Become a rich girl

Chapter 581 Tired?

Chapter 581 Tired?
Yes, this is the only feeling Lin Yiyi feels now. After playing in Chen's house for a few days, the first thing Lin Yiyi has to do when returning to the capital is to lie down on the bed and have a good rest.

But just after entering the door, Lin Yiyi and Chen Zhihe, who was walking with her, were stopped by Lin Wancheng who was sitting on the sofa.

"Haha, what's the matter? The environment at your godfather's place is good, right? Otherwise, why would you make me consider investing there?"

Lin Wancheng looked at the two with a smile.

To be honest, he has no objection to Lin Yiyi's recognition of Chen Zhihe as a godfather, but he is very interested in what this little girl has done.

Hearing this sentence, Chen Zhihe said respectfully: "Master, I started this matter. Miss Yiyi wanted to recognize me as a godfather to help me. As for my family affairs, I think the master should not use it." Worried!"

"Not worried? How can you not be worried?"

As soon as Chen Zhihe finished speaking, Lin Wancheng began to talk about it.

"Zhihe, take it easy, I didn't mean to blame you! Yiyi should help you, this little guy doesn't look like a dick, but he is very defensive."

When did I look like a dick?You're the dick, okay?Even if I really have it, I learned it from you!Who made you my father?
Chen Zhihe felt very relieved, and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, little guy, tell yourself! Tell me about your plan for me to invest. Think about it, I can't invest in vain, can I? You always want to impress me?"

Lin Yiyi knew that the damn dad in front of her was testing herself.

This guy is not short of money, and asking himself this question today is to see how much business acumen he has.

"All right!"

Lin Yiyi sighed, sorted out her thoughts and said: "First of all, road construction is ready here. The new round of planning for national and provincial roads will pass through the county, and you only need to invest in a road from the county to Chenjiagou. Just the way!"

"Well, it's a traffic problem!"

Chen Zhihe nodded in satisfaction. In fact, he wanted to invest in a place, especially a small one.Traffic is the biggest factor. Without good road traffic, even if there is gold and silver in a place, it cannot be shipped out in large quantities!

For those who study economics, everyone knows the importance of transportation.If there is no traffic, no matter how good a place is, it is impossible for people to invest.

"Then there are tourism resources there, here are the photos there, I think you can take a look!"


When Lin Wancheng took the phone, he saw the most original style of Chenjiagou, which made him a little moved.You must know that the Lin Group has invested in many places, but the tourism industry is the only one that has not been involved in many places.

This is also one of Lin Wancheng's regrets as an industrialist. Seeing this charming Chenjiagou, Lin Wancheng really had some impulses, but he is still the world's top entrepreneur, so it is impossible to just make a decision like this.

Damn guy!What do you mean you don't speak?Don't you just want me to continue talking?

Lin Yiyi glanced at her father dissatisfied, and continued: "There are not only tourism resources here, but also corresponding supporting facilities. For example, the land here is very suitable for farming, so this can also be developed into tourism supporting facilities!"

"Oh? Tell me about the detailed plan!"

"It's actually very simple. I don't think there is any need to worry about tourism scenery. As for supporting facilities! The tourism industry needs not only beautiful scenery, but also related supporting facilities and industrial chains. Tickets for scenic spots are not enough at all. Investors may get their money back in a short period of time.”

A hit!

Lin Wancheng once again saw Lin Yiyi's observation skills.

To be honest, in domestic scenic spots, there is really no one that makes money from tickets, even if these tickets can make some money.But the rise of a place also drives the development of the local people.

Without such a role, local rights holders would not allow people to invest.

"We can let the local people use these arable land to develop farmhouses or hotel industries! Food! Yes, not only fresh vegetables there, but because it is halfway up the mountain, the livestock here also grew up in a natural environment. Absolutely natural and pollution-free!"

"Because of this, it can also be developed into a tourist resort! Events can also be held regularly, such as food festivals and the like!"

Lin Wancheng listened carefully to Lin Yiyi's plans for Chen Zhihe's hometown. To be honest, he originally wanted to invest there as well.But now I want to test how far my daughter is.

It doesn't matter what you hear, isn't this little guy's mind too fast?To think of it here!
"Okay! I've decided!"

Lin Wancheng got a satisfactory answer when he heard this, and turned around to look at Chen Zhihe and Lin Yiyi.

He laughed and said, "I'm going to invest in Chenjiagou Scenic Spot. As for the name of the scenic spot, I'll think about it. I'll contact the local authorities! As for the amount of investment, we'll discuss it later! In short, this time, my Lin Group will fully invest, It has developed into the first top tourist resort of my Lin Group!"


