Become a rich girl

Chapter 602 A Discussion Between Two People!

Chapter 602 Discussion between the two!
"Haha, it's fun now!"

Liu Hao is also in a very good mood now, and invited Lin Yiyi, Zhou Momo and Du Hang to sit in the school library.

There were not many people in the school library at this time. After all, this time in the afternoon was the time when the classes were the most intensive, so only the three of them skipped class and came here.

For Lin Yiyi, it doesn't matter whether she takes the class or not, as long as she can skip the not too difficult class, anyway, now that she has this Chen He behind her, he will solve everything for her.

He can find someone to take care of attendance and other things, and Chen He doesn't need to do it himself. After all, he is the principal no matter what, and it is impossible to solve even a small problem by himself!

Lin Yiyi glanced at Liu Hao and said indifferently: "It's fun! It's not that that guy came to trouble us, he just paid the price!"

"Hey, that's right! We are the only ones doing things, how can we let others do things? Isn't this boring?"

Liu Hao didn't come to the library to read books at all, and he just went to get together with them incidentally.

In fact, Liu Hao's biggest purpose is to appreciate the female students who pass by occasionally.

"Hey, don't look at it, your eyeballs are about to come out, can you stop being so wretched when you talk to us?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, what's the matter? Can't you? Who stipulated that you can't call? I just look! You can't pick up girls, so can I?"

Liu Hao glanced at Zhou Momo proudly. This guy used to be a pervert, a complete pervert, but now he has no tools to commit crimes, so there is nothing he can do.

But I am different!I am a young master, why can't I enjoy my life?
You know, didn't you two talk about women with me before?Can't do it now?
"Hey, brother Du Hang! Let's talk, look at the senior by the window! I'll give you 88 points!"

Du Hang glanced at the senior by the window very bored, and stroked his glasses indifferently.

And Liu Hao has been waiting for this guy's answer, and now only he and Du Hang are men, so he may discuss these topics with himself.

Hey, why don't you talk?Don't you have enough glasses to see?

"old woman!"

Du Hang's words made Liu Hao almost fall to the ground!
What!You actually said that beautiful senior is an old woman, and others are only about 20 years old, so how come they are old women?Don't you guys appreciate it?
"Why? This young lady is only about 20 years old, why is she an old woman?"

Lin Yiyi knew the reason, this Du Hang is actually a dead house, and also the lolicon in the dead house, so it is not surprising to say such words.

But Lin Yiyi didn't plan to say it, the purpose was to see how the two of them communicated.

Du Hang looked very strange when he heard Liu Hao's question, and said in surprise: "She is so mature, isn't she an old woman?"

"Hey, isn't it like this? Others just wear very trendy clothes, why do they become old women? What kind of beauty is in your heart?"

Originally, I wanted to discuss the opposite sex with Du Hang, but I didn't expect this damn guy to be a lolicon!
Although Liu Hao knows a lot about life in a dead house, Lin Yiyi is also half a debt, so he still got a little bit of superficial touch.

Du Hang adjusted his glasses, and said calmly: "It's very simple, for me. Only those who look younger than 16 years old are beautiful girls, and the rest are old women!"

16 years old, I am 16 years old!Are you about to enter the ranks of old women?
Lin Yiyi was speechless at the side, if Du Hang hadn't skillfully said that she looked younger than 16 years old, Lin Yiyi really wanted to stand by Liu Hao's side.

"In terms of clothing, short skirt and white silk double ponytail!"

"I'll go to you!"

Hearing Du Hang's series of answers, Liu Hao shook his head speechlessly. It turns out that he and this guy have no common language at all!This kind of pervert who likes little girls.

"Ahem! Alright, let's get down to business!"

Lin Yiyi didn't want to continue listening to their nonsense, and immediately wanted to bring the topic back.

If these two people were allowed to discuss endlessly, today's time would be completely spent on bragging.

"Then what, the situation is very clear now! That Li Yicheng will not be jumping around for a few days, and Chen He will make a decision to dismiss him today!"


"Haha, that's right, dismiss! You don't know yet, do you?"

Liu Hao snatched Lin Yiyi's words and talked to Du Hang again: "That Li Yicheng is dead, and the position of student union president is now vacant! Of course, it is not realistic for you to take the position now, after all, you are still a small member You need certain qualifications, otherwise you won’t be able to convince the crowd!”

Speaking of business, Du Hang nodded seriously and said, "I know this. Compared with Tianhua Foreign Language School, Huaxia University is much more complicated. The President of the Student Union will be elected! Don't worry, I'm confident that I can handle it. You guys Li Yicheng has been dealt with, so the rest is not difficult!"

Liu Hao and Lin Yiyi still believe in Du Hang's ability. Huaxia University is different from other students. It is a place where Huaxia dudes and rich children gather. To control the student union is to control most of the students.

Lin Yiyi picked up a "History of the World" and flipped through it boringly, and said, "Of course we won't let you stay in the security department! So you are going to the student union office, so that you can get in touch with The stuff on the top floor of the student union!"

Student Union Office?

Du Hang, who was the president of the student union in high school, naturally knew what the student union office was.

The Student Union Office is in charge of assisting the president and vice president and the like to help them handle their daily affairs.

It can be said that this is a core department of the student union, better informed than the ministers of various sub-departments.

"That's fine, but what about Li Yicheng's successor?"

"Well, this question has reached the key point. Regarding this guy's successor, it is naturally impossible to use other people! Don't worry, Chen He recommended someone to me, and I agree!"

Recommend someone?

Du Hang wasn't worried that Lin Yiyi wouldn't know people, but he didn't know if this so-called candidate was right for him.

You know, if you want to take over, you can only follow this person to do things now. If the two are not on the right track, it will be terrible!
"Haha, the recommended person! Don't worry, it's not a man but a woman! No!"

Liu Hao also knew who this person was, and he himself knew them all.

But just halfway through the conversation, he got stuck!
Then he shouted in surprise: "Fuck, that's not right! That woman is the type of old woman you dislike the most!"

The reason why Liu Hao talked about women with Du Hang just now was to test this Du Hang.

You must know that this successor is not easy!Every time I see her, I have to run away!

"No problem! Business is business! I know it!"

"Did you hear that? Do you think everyone is the same as you? You know how to distinguish women by their appearance! You guys will always have such a narrow vision!"

"Hey! That's that, you old man is the real wisdom, we are just trash!"


Lin Yiyi gave Liu Hao a vicious look, and didn't bother to talk to him anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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