Chapter 188 Gods Blessing 6
It's not that Lei Shuiqing's question is idiotic, but that he can use better words to ask.

"Degenerate physique, hehe... Do you think a person like me can enter the recognized world?" The half-human, half-beast did not directly answer Ye Yayan's words, but asked this question instead.

"No!" Ye Yayan said it without even thinking.

Indeed, it is impossible for a person who looks like half man and half beast to live in the human world.

There is a saying that says that those who are not of our race must be punished.

If a half-human, half-animal enters the human world, even if he keeps his own place and stays obediently in his small courtyard, he will be killed by people, because in the eyes of humans, he has tarnished their bloodlines.

"It turns out that this key is the ladder leading to 'Heaven'!" Ye Yayan is indeed a smart person, even if the half-human and half-beast didn't answer her question, she can still guess something through their conversation.

Hearing what Ye Yayan muttered to himself, the half-human, half-beast nodded slightly.

The so-called mansion of the fallen god is actually a place with its own world, a place suitable for people like them to live.

So, no matter what, he's going to get it!
"By the way, is there really no blessing from the gods here?" Lei Shuiqing still didn't give up. You must know that after knowing from the parchment scroll that there was a blessing from the gods here, he was always excited.

If you tell him now that there is no such thing here, no matter what, he will not be able to accept it.

"No, no, no!" The important thing has been said three times, and the half-man and half-beast have said it three times, which also tells him that there is no blessing from the gods here.

They were all abandoned by the gods, how could they be blessed by the gods?

"Have you been hit by Soul Eater?" Ye Yayan suddenly said this.

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Yayan's words made the half-human, half-beast vigilant.

No one knew that they were impaled into Soul Eater, so Ye Yayan said it out loud.

"Guess, the man in black had the soul-devouring poison and died. I think you must also have the soul-devouring poison in your body!" Ye Yayan looked at the half-human and half-beast from top to bottom. .

Teng, his face became rosy.

Although there was nothing special about Ye Yayan's eyes, he couldn't bear to be looked at by her like this.

"What if I say that I have the antidote to Soul Eater?" Ye Yayan said directly without giving the half-human, half-animal a chance to think.

"What? You have?" The eyes of the half-human and half-beast were full of surprise.

Soul devouring, there is no solution at all, how could Ye Yayan have an antidote for soul devouring.

"Of course!" After speaking, Ye Yayan took out the antidote.

"This is not an antidote for Soul Devourer at all!" The half-man, half-beast lifted the bottle cap and sniffed it, with a look of disappointment on its face.

Although he has never taken the antidote for the soul-devouring poison, he still knows the breath of the soul-devouring antidote. He originally thought that Ye Yayan really took out the antidote for the soul-devouring poison, but he did not expect that it was not at all. this taste.

"Do you know that I also have Soul Devourer in my body?" Ye Yayan naturally knew that this half-human half-beast would not believe that the liquid in her hand was the antidote to Soul Devourer poison, but she had a way to convince him.

This is indeed the antidote to Soul Devouring Poison!

"What?" Ye Yayan's words were undoubtedly thunderous, and Lei Shuiqing and the half-human half-beast almost jumped up, especially Lei Shuiqing, who stared at Ye Yayan with wide eyes.

It seemed that, in his opinion, there was something wrong with his ears. Otherwise, why would he have heard Ye Yayan say that he had been poisoned by the soul-devouring poison?
(End of this chapter)

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