Hearing Lin Wancheng's decision, Chen Zhihe let out a cry of excitement.

But Lin Wancheng said with a smile: "Zhihe! If the negotiation can really be completed, I think this tourist area needs your help. By then, you will not only be my housekeeper! Maybe you will be needed there as well!" "

Need to work in your hometown?

This time Chen Zhihe hesitated a little. After all, he had stayed in the Lin family for so many years, and he was not engaged in economics, but just a housekeeper. Is it really okay?
Chen Zhihe didn't have an answer, but Lin Wancheng said with a smile: "Don't worry, the status of the housekeeper of the Lin family is still reserved for you. As for whether you have the ability, I don't know yet?"

"Aren't you there when I talk about things with others? After so many years, I can't believe that you haven't learned anything! That's it, I have something else to do, help me prepare my luggage. I'm going to Shangjing!"

"Okay sir, I'm going to prepare now!"

Sensing Lin Wancheng's kindness, Chen Zhihe was very excited and went to prepare.

As for Lin Yiyi, she breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched lazily on the sofa.

Seeing his daughter's lazy appearance, Chen Zhihe shook his head and said, "Where's Xiaoyun? Why didn't she come back with you?"

"Her? She is a study idiot. She went to school to get the study materials for the past few days!"

Speaking of Xiaoyun, Lin Yiyi was speechless!
Why do you say you have to go to school?are not you tired?You have just returned to the capital, what goddamn school are you going to, how much do you love studying?Was it brainwashed by the teacher?

Thinking of this, Lin Yiyi shook her head helplessly.

"Haha, Xiaoyun is different from you! So don't hinder others from learning, you think everyone is as perverted as you!"

"Me! I'm not a pervert!"

"Okay, okay, you're not a pervert, my daughter is born smart, okay?"

Lin Wancheng also found that what he said was ambiguous, so he immediately gave up and began to tie his bow tie on his own.

Going out again!

Lin Yiyi didn't know how busy this cheap father in front of him was, he was outside all day!
Fortunately, I don't need any father to accompany me at all. If the body was the original owner, maybe their father and daughter would quarrel again?
I can't wait for this guy not to show up, how good is it to be alone in the capital?How pleasant?How free?

Thinking about it, Lin Yiyi felt refreshed, lest this guy would pull himself to ask questions when he came back, which looked very disgusting.

"By the way, you haven't been to school recently, is there any problem at school?"

question?What could be wrong?My life at Huaxia University has just begun, even if I miss a few days of classes, so what?University, is it still called a university if you don’t miss classes or something?
Is going to school the same as middle school?
Thinking of this, Lin Yiyi lazily said with a salty fishy look: "Problem? It doesn't exist, there is no problem. You say I'm smart! What's the problem?"

Looking at his lazy daughter, Lin Wancheng took the coat from Chen Zhihe's hand and went out speechlessly.

Before leaving, he said: "Go and see your grandpa when you have time!"

see grandpa?
Lin Yiyi immediately lost interest when she heard this sentence, what a shrewd person Lin Zhenggang is!I feel uncomfortable every time I go to him.

Because people are old and mature, if they were not smart, they might have been bullied by this old guy long ago!

So Lin Yiyi was very reluctant to see Lin Zhenggang, but she still had to stick to the frequency of once a month. In short, when she reached her menstrual period and didn't want to do anything, she would go to Lin Zhenggang's place to lie dead.

After all, it is a forbidden sea, and the environment is good!
"It's really boring! Is life so boring?"

Lin Yiyi looked at her phone, it was Tuesday, but she didn't have the slightest urge to go to school.

Looking at today's class again, there is that damn college Chinese again!Simply Lin Yiyi was ready to go to bed.

After tidying up her luggage, Lin Yiyi lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

"Hey, what's going on? Why doesn't this guy answer the phone?"

At this moment, Liu Hao who returned home once was also very speechless. Today he didn't know whether he should go to school or not. When he wanted to contact Lin Yiyi, the other party's mobile phone was not answered.

What is this for?Did you throw your phone away when you got home?

Liu Hao is different from Lin Yiyi. His residence in the capital is in the Bieshan District. After all, he is the male of the family. Living here happens to be able to meet some dudes, which is conducive to communication and networking.

But Liu Hao has no interest in the guys here. Of course, he can still invite some people to drink when he is bored, but these guys end up either drunk on the street or unconscious.

As time went by, the dandies here did not dare to drink with this Young Master Liu at will.

(End of this chapter)

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