Become a rich girl

Chapter 572 Pride!

Chapter 572 Pride!

Shi Zeyun!
That's right, this is the older generation of historians!

Shi Zeyun is from Shijia Town, Moyun County next door!
The historian is also a big family in Moyun County, and like the Chen family, it is a family with a history.

It's just that now the historian has a college student with a business mind. After returning, he led all family members to start a business, making their historian's life better day by day.

Therefore, Shi Zeyun is also very proud of coming to Chenjiagou!One must know that the Chen family was invincible before, what about now?Now it's just some old-fashioned old stuff!
As for those young people, they have no right to speak at all. What is such a family afraid of?
"Old Chen, I haven't been here for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

In the spacious living room, the main members of the Chen family gathered here, but now the Chen family is still centered on the patriarch Chen Hongli.

As for Chen Jiayuan, a junior, because he founded the Chen Family Gang, he also sat on the sidelines.

Although Chen Hongli was very upset facing this Shi Zeyun, he still smiled and said: "Haha, thanks to your brother! It's been good recently! Every day is very fulfilling!"

"That's good! That's good, I'm still worried about what troubles you have recently!"


You are my biggest worry, you damn old bastard, how many times have you told us that you have pissed off our Chen family?Now he still asks me if I have any troubles!
"By the way! This is Jiayuan, right? Haha, I haven't seen you for a few years, but he's been very active recently! What a nice young man!"

At this moment, Shi Zeyun saw Chen Jiayuan standing aside, and began to be courteous.

Chen Jiayuan also knew that this Shi Zeyun was an old fox, and he was not easy to deal with!The most powerful method of this kind of guy is to do one thing in person and another in the back!

But Chen Jiayuan is now regarded as the most promising junior of the Chen family, so naturally he won't lose his composure.

He said with a smile: "Grandpa Shi is good! Welcome to our Chen family as a guest!"

"Haha, I don't have much to welcome this old man. This is your big brother Shi Quan! Do you remember?"

Shi Quan?

How could Chen Jiayuan not recognize this strong man sitting beside Shi Zeyun!
This guy named Shi Quan has a fleshy face, and he looks very capable in a black short-sleeved shirt.

Shi Quan!This guy is the founder of the Shijia Black Tigers!Speaking of the name of the Black Tigers is also because this guy looks like Heitan.

But Chen Jiayuan is not interested in this black tiger team at all!This Black Tiger team has recently robbed me of a lot of business, and I have been bullied by this guy. Now that I see him, I can't wait to go up immediately and beat him up!
Although he thought so in his heart, Chen Jiayuan still said patiently: "Brother Shi Quan! It's been a long time. How are you doing?"

"Haha! Yes, yes, you young people! You just need to communicate more, we old men are getting old! From now on, you will rule the world!"

The tactful Shi Zeyun seemed very enthusiastic, but Chen Hongli and Chen Jiayuan were not idiots, and they were always wary of these two!
"Hmph, I know! The Chen family, how could they not know each other!"

However, the seemingly harmonious atmosphere in front of him was directly broken by Shi Quan!

Shi Quan showed disdain when he saw Chen Jiayuan, as if he saw some small animal!It's no wonder, Chen Jiayuan knows that this Shi Quan wants to become bigger!
So his own Chen family gang became his enemy!The fight between the two has been going on for a long time, if it wasn't for my own scruples, I might have started fighting with him long ago!
"Quan'er! How did you talk? Why are you so rude?"

"Hmph, politeness? Politeness is for powerful people!"

Fuck!What do you mean?Do you mean that I, Chen Jiayuan, have no strength?Your mouth is too smelly, right?Your grandpa doesn't even dare to talk nonsense, what the hell are you?
"Okay, Quan'er shut up quickly, now is the time for our elders to talk, why are you arguing!"

At this time, Shi Zeyun, who had been silent all this time, tried to persuade him hypocritically.

