Become a rich girl

Chapter 544 I'm Late!

Chapter 544 I'm Late!
"Miss Yiyi, I think you'd better get up quickly!"

Xiaoyun is also very depressed today, it is an unfamiliar place, but now she has to wait for the lazy lady in front of her to get up.

Today is the fourth day of school, and it is also the day when Lin Yiyi is about to participate in military training, but this young lady still refuses to get up.

"Got it, got it! Someone will take me there later! I won't be late, let me sleep for a while!"

Lin Yiyi's arms as white as lotus roots pulled the quilt, and she curled up in the quilt again like a cockroach. For her, sleeping until she woke up naturally was the happiest thing.

Think about it when you were in Tianhua Foreign Language School, wasn't that what you were like?

"Hey, Miss Yiyi, isn't this military training very strict? Why? Do you want to be late?"

"Damn, what military training! What a bad luck!"

After being reminded by Xiaoyun, Lin Yiyi sat up instantly, her soft hair flowed down her shoulders, and she rubbed her eyes in confusion.

"Damn it, isn't it! Is this guy late today?"

On the playground, Liu Hao stood there helplessly!
As for Zhou Momo on the side, it attracted everyone's attention!
"Wow! It's really Zhou Momo!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect the rumors to be true, she is really our classmate!"

"It's so beautiful, it's too beautiful!"

"Tell me, can I go to her and ask for her autograph?"

Liu Hao was very speechless looking at the small circle around him, because Zhou Momo's public appearance, many students have noticed Zhou Momo's existence.

Not only boys, many girls are also obsessed with Zhou Momo's image in Spicy Teacher!The heroine of this drama is not the kind of weak and demented existence, but very sunny and handsome, so Zhou Momo's female fans also account for a large part.

"Can you get these fans of yours out of the way?"

"Damn, is there anything I can do? I'm helpless too, do you think it feels good to be watched?"

After Liu Hao said something, Zhou Momo immediately reacted. He looked at the time and it was 10:[-], and the military training would start in [-] minutes!

Why did Yiyi go?Did you steal the cow last night?

Lin Yiyi has trouble getting up, this is something the two of them have known for a long time!Not only in this life, but in the previous life, this guy was deducted a lot of conduct points for being late!

"I think it's too late for her? At this time, I should think about how to ask for leave for her?"

Du Hang also came to the playground early, and to the surprise of Liu Hao and the others, this guy had already gotten along with those guys from the student union.

Seeing Du Hang talking and laughing among these student union members, they admired it very much!How many days has school started?This guy broke into the enemy's interior?

"Yes, yes, help sister Yiyi think of a way!"

Sun Xiaoyu is also very anxious now, but she is not as violent as Zhou Momo.

However, I am still very worried about Lin Yiyi's late arrival. You must know that this military training is very strict, and Liu Hao and the others don't want to use their background at will.

"That means Yiyi is sick!"

Zhou Momo thought for a long time, and could only say this reason.

Liu Hao was also very helpless, and said slowly: "Okay, that's it! Play by ear later!"

Ten minutes later, under the anxious waiting of several people, Lin Yiyi still did not show up, and they had already been assigned to an instructor to gather.

"Hello everyone, I am your instructor for this week! You can call me Luo Shou, or you can call me the instructor directly!"

The guy in his 30s in front of him is the instructor of their military training.

For them, it doesn't matter what this guy's name is, what matters is whether this guy is a fool!

Luo Shou straightened his chest, moved his chest muscles slightly, and said loudly: "Everyone, I used to serve in the HK Flying Tigers and am a former member! After retiring, I worked as an instructor in the company. I have only one requirement for the students! That is to complete my training. What was taught!"

Damn, a member of the Flying Tigers?This is another ruthless character!
Liu Hao has no interest in this kind of guy. After all, he is just an instructor, not an active soldier. Nowadays, many schools will not recruit active soldiers for military training, but they are looking for this kind of training company.

Because this kind of company is very targeted, their training content is very open and can meet the requirements of various schools!
"Everyone, the first thing I want to say is! I hate being late the most!"

coming!What a fucking coincidence this guy is!
Liu Hao and the others were speechless after hearing this sentence. How could they be so unlucky?What do you want?
Zhou Momo looked at this guy's muscles, and probably knew what this guy was training for!

This guy is good at the top three!The boxing skills must be very powerful, but I don't know how it compares to Uncle Chen!

"Today, there is only one student missing in our class, and one student is late! I haven't seen anyone yet!"

Huaxia University's military training is to assign instructors according to the class, which is different from middle school.

After all, the students in the university don’t meet often, so this arrangement is also to promote the friendship and camaraderie among the students in each class, so that they can get acquainted.

But today the whole class is missing one student!It was the beautiful girl who was late!

"This instructor, I'm really sorry! I called Lin Yiyi just now and said that I had a cold yesterday, so..."

"This teacher, I have the final say here, please don't interrupt at will!"

Deng Ting was about to speak, but was interrupted!
The burly and strong instructor in front of him is obviously very difficult to deal with!

Class instructors are not allowed to intervene in military training at will. This is the school's regulation. At the same time, this military training grade is also related to a student's grade. It is considered a course. If you fail, you will participate in military training next year.

And it will leave a dishonorable mark on the grade book.

This Lin Yiyi, why are you late today?Really!

Deng Ting appreciates Lin Yiyi's writing, but you can't be late!Doesn't this make me, the class teacher, unable to step down?

I looked at the time, it was already 35:[-]!Deng Ting didn't know what to say, because the company the school cooperated with had been working together for many years.

The school is also very relieved to leave everything to them, so the results of these students' military training are directly in the hands of these instructors.

"come yet?"

"It's time to enter school, shouldn't it be soon?"

At this time, Liu Hao hurriedly asked Sun Xiaoyu, because Zhou Momo was not in the same class as them, so he separated from them after assembly.

Sun Xiaoyu was in charge of contacting Lin Yiyi!

"Sorry, I'm late!"

 happy New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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