Become a rich girl

Chapter 610 Senior sister?

Chapter 610 Senior sister?

"Hoo hoo, what a hell! Damn it!"

Lin Yiyi felt that this was really a damned morning, what kind of bullshit physical education class attracted so many onlookers, it made her almost unable to run out.

As for Zhou Momo, Lin Yiyi later heard that she escaped smoothly, and ran all the way out of the campus, making it impossible for everyone to find out where she was!

What a terrifying physical strength!This guy might as well learn sports, maybe he can win glory for China!
Lin Yiyi returned to the dormitory, didn't see her roommate Litui, so she went directly to take a shower.Then sit leisurely on the sofa and enjoy the warm sunrise!
That's how life should be!
Lin Yiyi was really fed up with that damn physical education class.

Do you want to give Chen He a call?Forget it, don't bother him with such a trivial matter, doesn't that guy Mouse know some leaders at school?Just say hello to him and forget about going to gym class.

Lin Yiyi has already begun to want to escape this weekly physical education class.

"Drip drip!"

Du Hang?What is this guy doing on the phone at this time?This guy wasn't in gym class this morning, was he?

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Student Yiyi? Today's student union by-election is over! I successfully went to the study department and served as a group leader!"

"Oh, congratulations! Is there anything else?"

"There is also the new president, a girl, do you know her background?"

New president?a woman?Lin Yiyi herself didn't care about who the new president was, but Chen He patted her chest to assure her that the new president would definitely not fight against her!

It turned out to be a woman?The female student council president?
Thinking of this, Lin Yiyi didn't care anymore, and said to the phone: "It's okay, don't care about her! I can't help you up now, so it doesn't matter who the chairman is. My request to President Chen is that he must be a senior. student, because I will let you take over next year, as for who it is, don't worry about it!"

Lin Yiyi was also very confused after hanging up the phone, why did she get a female student president?
You know, this school seems to be full of top students, but there are still many dudes, these guys are not necessarily the so-called good students.

Besides, don't good students lose their temper?Some good students are monsters!Going to school to pick up girls and do things, three things!

Can a woman manage things?


No, ma'am!Didn't you go to class?Why are you back?
Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lin Yiyi quickly sat up!

What he saw was the figure of his roommate Litui hurried back!

"Hey, didn't you go to class? It's not the end of the first class yet, right? You guys are not skipping class, are you?"

"No no!"

Litui looked at Lin Yiyi in confusion, and then raised the convenience bag in his hand.

Fuck, so you guys are out shopping?

"Hey, Xiao Ruirui! Let me see who your roommate is!"


Just when Lin Yiyi thought that this guy was just going shopping, a very obscene voice suddenly sounded.

A senior with long hair fluttering and more royal than Litui appeared behind Litui.

Fuck!Miss, do you have such a wretched voice?Why doesn't it sound like a simple friendship?
Lin Yiyi was even more surprised when she saw the front. Where did this guy come from?
The hot sister in front of her is convex and upturned, and the most important thing is that her skin is also very supple, and she looks very powerful!
"Hey, is this your roommate? This, isn't this our classmate Lin Yiyi?"

This guy knows me?What is the origin of this person?
Lin Yiyi seemed to feel the aura of this guy, but she was not affected too much. She just felt that Litmus actually had friends, which surprised her very much.


What the hell, you don't even introduce yourself, how do you want me to speak?Don't you know I'll be embarrassed by this?
Lin Yiyi is really speechless about the social ability of this litmus, can there be such a stupid person?Don't you just eat?

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay! Come on, let my sister take a good look!"

Lin Yiyi instantly saw this guy walking towards her.

Fuck, what rhythm is this?Are you so unrestrained?What catches your eyes?

"Wow! It's really Lin Yiyi's classmate, and it's even more amazing when you look at it up close! It will definitely be a beauty in the future!"

"Hee hee, let me see what skin care products you use, my skin is even better than my sister's!"

When Lin Yiyi saw this guy stretching out his hand, he immediately dodged away.

Isn't it Miss?Do you have to do it from the beginning?Are you so unrestrained?

Seeing Lin Yiyi dodging away, the blunt senior sister smiled and said, "Oh, by the way, my name is Yang Lulu, a senior student, Yiyi, you can call me senior sister or senior sister Yang!"

Don't be funny!How about Senior Sister, you brat, you still call me Senior Sister?
"Lin Yiyi!"

Lin Yiyi gave a brief introduction, because she always felt that there was something wrong with this strange senior, especially the way she looked at herself, as if there was something wrong.

"Hee hee, I got it! Isn't classmate Yiyi very active? Why are you so indifferent to senior sister?"

"No no!"

cold?Are you afraid you are sick?We just met for the first time, do you think we are as familiar as you?
Lin Yiyi was very cautious about this guy's appearance, after all, none of the students studying at Huaxia University were simple!Either they have a background, or they have skills or top grades.

This Yang Lulu made Lin Yiyi a little confused!
"Haha, it's okay, it's okay! We'll get to know each other in the future, I believe we will have more chances to meet each other in the future, dear student Lin Yiyi!"

"Of course, we are all students in the same school!"

It's not easy for Lin Yiyi to show dissatisfaction, after all, this guy is probably Litui's friend.

This Litmus doesn't talk much at ordinary times, and it's not easy to have a friend, so I can't make trouble for her.

"Okay, classmate Lin Yiyi. How about we have a meal together? It's going to be noon anyway, what do you think?"

Have a meal?Dine with this unfamiliar guy?
But Lin Yiyi looked at Litmus, who became energetic when he heard the word "eating", and nodded helplessly.

All right!Anyway, you don't know how edible this litmus is, but I want to see what you will invite us to eat!
Seeing Lin Yiyi nodding, Yang Lulu smiled happily: "Hee hee, okay! It's such a happy decision. I'll go back to the dormitory first, and then we'll go! Go to the thatched cottage restaurant outside the school, where the The food is really good!"

"Especially the papaya soup there, it's very good for the body!"

Papaya soup?
Hearing this, Lin Yiyi looked at the trembling mountains on the chest of this so-called senior sister, and swallowed her saliva!

(End of this chapter)

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