The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 142 Laying the Foundation

Chapter 142 Laying the Foundation
"No!" Luo Lihao bluntly rejected Ye Yayan's request.

"Why?" Knowing that Youlan Space can accelerate time, why didn't he agree?

Ye Yayan felt strange about this.

"Haste makes waste, all you have to do now is to lay a good foundation!" Time acceleration can certainly improve Ye Yayan's strength, but it will also have some impact.

If the foundation is not solid, then all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Ye Yayan is a celestial spirit body with seven elements, and it is more difficult to cultivate than ordinary people. If you rely on Youlan Dimension, it will definitely be difficult to achieve great things.

"I... got it!" Ye Yayan nodded after hearing Luo Lihao's words, then turned and walked towards the cold cave.

It turned out that unconsciously, she had become dependent, so much so that she forgot the truth that haste makes waste. If Luo Lihao hadn't reminded her, perhaps, she would have gone further and further down the wrong path.

The time acceleration in the blue space can indeed improve her strength a lot, but it has certain disadvantages, because what she absorbs is the spiritual power and battle energy in the blue space, not the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. There is a clear difference.

If her strength enters the late stage, she might not be affected, but now, she is still laying the foundation, so she has to take it step by step.

This is why Luo Lihao asked Ye Yayan to move the cold jade bed into her blue space when Luo Lihao didn't start.

Luoli Haoming knew that Youlan Dimension has time acceleration, but he didn't bring it up because of this.

If he could, he would have done so.

After all, it is his duty to improve Ye Yayan's strength.

Looking at Ye Yayan going away, Luo Lihao sighed slightly.

If time can be turned back, he will definitely regret what happened at the beginning, otherwise, the current situation will not exist.


With a heavy sigh, Luo Lihao could only admit that he was unlucky, because there was no medicine for regret in the world, so he could only accept his fate!

Ye Yayan continued to practice on the cold jade bed. She practiced here day and night. In the outside world, because she was missing, some people became crazy.

After the three of Leng Huaqing woke up, they looked at the surrounding environment with some surprise. When they found that they were still behind the mountain behind Ye's house, they were relieved. However, after realizing that Ye Yayan was no longer by his side, , The three of them lost their composure.

If Ye Fanghua hadn't appeared before, then they might think that they were just separated, and they might be able to find them just by looking for them.

But the premise is that Ye Yayan can't be separated!
"Hei Ying, we were hit by Hei Ying. Why did he do this?" After Feng Linghan opened his eyes, he checked whether there was any residual toxin in his body. To his surprise, there was no toxin in his body. , that is to say, after passing out, the toxin in his body was detoxified.

Unbelievably, Feng Linghan checked the pulses of Leng Huaqing and Ye Zihan, and got the same answer, and the poison of the two of them was lifted!
Just before passing out, the people they met were black shadows, and it was also black shadows that concentrated them. Could it be that the black shadows hit them just to give them an antidote?
Is this the explanation?

Even if a fool thinks about it, he knows that this is impossible!
However, this seems to be the case, otherwise why would it explain that after they fainted, the toxins in their bodies were lifted!

"We don't know how long it took to pass out, so we don't know what happened to Yan'er?" At this time, the three of them hadn't thought that Ye Yayan had jumped off the cliff!
(End of this chapter)

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