Chapter 135 Tacky things


In the end, Luo Lihao had no choice but to hug Ye Yayan and head for his cabin.

He never thought that Ye Yayan would appear in front of him like this, so abruptly.

Is this God's will?
Will God let them meet here?
God, he really couldn't believe it!

But, why did she appear in front of him?

Even his subordinates know this place?

Could it be that there is really a fate?
Luo Lihao directly ruled it out. If there was a real fate, they should have met long ago, not now!
If it weren't for the promise he made, he wouldn't make a move this time, let alone stop because he saw the blue space!

Sigh heavily!
The moment Ye Yayan opened her eyes, she didn't react for a moment, but when she did, her eyes were full of confusion.

How is this going?

How could she sleep on the bed?
If she remembers correctly, she should still be in the lake now, right?
It was obvious that someone had saved him, but, under this cliff, would there be anyone else?
Ye Yayan sat up from the bed with a bang, her eyeballs rolled around, when she saw a purple-clothed, extremely noble man coming from outside with a light behind her back, her eyeballs stopped moving, and Staring at the person so firmly, to be precise, it was the bracelet on his wrist.

At first glance, Ye Yayan saw the bracelet on his wrist, because it was so familiar that she couldn't take her eyes off the bracelet no matter what.


After realizing that the bracelet on Luo Lihao's wrist was Youlan, Ye Yayan felt suffocated for a moment, but when her eyes touched the Youlan on her wrist, her eyes were full of surprise.

Could it be that Youlan has two?

You Lan has a twin brother?
It has to be said that Ye Yayan's brain is still very open, otherwise, he would not have thought about it.

"You... saved me?" Even if he didn't ask, Ye Yayan knew that he must be the one who saved him. It's really not easy for someone to appear in this place where no shit.

"It's me!" The voice was deep and powerful with a touch of magnetism, which made people unable to help but get drunk.

Fortunately, Ye Yayan is not a voice control, otherwise, she would really be attracted by Luo Lihao.

"Thank you!" Ye Yayan thanked Luo Lihao after hearing Luo Lihao's affirmative answer.

As a polite and good boy, a thank you is a must.

"Verbal thanks, I don't accept!" Luo Lihao's answer made Ye Yayan's eyes widen.

What did she hear?
She actually heard a man full of extravagance asking her for money!
want money!

"You like tacky things?" Ye Yayan felt that talking about money directly was too hurtful. Even if they didn't know each other, the man in front of him was his savior after all, so it was really tacky to talk about money.

"Tacky things? Maybe it is!" Luo Lihao's gaze was also on Ye Yayan's hands. If it was a tacky thing, maybe it was that!
"Ah? Do you really want tacky things?" Ye Yayan really couldn't understand Luo Lihao, who looked like a dog, but he was really greedy for money.

Sure enough, people should not be judged by their appearance, this sentence is a wise saying!

Here is a living example!
At this moment, the two of them were talking nonsense at all, they were not on the same line at all, and they were speaking what they could understand.

(End of this chapter)

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