Become a rich girl

Chapter 583 It's a disaster!

Chapter 583 It's a disaster!
in the afternoon.

Lin Yiyi and Sun Xiaoyu were a little hungry, but they still insisted on following that litmus.

"Hey, she really went to eat! And it's No. 28 cafeteria, which is the cafeteria at Huaxia University where at least students patronize!"

"Canteen No. 28?"

Lin Yiyi followed this litmus all the way to the cafeteria No. 28. She really didn't say hello to this guy along the way, and no so-called classmates or friends came to eat with her.

Is this guy really a Lone Ranger?
But it's none of my own business, anyway, it's just a roommate I don't see often, can I control what other people like?
And why are there so few people in this cafeteria No. 28?The biggest reason is that this No. 28 canteen is the only vegetarian canteen among the 28 canteens!
Yes, all the dishes here are raw materials, very healthy, but because of this, students seldom come here. After all, there are very few young people who like to eat vegetarian food. Generally, they like big fish and meat, and live a healthy life The order is also a combination of meat and vegetables. Who would eat vegetarian food that fades away all day?
Thinking of this, Lin Yiyi helplessly spread her hands and said, "Okay, let's not follow! Let's find a canteen to eat too. I heard that No. [-] canteen is good! They are all authentic innovative dishes!"

"No, no, no! Sister Yiyi, let's go to the No. 28 cafeteria!"

"Why? Can you get used to vegetarian food?"

Lin Yiyi didn't know why Sun Xiaoyu proposed to go to this cafeteria No. 28, after all, she was not a vegetarian.In the previous life, I was a poor man, and I could make do with the free kimchi in the school cafeteria after paying [-] cents for rice!
She was in school in this life, so she didn't want to eat vegetarian food anymore.

"Hee hee, sister Yiyi! Let's go! I really want to see this vegetarian canteen!"

"You little guy, don't think I don't know, you don't like vegetarian food at all, you are just interested in that litmus, right? It's so strange, you meddling in your own business!"

Sun Xiaoyu did not refute, and forcibly pulled Lin Yiyi towards the No. 28 cafeteria.

The location of the No. 28 cafeteria is also very strange, in the backyard of the school, which is the so-called scenic spot!Huaxia University is not only the highest institution of learning, but also a 4A-level scenic spot. The natural environment in the school is very good, and it is also a unique school.

And the No. 28 cafeteria is located on the edge of a forest, sparsely populated!Very few people come here when they eat at all.


After opening the heavy glass door, Lin Yiyi found that there were only seven or eight people inside.

The decoration style of the huge canteen is very retro, it looks like a thatched cottage design.

As for the people eating inside, except for 3 students, the rest are old teachers and professors. These old people are not in good health, so they like to eat vegetarian.

"Hey! How do you order food here?"

"Sister Yiyi, find a place to sit down first!"

Sun Xiaoyu hurriedly sat down not far from the litmus, just in time to see that guy.

As for the ordering here, the school service staff is also in charge!
"Two students, what do you want to eat? This is our menu!"

Lin Yiyi took the menu very politely and looked through it!
Fuck!No, it's really vegetarian!However, the names of some dishes are simply incomprehensible, what kind of meat?Not vegetarian?There is still meat?Is it made of tofu?
Hmm, it must be like this, otherwise there is no way to explain why there are dishes like fried meat.

Sun Xiaoyu didn't bother to look at the menu, so she quietly said to the serving aunt: "Sister, we want the same dishes as the table next to us, and we want two servings!"

"Hehe, this classmate has a really sweet mouth, but do you really want to be like her?"


"Yes sister, we want the same dishes as that classmate, two servings!"

Sun Xiaoyu hurriedly expressed her request before Lin Yiyi, and Lin Yiyi had no choice but to sit there silently.

As for the waitress, when she was secretly happy to be called sister, she still gave Lin Yiyi and Sun Xiaoyu a weird look.

The pretty female student sitting by the bed knew it very well.That little guy would come to the No. 28 cafeteria almost every day except for breakfast, which other students were reluctant to come to.

She has carefully observed that this guy has no friends, nor is he accompanied by classmates. Every time he comes, he simply orders food, and if he can talk without talking, he is really a strange guy!

And the dishes she ordered were very, very strange!
Oh, forget it!Since the new two little ones want her dish, so be it!

"Hey, why do you want to eat the food she ordered? This guy is very strange, what if he ordered something strange?"

"Hee hee, what does Sister Yiyi think she will order? Isn't it the students' meals? Besides, this is a student cafeteria, how could there be strange things?"

After listening to Sun Xiaoyu's words, Lin Yiyi thought about it and found out that this is the truth. It is absolutely impossible for the school to put strange things on the menu. Otherwise, if the students have problems eating, the school will have nothing to do with it. It will definitely be responsible and cause a lot of trouble Great social influence, after all, this is the highest institution of learning in Huaxia, Huaxia University!

Lin Yiyi took a look at this guy named Litmus, and found that she was holding a book and reading it, and the outer shell of the book looked like a Western book, very old.

This guy is really mysterious, he doesn't look like a dynamic female college student, but like an old scholar who is stuffy and uninteresting.

"Hee hee, Sister Yiyi! People are really looking forward to the taste of the food here. I heard that this vegetarian canteen is also very amazing. It was also very popular more than ten years ago. There is a former principal who likes the food here very much!"

"It's said! The headmaster has a very high prestige now, so the cafeteria was kept at his request! Until now, no one dared to touch him, because no one dared to propose closing it. !"

so amazing?What kind of a canteen is this?
"Student, your lunch is here!"

At this moment, both Lin Yiyi and Sun Xiaoyu opened their mouths wide, and saw with their own eyes that the waitress just served the litmus by the window.

No!Can you still play like this?
Neither Lin Yiyi nor Sun Xiaoyu could believe what they saw!
Fuck, this is really a hell!What a monster this guy is!Total monster!

"Hello! Two classmates, this is the dish you ordered! It is absolutely the same as that classmate!"

Just a moment later, Lin Yiyi and Sun Xiaoyu also had the same lunch as Litui.

Lin Yiyi looked at the waitress aunt with a bitter face, and said with a wry smile: "That, that, can we change it?"

The aunt who heard this sentence said with a serious face in an instant: "Student! Don't you know the rules of Huaxia University? Ordered dishes must not be returned or exchanged, let alone wasted! Otherwise, we can report it to the relevant leaders. !"

What the hell!

What a pit!
What the hell is this?

(End of this chapter)

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