Chapter 171 The Cat of Hell
Hearing the beast's roar, Ye Yayan's first reaction was the howling of a wolf, but this time, it wasn't.

"It's the sound of a cat!" Luo Lihao was like a roundworm in Ye Yayan's stomach, and when Ye Yayan needed it most, Luo Lihao answered her doubts in time.

No, just tell Ye Yayan that the roar of the beast this time came from a cat.

When Ye Yayan heard Luo Lihao's words, her eyes were full of surprise, and she even thought that there was something wrong with her ears.

"How could this be the meow of a cat, this..." Ye Yayan would not doubt Luo Lihao's words, but this was the fact she heard with her own ears, so how could it not be the roar of a wolf.

Luo Lihao didn't expect it to appear so early.

Originally thought that it would appear at the last moment, could it be that some accident happened?
Thinking of the accident, Luo Lihao felt a little regretful that he had shielded his consciousness.

After entering this forbidden area, he shielded his consciousness, and naturally, he didn't care about the things in this forbidden area.

It now appears that the decision just made was a mistake.

Now, it's just a matter of taking one step at a time.

"Is this the voice of a cat from hell?" Lei Shuiqing was well-informed. After hearing Luo Lihao's words, his first reaction was that the voice was from a cat from hell.

"Hell's cat? What is it?" Ye Yayan had never heard of this name.

"Hell's cat is a shadow beast!" Lei Shuiqing didn't know much, but he only knew a little bit.

Shadow Beast?

Ye Yayan was rather curious. The so-called shadow beasts are like shadows. Under normal circumstances, it is really difficult to find shadow beasts. Before shadow beasts recognize their master, they can only live in darkness and cannot appear In front of human beings, otherwise, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

If this is the case, then this hell cat has an owner?
It can roar out, and it dares to appear in front of them naturally. If it is inferred like this, there are traces to follow.


If that was the case, the people of the small town would be watching every move they made when they entered the forbidden area, otherwise, they would not have used shadow beasts to remind them.

Now, the Shadow Beast didn't choose to attack, is it to give them a chance?

Ye Yayan thinks so, Lei Shuiqing naturally also thinks in this way, if it is normal, maybe he will leave now, but now, he has no way out, he must rescue the female shark!
Things have come to this point, there is no way out!

Fortunately, the two of Ye Yayan did not have the intention to retreat, otherwise, he might not be able to persist.

As time passed, Ye Yayan and the others went deeper inside.

Surprisingly, after walking for such a long time, they didn't encounter a shadow beast. Could it be that the previous cry was just to scare them.

Luo Lihao saw the relaxed expression on the faces of Lei Shuiqing and the two, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips. Fortunately, Ye Yayan did not disappoint him, she has always remained vigilant.

Luo Lihao nodded slightly to Ye Yayan, if she relaxes now, he will let him know the result of the relaxation.


Suddenly, there was a swishing sound from under your feet.

Snakes, thousands of snakes are surging, coming towards where they are.

After realizing that the group of snakes was attacking them, Lei Shuiqing's first reaction was to kill them, preparing to fight a bloody path.

However, before he could act, Ye Yayan stopped him, "Young Master Lei, if you don't want to give your life here, you can continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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