Chapter 182

This body's attachment to the mother has reached an unspeakable level. Even if the soul has disappeared, the memory of the mother in this body has not disappeared, and the attachment to the mother has not been lost because of the disappearance of the soul.

Therefore, if Ye Yayan knew that her mother might be from the Mu family, perhaps, now, it is impossible for her to appear in this body.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it. The Mu family is not from Yuntian Continent!" Lei Shuiqing's words made Ye Yayan's eyes widen.

What does this mean?
If he is not from Yuntian Continent, why would Lei Shuiqing know?
Could it be that Lei Shuiqing once left the Sky Continent?
There are other continents besides Yuntian Continent, and Ye Yayan also knows about them, but only by becoming a god-level powerhouse can one cross over to other continents.

But now, Lei Shuiqing has only so little strength, he can't do it at all.

"The Mu family is indeed not from Yuntian Continent, but they have a base, and I am also in their base, and found that someone in their Mu family has been poisoned by the soul-devouring poison!" Lei Shuiqing explained clearly.

"Where?" If she could find clues, she could leave decisively now.

"Near the border of Nanyun!" Lei Shuiqing didn't know why Ye Yayan paid so much attention to the Mu family's affairs, but he still told what he knew.

Nanyun border?

This place is [-] miles away from where they are now, even if they fly, it will take a while.

It seems that it is difficult for her to understand the Mu family and find Mu Wan.

Luo Lihao on the side didn't express his opinion, but after hearing the conversation between Ye Yayan and Lei Shuiqing, he couldn't help but purse his lips.

Mu Wan has absolutely nothing to do with the Mu family.

But, now, Luo Lihao won't say it.

For some things, Ye Yayan didn't bump into Nanshan and didn't look back.

She wouldn't believe it even if she said it out of her mouth, so it's best to wait for her to understand and find out the truth of the matter.

"Thank you!" Even if she didn't get any news after going to the border of Nanyun, but she was able to hear about it from Lei Shuiqing.

"You're welcome, aren't we friends?" Lei Shuiqing is also striking while the iron is hot. He knows that everything he has done before has made Ye Yayan feel cold, but now, with this matter, I am afraid that he can change his life at night. The image in Yayan's mind.

Unfortunately, what he doesn't know is that the image is created by himself, not by others.

"Hehe..." Ye Yayan just responded with a heck, and sometimes a hehe is the best answer.

"Lei Shuiqing, is there anything else special about this forbidden area? If there is, tell us in advance, and we should be prepared. It will be difficult to cope with the abruptness like now!" This is not an arrangement Lei Shuiqing, but tell the truth.

If he was caught off guard again, he might be caught.

"I don't know. Regarding this forbidden place, I don't even know what will happen in it!" Now, it's just the beginning, but it's just the beginning, and it's already overwhelmed him.

This time, if it wasn't for Ye Yayan, he might be on the road to Huangquan by now, just like Xiao Xiao.

"Alas..." Ye Yayan sighed faintly, with endless color.

Sure enough, Lei Shuiqing cannot be relied on.

"Lei Shuiqing, I want to tell the truth!" Ye Yayan is not so easy to deceive, she needs to know the specific things!

(End of this chapter)

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