Chapter 156

As soon as Ye Yayan said this, Luo Lihao's expression was slightly abnormal!
Not because he has a woman, but because he doesn't have a woman!
All along, he kept his body clean, and never had a woman around him, not even a female creature.

For him, female creatures are troublesome, so he forbids anyone to get close.

Of course, Ye Yayan was an exception!
The other one was Ye Yayan's mother, Mu Wan. However, at that time, Mu Wan was not alone, but there were other people. Therefore, it can be said that Ye Yayan was the only woman he had ever had contact with.

However, he couldn't say such a thing, if he did, he would definitely lose face.

It's just that he didn't know that such silence, in Ye Yayan's eyes, made him a philanderer with countless women around him.

Thinking of this, Ye Yayan's eyes darkened.

Sure enough, men are animals that think from the lower body, and all men in the world are the same!

After Ye Yayan's incident with Li Tianxing, she became wary of men, but when she saw Luo Lihao, she felt that he was different from ordinary men.

Only now did she know that all men in the world are the same, even if Luo Lihao is like a fairy, he is still a man.

At this time, Luo Lihao didn't know what was going on in Ye Yayan's heart. If he knew, he would never be so silent, and would have spoken out long ago.

However, because of a damn face, Luo Lihao missed many opportunities.

Opportunities are for those who are prepared, but Luo Lihao's machismo made him take a lot of detours on the principle of love.

And he didn't know at all that the detour he needed to take started from this step.

The tent fell into a long period of embarrassment, but fortunately, the sound outside made the atmosphere in the tent a little more relaxed.

"Brother Mu, Brother Li, are you up?" It wasn't that Lei Shuiqing wanted to disturb Ye Yayan and the two of them, but it was indeed getting late and they had to leave.

"Get up!" After Ye Yayan finished speaking, she opened the curtain of the tent and walked out first, without even giving Lihao a glance.

Looking at Ye Yayan walking away, Luo Lihao felt that there was something wrong with Ye Yayan, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Wait, distance!
As Ye Yayan walked further and further away, Luo Lihao suddenly found that the distance between him and Ye Yayan was getting closer.

It's not about the distance between them now, but the distance between their hearts.

He found that Ye Yayan treated him a lot colder, although he didn't show it, he still noticed it.

what is happening?
Luo Lihao was a little confused, he didn't know that he had hurt Ye Yayan invisibly.

"Brother Mu, the place we are going to today is a small town, some distance away from Sunset Forest. In the small town, we have to stay for three days. If you think it's a waste of time, then..." the following words , Lei Shuiqing didn't continue, he knew that if he asked Ye Yayan and the others to leave again, the meaning would be different.

If you say the same thing twice, you will really drive them away again.

"No hurry, we are very curious about the mission you will take on, maybe we can still help you!"



"Yelang is arrogant!"


After Ye Yayan's words fell, the people behind Lei Shuiqing glared at him, because in their view, Ye Yayan was really weak.

With her appearance, she really can't stand her shoulders, can't lift her hands, she is absolutely useless, if she asks her to help, it's really underestimating them!

(End of this chapter)

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