Chapter 164

"Presumably, you have guessed it too!" Lei Shuiqing didn't know why he was so sure, but Ye Yayan knew who he was talking about.

"I guessed a little bit, but I just don't know if the direction is right?" Ye Yayan didn't dare to say if he guessed right if he just guessed out of thin air.

"The person we want to save is a merman, a female merman!" In fact, after accepting this task, Lei Shuiqing also felt that it was a very difficult task.

Not to mention, the person they want to save is a mermaid, so it is very difficult to say that it is a woman.

Especially this female mermaid, who was imprisoned by the whole town.

However, because the difficulty factor of this task is very high, if it is completed, the reputation of their shocking mercenary group will spread throughout the continent.

What they want is this result!
"Who issued this task?" Ye Yayan's question was a little cryptic, but at a critical moment in reality, some things still had to be asked.

"I don't know about this. Some missions are released in secret. We only accept missions. We didn't inquire about who issued the missions. However, I suspect that it is a member of the Luo family!" The elegant words are not bad, so I added the last sentence.

If it wasn't for Ye Yayan, Lei Shuiqing wouldn't have expressed his guess at all. He could tell his guess. In fact, the truth of the matter is already close to more than half.

And Ye Yayan also heard some tricks from their conversation.

The mission issued by the Luo family's royal family is rather novel. Does this female mermaid have any special effect on the royal family?

Or does the Rock family want to start some wars?
Ye Yayan's divergent thinking is also very powerful. It is very rare that she can think of so many words with just such a few words.

In fact, Ye Yayan is not the only one who thinks about this, Lei Shuiqing also thinks so.

Whether it's for fame or to maintain a relationship with the royal family, this time, they must rescue the female mermaid.

If you don't achieve your goal, you will never give up!
If you decide on one thing, you must plunge into it, even if you are covered with scars!

"Even if you use a carpet search, you can't rescue her!" Luo Lihao said, looking at the people of the Zhentian mercenary group, looking for clues like chickens without a head, he was a little overwhelmed.

This method is the most stupid. Although it is possible to find people to a certain extent, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it consumes their youth even more.

"Brother Li, do you have any good suggestions?" Lei Shuiqing didn't dare to be careless about Luo Lihao. Although this man seemed to have no strength, he knew that he was definitely not someone to be messed with. Temperament is not something ordinary people can do.

"Catch the thief first and capture the king!" Luo Lihao gave a suggestion, this kind of aimless search would only be done by a fool.

Although this small town is weird, it does not mean that there are no people in this small town. On the contrary, this small town is not only populated, but also well-managed. As for the whereabouts of those who entered the small town before, no one knows.

As soon as Luo Lihao said these words, Lei Shuiqing's eyes lit up suddenly, he really didn't think of this, but soon, his eyes became dull.

The "King" of this small town is not something they can handle, even if they are not fighting alone, they will not be his opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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