The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 169 What She Means Is What I Mean

Chapter 169 What She Means Is What I Mean

He knew about the forbidden area of ​​the town from the very beginning, but the forbidden area was too weird, and he had already vetoed it before.

But now, he knew that the forbidden area had to be visited!

However, the price of a trip may not be something he can bear.

Fortunately, the appearance of Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao gave him hope. Even though he had never made a move, everything Luo Lihao showed let him know that he is an extraordinary person.

"Hehe..." Ye Yayan smiled coldly.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world. Lei Shuiqing was so friendly before, and he went to the forbidden area.

"Okay!" Ye Yayan spoke on behalf of Luo Lihao, because she knew that no matter where she went, he would follow her. If that was the case, then there was no need for Luo Lihao's opinion.

However, Lei Shuiqing didn't know this.

After hearing the good word Ye Yayan, he looked at Luo Lihao, and he was waiting for Luo Lihao to make a decision.

"What she means is what I mean!" As soon as Luo Lihao said this, Lei Shuiqing frowned slightly.

He always felt that there was a problem between Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao, but he couldn't see it.

Such a strong man can be willing to follow a man in obscurity, is this brotherhood?

He doesn't believe it!

If not brotherhood, then what?

Suddenly, these two words popped up in Lei Shuiqing's mind.

As soon as these two words came out, he was taken aback by himself.

It would be fine if it was a man and a woman, but now there are two men. Although they are both handsome and flawless, it is impossible!
Lei Shuiqing shook his head to shake off these abnormal thoughts.

Regardless of the previous situation, now, he has received a satisfactory answer.

"Is there anything special about the forbidden area in this small town?" Ye Yayan was completely in the dark right now, and knew nothing.

In other words, she would ask Lei Shuiqing before, but now it seems that Lei Shuiqing also has some problems.

Of course, if these problems are not aimed at them, then she can turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye. However, if his intention is theirs, then she will "do nothing".

Reborn and living, she can do too many things, and she will do things that she has never tried before!

"It's nothing special, but you need to be careful!" Luo Lihao naturally knew Lei Shuiqing's purpose, if he couldn't even see such intentions, how could he lead a group of people.

"Me?" Ye Yayan pointed at herself, a little surprised, but soon, she understood the meaning of Luo Lihao's words.

Be careful, hehe!
After Luo Lihao saw Ye Yayan's reaction, he knew that she had understood his meaning, so he turned his head to the side and looked into the distance.

There are still good things in the forbidden area, but I don't know if Ye Yayan can grasp it, that little thing is the arrogant master.

Thinking of that little thing, Luo Lihao's lips revealed a weird smile, but Ye Yayan didn't notice this smile, if she saw it, maybe she would be more alert.

It's a pity that Ye Yayan didn't focus on Luo Lihao at this time, she was thinking of some countermeasures.

My own ability is too poor, and there are too many things to consider.

"Mu Yan, you need to make some preparations before going in!" Now they are on the same boat, and Lei Shuiqing doesn't mind spreading some knowledge to Ye Yayan, especially since what they need to enter is the forbidden area of ​​the town!

(End of this chapter)

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