And Chen Hongli also said: "Jiayuan! That's enough, listen to your grandfather Shi's advice!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Hongli was also very helpless. After all, he knew the background of Chen Jiayuan. Although his grandson had some brains, he was not as good as this resolute Shi Quan!

This Shi Quan is not only the founder of the Black Tigers, but also the elder brother of Shi Jia's business genius!The two brothers, one civil and one military, insisted on making the Shi family prosperous and leaving the Chen family behind.

It's just that Chen Hongli looked down on these two brothers, after all, he turned a good family into a ghost!what kind of business?Don't you know that the big families here don't bother to do this?
After Shi Zeyun comforted his grandson, he smiled and looked at Chen Hongli in front of him.

Said: "Old Chen! Look, we are all repairing the ancestral hall at home recently. If you have any opinions, you can share them!"

coming!This guy's biggest purpose today has been revealed!

But it's just a little bit of money, is it worth showing off?
"Then what, Old Chen! These two are the distinguished guests I invited, this is Feng Shui master Yi Xiaoyun! This is the most famous designer in our city, Wang Ping'an!"

At this moment, Shi Zeyun pointed to the two outsiders he brought along!

I saw that feng shui master Yi Xiaoyun wearing a pair of presbyopic glasses, about 50 years old, smiling all over his face!Just like a profiteer!
As for the so-called designer, the craftsman Chen Hongli called, he was a middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a beige suit and looking very serious.

"Haha! Old Chen! Today I asked them to help me design the design of the new ancestral hall. Let's share it? See if there is any reference for you to repair the ancestral hall?"

"These two are well-known masters in the industry! Why don't you ask them to design as well!"

design?Design shit!Isn't any designer a craftsman?Also a designer!It's really westernized!

As for the feng shui master Chen Hongli, he respected them a little. The people he respected the most in his life were these venerable feng shui masters!

Yi Xiaoyun looked at Chen Hongli, and said very naturally: "Hello Chen! The original location of Mr. Shi's ancestral hall is not bad, and it is in a place with good feng shui! But it is still a bit imperfect, so I suggest him to expand it a little bit. ! This is conducive to the circulation of energy!"

Chen Hongli didn't quite understand what Yi Xiaoyun said, so he just nodded to show that he was listening.

"Then let me tell you!"

When Yi Xiaoyun finished talking about Fengshui, the designer Wang Pingan smiled!
The designer industry is not so easy to sit in. This time, Wang Ping'an has found a big customer!

In fact, Wang Pingan specializes in this kind of Feng Shui design in the city, because he has nothing serious after returning from studying abroad!The general design industry is highly competitive!
So he chose this specific direction to develop, but he really fooled many people!

"That's right! The new ancestral hall we designed for Mr. Shi was based on the original foundation. After discussing with Master Yi, we came to a conclusion! In addition to repairing the fixed facilities on the original foundation, we also plan to expand the ancestral hall! And Decorate and decorate according to the style of the big family in the Song Dynasty! Reflect our Han culture and Fengshui culture!"

What the hell?What big family in the Song Dynasty?
Chen Hongli was taken aback by these words, but he couldn't understand what they meant!
"As for the expenses!"

Speaking of this, Wang Pingan looked at Shi Zeyun at the side, and after seeing the latter nodding, he continued: "The total cost is about 500 million!"

Fuck! 500?Did you make a mistake?It takes 500 million to make these things?Are you a historian crazy?
This number made Chen Hongli, who was somewhat confident, immediately bewildered!I also have Chen Zhihe's 500 million on my side, but the other party's ancestral hall is originally more magnificent than my own!
Even if I invest all 500 million in, it is impossible to surpass them!
These words instantly stunned Chen Hongli and Chen Jiayuan!This number is already astronomical for them!How much did the historian make?It can actually spend 500 million to renovate the ancestral hall!I'm afraid I'm sick, right?

For a moment, all the children of the Chen family present were shocked by the arrogance of the historian!

Seeing the appearance of his own people, Chen Hongli was very angry!Damn it, I just said how can you be so polite, old man!It turned out to be here waiting for me!

(End of this chapter)

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