Chapter 173
Lei Shuiqing held the pill bottle, his eyes were full of determination.

No matter how difficult the front is, he still has to move forward, he has no way out at all, and Xiao Xiao's death urges him to move forward even more.

Regarding this point, Ye Yayan has no objection, but the premise is to drive away these poisonous snakes.

Kill, can't kill!

Otherwise, the poisonous snake's revenge will make it difficult for them to move an inch!


Ye Yayan was thinking about the exercises in his mind, and his mind was spinning at a high speed, not to mention, he really found a way for her.

From an inexplicable corner of the blue space, he took out a jade flute and blew it away on the spot.

The sound of the jade flute sounded, and the group of snakes seemed to have been ordered to go to the side, but this was a short-lived phenomenon.

In an instant, the group of snakes attacked Ye Yayan and the others again. This time, they didn't seem to be afraid of realgar powder anymore, and they just flew straight at them.

If it wasn't for the three of them making preparations from the very beginning, otherwise, it is really possible to follow in Xiao Xiao's footsteps.

"There is nothing we can do if we stand like this. I think we have to fight a bloody road!" Lei Shuiqing is not a person who sits and waits to be killed. He feels extremely annoyed by being attacked by snakes. Rusty.

"Blood path, do you have to sacrifice your life?" Ye Yayan's words were not to disgust Lei Shuiqing, but to tell the truth.

With so many snakes, it takes until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to kill them all.

Moreover, the snake driver was nearby, and all their actions were under the eyes of the snake driver, so naturally, they could not act rashly.

Ye Yayan's words also calmed Lei Shuiqing down. Xiao Xiao was the best example before, and he didn't want to follow in the footsteps.

"Then what are we going to do? This is obviously the handiwork of the people in the small town. I'm really not reconciled to asking me to do nothing!" Things have already progressed to this point, and he can't do it if he wants to give up.

"Wait!" Ye Yayan was a little speechless to Lei Shuiqing, if this person hadn't had a good pregnancy, maybe someone else would have killed him long ago!

"Wait, when will we wait?" A word like "waiting" is not the best explanation.

Wait, can make people crazy!

Waiting was the last thing he wanted to do, but now, he had to do it again.

"Wait until the snakes leave on their own!" Ye Yayan's words made Lei Shuiqing a little confused.

Could it be that if they stand still, these snakes will think that they will not move?
Or, what will Ye Yayan do next?
Time passed by, Lei Shuiqing kept staring at Ye Yayan, but found that she seemed to be fine at all, without any movement at all.

What exactly is going on?

If she didn't do anything, would the snakes leave by themselves?
He, don't believe it!
However, the facts made him fall below his eyes.

Because next, the snakes surrounding them were actually swimming out.

If there were only one or two problems, then he would definitely not be so surprised. Now, there are a large group of snakes moving out.

The snake was constantly moving, but Ye Yayan's face didn't show any relaxation, instead it was solemn.

"Mu Yan, is there going to be a powerful person appearing next?" Ye Yayan's dignified expression made Lei Shuiqing a little uneasy.

Logically speaking, Ye Yayan should be frowning at this time, instead of a dignified face and a fighting posture.

"Do you think that the group of snakes appeared here out of nowhere?" As soon as Ye Yayan said this, Lei Shuiqing's face immediately became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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