to turn this place into a shopping scene?

Lin Yiyi recalled how he and Liu Hao spent money like water before, sighed and shook his head, he was already high-profile before, and it is not a good thing to continue to do so now!
"Huaxia merchants want to bid for this incense stick, I can understand! But why are there foreigners here? Are foreigners so superstitious?"

Lin Yiyi and Xiaoyun saw some foreigners among the crowd participating in the auction, Lin Yiyi and Xiaoyun couldn't understand their appearance!

"Do you think there are no foreigners who believe in Buddhism? Tell you, whether in China or abroad, those businessmen are very particular about Fengshui! Even if they don't believe in Buddhism, they believe in God or something, don't they pray to God all day long?"

"It's just that Beilin Temple has not allowed any foreign businessman to get the first pillar incense. After all, this is our own temple in Huaxia, and it is still in the capital! How embarrassing for foreigners to get it?"

Liu Hao looked very proud when he said this, and pointed to those guys who participated in the auction!

Said lightly: "Don't think there will be twenty bidders in this auction, but these people are not simple guys. They have been donating incense money to Beilin Temple for many years! This time there are only five foreigners, the rest All of them are Chinese!"

"Look at that fat man wearing glasses, this guy is called Zhang Wenyuan, and he is the boss of Huaxia Yuanhang Company!"

"There is also that guy who is dressed very formally and looks like a gentleman with a moustache. That is the largest logistics company in Huaxia, the boss of Huaxia Logistics, Liu Wennuo!"

"And the guy wearing sunglasses! This guy is not simple! He looks like a fairy, but he is actually a well-known real estate developer in China! His name is Zeng Keyi."

Lin Yiyi looked at the place Liu Hao pointed at.

Among the three, the only guy Lin Yiyi is interested in is the boss of the Yuanhang Company!This fat guy with glasses is really funny!
He is obviously a fat man, but he still wears glasses, so he looks completely different!

What caught Lin Yiyi's attention the most was the little girl next to the fat man. This little girl was considered to be of the highest class, but what attracted the most attention was her white dress, which set off her sickly face and looked a little sickly. beautiful!

However, the most regrettable thing is that this little girl is sitting in a wheelchair, and it seems that her legs and feet are not convenient!

"Speaking of which, Zhang Wenyuan is a good person! The main reason he came to bid this time is because of his daughter's legs!"

"Leg? Did this little guy break his leg in a wheelchair?"

"No no no!"

Facing Lin Yiyi's question, Liu Hao shook his head and said, "I broke my leg. As for coming here to believe in the so-called Tou Zhuxiang? I have met Zhang Wenyuan before, but I am not very familiar with him, but his story is widely circulated in the circle." wide!"

"Zhang Wenyuan's daughter didn't just break her leg. She suffered from a strange disease, which is rare all over the world. This disease prevented her from getting up!"

"As a father, Zhang Wenyuan took his daughter to visit many famous doctors in the world, but they all got an incurable result. He also saw a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist vaguely told him that it might be caused by psychological problems! But no one knows what it is. Know!"

So there is such a story?This elegant fat man is not bad, at least he is a good father!

"Haha, stop talking! Let's wait and see the show!"

"Good evening, benefactors! Thank you all for coming!"

Just as Liu Hao finished speaking, Lin Yiyi saw a big monk walking up to the stage in cassock.

All eyes were on this great monk!
"The old monk's name is Wang Chi! He is the younger brother of Senior Brother Wang Nian, the abbot of this temple. He has been entrusted by Senior Brother to meet all the benefactors!"

"Master Wangchi! Don't you know that this Master Wangchi is also a master of Buddhism! He and the abbot of this temple, Wang Nian, have both attended the World Buddhist Congress!"

"I know! I heard that the two senior brothers are very famous!"

Countless people have recognized this Wang Chi, and heated discussions started!

After all, Beilin Temple is a temple with a long history in China. Many people know their details, even if they don't have a detailed understanding, they know a little bit.

It can be said that the reputation of the two senior brothers is also very high in the capital!

"Okay, let me say Master Wang Chi! Let's get to the point!"

"Yeah, let's get started!"

At this time, both Liu Wennuo and Zeng Keyi who participated in the auction seemed very impatient!

This is the first time for these two people to participate in this kind of auction. For them, it is just for auspiciousness!

"These two guys are really the same. Liu Wennuo and Zeng Keyi are very familiar to my dad, and your dad is also very familiar with them! These two guys are complete businessmen. For the sake of good luck!"

After seeing these two people talking, Liu Hao obviously didn't think highly of them!

As for Lin Yiyi, it doesn't matter, anyway, she just came to watch the play, so these two people have nothing to do with her!

However, Lin Yiyi also noticed that the fatty Zhang Wenyuan seemed to have a dignified expression. Does this guy really believe in these things?

"Look, there are those foreigners who came here without knowing anything! I really worry about their IQ!"

When Liu Hao said this, he showed that he was very dissatisfied with these foreigners who joined in the fun.

Lin Yiyi can also understand, after all, this is Huaxia, and many wealthy foreigners are not very popular.

"Also! The bidding for the head pillar incense in Beilin Temple is not just a price factor. If you want to win the bid, you need to pass some small tests. Buddhists pay attention to predestined people!"

"Is there still such a saying? How dare you pass the test? Isn't this too nonsense?"

Lin Yiyi thought to herself, if she came to participate by herself, she would definitely turn around and leave after hearing these cumbersome requirements!

What predestined relationship?Isn't this bullshit?There are many people who are predestined, but those who are predestined are not necessarily rich!

It's just that now Lin Yiyi can't figure out what the high-level people in this temple are thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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