Chapter 160

Ye Yayan is very curious!
Driven by this curiosity, Ye Yayan looked around and kept looking around, she wanted to find out who was hiding behind them.

Unfortunately, to Ye Yayan's disappointment, she didn't find anything at all.

Those people, as if they didn't exist at all!

"Can't they all be invisible?" Ye Yayan believes that there are very few people who can do invisibility on this continent. If there is no invisibility, then where are those people?
She didn't believe that they weren't by their side. She could definitely believe that those people were near them, waiting for them to attack them when they were unprepared.

"Don't look, those people are not here at all, what they use is a kind of sound transmission tool!" Ye Yayan's constant visitation made Luo Lihao shake his head slightly.

Instead of putting these thoughts here, it is better to think about how to enter this small town.

Now, this small town is already full of crises. With Ye Yayan's strength, if he enters the small town, even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured, and he will only take action when her life is critical. It was no longer within his consideration.

He can only ensure that her life is worry-free, but nothing else.

Ye Yayan must go through the baptism of blood if he wants to grow up. If he takes action, it will be too meaningless.

Of course, Ye Yayan didn't need Luo Lihao's help either.

She has her pride, she has her self-esteem!
She definitely doesn't need his help if she can do it by herself.

"What method?" She wanted to learn this method, even if it was a weak one, it could at least scare people.

Ye Yashuang is very lonely lying on the bed, if she learns this trick, then Ye Yashuang will have fun from now on!

Ye Yayan is someone who will take revenge, even if Ye Ya is paralyzed in bed, she still won't make her feel better.

How can it be so easy to avenge a murder!

" can't learn it!" Luo Lihao looked at Ye Yayan, and said this sentence directly.

If she can't learn it, it's not that she doesn't have that talent, but that she doesn't have that aptitude!
Ye Yayan pursed her lips, but didn't ask any more questions. Since Luo Lihao said she couldn't learn it, then she must not be able to learn it. She wouldn't break the casserole and ask herself why she couldn't learn it!
"However, I can teach you another kind of exercise!" Luo Lihao didn't know why he liked seeing Ye Yayan's deflated look so much, and seeing her depressed look made him secretly happy.

He used to be not like this, why is he not right when he meets Ye Yayan now?
Weird weird!

When Luo Lihao said this, Ye Yayan's eyes suddenly lit up. The exercises that Luo Lihao taught must be very powerful.

Looking at the big-eyed Ye Yayan, Luo Lihao's heart beat uncontrollably again, pounding, hitting his chest, causing waves of fluctuations...

Luo Lihao touched Ye Yayan's forehead with his finger, and a ray of light flowed out from his finger, and entered Ye Yayan's mind. In an instant, the exercises appeared in Ye Yayan's mind.

Ye Yayan kept it in his heart, and planned to do the experiment after returning to Ye's house. Of course, the subject was Ye Yashuang.

In the past, Ye Yashuang often used her as an experiment, and she remembered the scene back then.

Now the feng shui turns, good luck will come naturally, and she will repay Ye Yashuang one by one for what happened back then!

(End of this chapter)

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