Chapter 190 Difficult Choice 2
"What do you want to know, just ask!" The half-human, half-animal mind is not stupid, and he also knows the purpose of Ye Yayan's doing this.

"Are there many keys?" Since there are fallen gods, are there other titled gods?
Of course, Ye Yayan will not ask this sentence. Some questions can be asked, but some questions must be hidden in the heart.

"Yes, there are many, and this is just one of them!" This time, the half-human, half-beast simply answered Ye Yayan's question directly.

"Do you have an organization, an organization that poisons geniuses?" When Ye Yayan said this, Lei Shuiqing was a little confused.

Is this jump too big?
The current question is not at the same point as the answer they want to know.

"How do you know?" The half-human, half-beast was shocked when they heard Ye Yayan's question.

Their organization has never been discovered, otherwise, there would be no such existence in Sky Continent.

Geniuses are all protected by the family, and the organization they belong to kills geniuses.

Killing a genius is definitely a struggle against the Shi Da family. Every time, they are very careful and will not leave any trace of clues.

Otherwise, they will have to go to eighteen levels of hell.

"Ye family, Ye Yayan; Feng family, Feng Lingshuang, are you responsible?" Ye Yayan's words directly hit their organization.

If it was before, the half-human, half-beast wouldn't tell even if they were killed. He knew the fate of betraying the organization. , he doesn't need to hide anything.

"Yes, there are people from us in every family. As long as a genius rises, we will kill it. However, Ye Yayan and Feng Lingshuang were an accident!" Their attack was only one-time, and if they failed If so, they will not continue.

In the past few years, many, many geniuses have died, but some of them are not under their control, and with the deaths of the geniuses, it has become more and more difficult for them to start.

However, what shocked them was that Ye Yayan and Feng Lingshuang didn't react at all under the soul-devouring poison, and they are still alive in the human world until now.

"You said you also have soul-devouring poison? Why did I never know that there is such a genius as you in Yuntian Continent?" The half-human, half-beast bit the word "genius" hard, because no matter how he looked at it, he didn't think so. Ye Yayan is a genius.

Of course, what he was referring to was strength.

"Poison from other channels!" Ye Yayan changed the subject, but Lei Shuiqing was concerned about this explanation.

"How many other people are here?" Ye Yayan finally returned to the topic.

"Not many, maybe twenty or so!" The half-human, half-animal answer almost didn't make Ye Yayan go berserk.

If such a number of people is not too many, then how much is considered too many.

Even if they haven't met these people yet, but judging from their combat effectiveness, as the same kind, they are very impressive.

what should I do now?
Even if they fight alone, they are not opponents, let alone there are so many people!

Lei Shuiqing also fell into silence at this time, and he also knew his weight.

"You must enter the center of the forbidden area!" Luo Lihao definitely said standing up and talking without pain in his back.

The center of the forbidden area is definitely the place with the strictest guards. They broke in like this, and it was no different from courting death!

(End of this chapter)

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