Become a rich girl

Chapter 526 Zhou Momo's Current Situation!

Chapter 526 Zhou Momo's Current Situation!

"Oh, what a hassle!"

Lin Yiyi carried her luggage and walked into the school alone!

I don't dare to let anyone carry my luggage anymore, and I don't dare to let them take me to the registration point!
I just came to read a book, and now so many people see it, isn't this f*cking nonsense?
Is it really impossible to hide it?

Lin Yiyi originally didn't want to be so ostentatious, but in the capital city, especially in the dandy circle, there are really few people who don't know themselves.

There is no way to keep a low profile, so I can only take one step at a time. Just now, Zhang Chuanxin and Zhao Ran met several times when they went out to play with Lin Chen, and they were not very familiar with each other.

But these two guys remember themselves deeply!This is not a good thing!
"Haha, it's really good! Is this famous?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, our Miss Yiyi can't do without being famous!"

At this moment, two familiar voices suddenly sounded. Lin Yiyi turned around and saw that Liu Hao and Zhou Momo were both wearing casual clothes and looking at her with a smile.

That Zhou Momo even wore a peaked cap, sunglasses, and a thin scarf!
Why are these two people so mysterious?
Speaking of which, I only met them yesterday, and they all flew over from Tianhua City at the same time.

But when they arrived, they both went home!Not with myself, today also came from their respective homes.

Lin Yiyi glared at Liu Hao and said with disdain: "Do you think I think so? I don't know why, but you can see flies everywhere you go!"

"Hee hee, Sister Yiyi! It's all because Sister Yiyi is too beautiful, it's no wonder she wasn't harassed!"

"Light rain!"

At this time, the little guy Sun Xiaoyu got out of nowhere, and the little guy Sun Xiaoyu was also very against the sky. Others are the real genius girl, only 14 years old!
Although she didn't win the first prize, she was already very unnatural for her age.

Lin Yiyi glared at this little guy, what the hell did you say I'm pretty?It's almost as good as saying that the young master is handsome!

However, Sun Xiaoyu has a very good relationship with them now, otherwise Lin Yiyi would not have intervened behind her back to arrange her in the same class.

"Momo, your grades are indeed a bit low! That's why I got you into the Chinese Department, do you have any objections?"

That's right, among the four of them, only Zhou Momo's grades are a little bit worse, but the gap is smaller, and Zhou Momo is indeed not suitable for majoring in economics, so it is the best choice for her to enter the Chinese Department.

Zhou Momo didn't have any objection to this, she spread her hands and said, "Isn't this something we discussed a long time ago? I don't care, no one dares to mess with me!"

Don't dare to mess with me!

Zhou Momo's words are very domineering, but they are indeed not wrong. What is behind Zhou Momo is not comparable to ordinary people!It was very good at first, but after studying with Chen Zhihe for so long, it is not a problem at all to hit a few.

Even if the other party has a background, as long as they dare to bully her, Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao will never watch the show in the end!So there is nothing to complain about not being in the same class as Zhou Momo.

After all, in college, the so-called classmates can only see them in class. If they skip class, they may not see them once a day. They can still go out to play when there is no class. comparable.

"Sister Yiyi, do you want to live in the dormitory of the school?"

Can't live in the school dormitory, in fact, neither Lin Yiyi nor Liu Hao have considered this issue.

Liu Hao smiled and said: "I probably won't live there, but I still want one. If I go back and quarrel with my dad, I can hide in the dormitory!"

"Probably me too. I don't know how to live here. Mouse's father and I both have houses in the other mountainous area. It's not too far from here by car!"

Lin Yiyi had already made plans. She really needed a dormitory, but she wouldn't live there permanently.In the general dormitory of Huaxia University, two people live together.

This is still Huaxia University. In other universities, it is likely that four or eight people live together, but after being admitted to Huaxia University, it is equivalent to entering a top university, and the treatment in this dormitory is much better.

As for Sun Xiaoyu, he looked at Lin Yiyi with some disappointment and said, "Sister Yiyi, it's impossible for you to do this. Am I the only one left?"

"Hey, don't worry, we won't abandon you! Isn't Momo planning to buy a house near here? Let her take care of you!"

What the hell!

Zhou Momo was furious when she heard this sentence, what does it mean to let me raise her?Don't be so ambiguous, okay?

Besides, let me live with this girl, isn't it too exciting?In my previous life, I was still an innocent boy!

"Yiyi, your suggestion is really true."

"Sister Momo, can you let someone live with you? They will pay the rent!"

Just when Zhou Momo was about to attack Lin Yiyi, Sun Xiaoyu held Zhou Momo's hand with a pitiful look.

This made Zhou Momo very difficult, but on the one hand, he couldn't bear to refuse!

Slowly said: "The rent is no longer necessary. Isn't this because I made a new movie? I got the film salary and there are a lot of advertising endorsement fees, I can't use it up!"

Speaking of her income, Zhou Momo was also very pleased. Lin Yiyi gave her the salary according to the price of a first-line actress.

All he said to the company was: Zhou Momo was totally worth the price, and maybe the salary would never increase in the future.

After saying this, no one dared to object. Inside Wanlong Media also knew that Zhou Momo would definitely be popular. After all, her appearance was too heaven-defying, and with the strong push of the company's Chairman Lin, it was hard to think about not being popular.

The fact is also true, Zhou Momo's "Spicy Teacher" has become the most popular TV series during the summer vacation!The ratings broke 8, making it the hottest TV series in recent decades.

It is also because of this that Zhou Momo must be fully armed when going out now, and must not let passers-by see his appearance.

Once Zhou Momo got up in a daze and went out, which caused a huge traffic jam on that street. In the end, it was the people from Wanlong Media who assisted the police to evacuate these fanatical fans.

From then on, Zhou Momo never dared to go out casually, she was fully armed when she went out!

"Hee hee, thank you sister Momo! It's an honor to live with a big star!"

"What kind of big star, isn't it a person whose personal freedom is restricted?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Momo could only agree to Sun Xiaoyu.

Liu Hao on the side smiled and sarcastically said, "Hey, you are wearing a hat and sunglasses on such a hot day, it's great to be a star!"

"What a fart!"

Knowing that Liu Hao was mocking her, Zhou Momo glared at her instantly, then sat aside and stopped talking.

Instead, Liu Hao looked at the time and said with a smile, "You and Momo will go to work later, Xiaoyu and I will be together! After finishing the work, let's gather at the back door! Go to the Beijing Hotel for dinner!"

"Dinner? Ah! By the way, today is sister Yiyi's 16th birthday! It's time to celebrate!"

Sun Xiaoyu also started talking while dancing.

That's right, today is Lin Yiyi's 16th birthday!

Lin Yiyi sighed and said: "I don't know why, but my birthday is on 9.1, the first day of school! This is too nonsense!"

"Haha, then you have to ask your father, that's his problem! We can't control it!"

Liu Hao smiled and left with Sun Xiaoyu!
Since Zhou Momo couldn't show up alone, she had to be accompanied by Lin Yiyi to go through the admission procedures and a lot of cumbersome procedures.

"Are you really going to buy a house nearby?"

"Hey, that's right! We're rich now, not only do I want to buy it for myself, I've already booked a suite for my dad and the others, it's just inside the third ring road!"

Seeing Zhou Momo's proud appearance, Lin Yiyi was also very pleased. The goal of his best friend was achieved for a short time!

(End of this chapter)

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