The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 133 Forced into a corner

Chapter 133 Forced into a corner
Since she was not destroyed before, she will definitely be able to now!
However, after Ye Fanghua released the toxin, Ye Yayan's body was filled with a layer of light, and wherever the light went, no one was affected at all.

However, Ye Yayan suffers.

Ye Yayan's spiritual power simply couldn't last that long.

If before, the toxin that Ye Fanghua sacrificed could be removed within twelve hours, then this toxin is completely impossible now!
It must be removed in time.

This time, she didn't care.

In the beginning, she had to worry about Leng Huaqing and Feng Linghan, but now, she is jealous.

As long as there are people and things related to Ye Yayan, she will solve them!
Ye Yayan also realized that something was wrong with Ye Fanghua. After realizing that her spiritual power could not last for a long time, Ye Yayan made a surprising move.

She removed the light from her body, and before everyone had time to react, she moved forward. With the acceleration of the wind element spiritual power, the speed of her feet was brought to the extreme.

Because Ye Yayan knew that Ye Fanghua's goal was only her, as long as she stayed out of the range of Feng Linghan and the others, they would be fine.

Twelve hours is enough for them to remove the toxins in their bodies.

Sure enough, Ye Yayan went forward, Ye Fanghua also gave up dealing with Feng Linghan and the others, she chased Ye Yayan and left.

"Oops, let's chase after him!" Feng Linghan also realized Ye Yayan's purpose when he saw Ye Yayan walking forward, but before he could take a step, a black shadow blocked him in front of.

With lightning speed, he was knocked unconscious with a knife in his hand. Similarly, Soi Ying made the same movement, and Leng Huaqing and Ye Zihan also fell to the ground one after another.

At the same time, three detoxification pills were fed into the mouths of the three of them.

After doing all this, the black shadow chased Ye Yayan and Ye Fanghua away.

Ye Fanghua chased after Ye Yayan, what surprised her was that Ye Yayan's speed was not slow, and she couldn't catch up with her in such a way.

After realizing this, Ye Fanghua was furious, and immediately accelerated.

In fact, Ye Fanghua didn't know that Ye Yayan was very uncomfortable at this time, and now she was forcing her own potential to bring it out.

What they didn't see was that there were gold needles stuck in the top of her head.

If it wasn't for the golden needle piercing the acupuncture points, she would have fallen to the ground a long time ago.

The speed of her feet was getting faster and faster, but Ye Yayan's face was getting paler and paler.

The potential has been brought to the extreme, if she doesn't stop at this time, she will be destroyed!
Ye Fanghua was chasing after her, and she was running away in front. What made her desperate was that she had no way out.

If there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, then now, she has no way.

There was a cliff ahead, and in her current state, if she fell off the cliff, she would definitely die.

There is no way out going forward, and there is even less going forward.

Either jump down, or face Ye Fanghua directly?
This is a dilemma.

"Hahaha...Ye Yayan, why don't you run away, run away, run away!" Ye Fanghua laughed loudly, her despair was her happiness.

Escape, indeed there is no escape!
Falling into Ye Fanghua's hands is also a dead end, jumping off the cliff, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

Ye Yayan's mind was spinning at high speed, she knew that she had to make a choice.

"Ye Fanghua, the cliff may not be the way to retreat!" After Ye Yayan said this, she turned around and jumped off the cliff. With a look of determination, she just jumped down without hesitation...

(End of this chapter)

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