Chapter 198 Are you a pig 3
Ye Yayan took out a handful of elixir from the blue space, and took it directly regardless of Sanqi 21.

Time does not allow her to do this, because everyone's attack has arrived.

The attacks of the crowd continued one after another, and if one person's attack was avoided, the next person's attack would arrive.

Puff puff…

Blood continued to flow from the corner of the mouth, and wounds began to appear on the body, and the blood seemed to spill out desperately.

If this continues, she will bleed to death!
Luo Lihao's eyes were locked on Ye Yayan, and he would never make a move until the critical moment.

Now, although Ye Yayan was in a mess, it hadn't come to the moment for him to make a move. He was waiting, waiting for Ye Yayan's eruption.

At this time, Ye Yayan could only dodge instinctively, she didn't even have time to react, the next attack would arrive.

Passive, too passive!
If she was suppressed like this again, she might be wiped out by them before she could fight back.

"Are you a pig? You won't take advantage of it!" After all, Luo Lihao couldn't stand it anymore.

The power of heaven and earth can be borrowed, hasn't Ye Yayan thought about it?

Luo Lihao's words were transmitted to Ye Yayan's ears through sound insulation and secret communication. Upon hearing these words, Ye Yayan immediately reacted.

At this point, she really didn't think about it.


Use the power of heaven and earth to attack everyone.

This is a good idea!

Suddenly, Ye Yayan's eyes became extremely bright.

Her fingers danced, and rays of light swam under her fingers.

At this moment, Ye Yayan didn't care about the attacks of the crowd, and she wanted to use her strength to give them back the strength that the crowd hit her.

bang bang bang...

Everyone's attacks were like raindrops, hitting her body continuously. At this moment, Ye Yayan was already on the verge of death. Fortunately, at the last moment, she had already formed her leverage.

When the last rays of light faded away, Ye Yayan's attack also arrived.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, rays of light descended from the sky and headed towards everyone.

The colorful rays of light gathered at this moment, and went towards everyone one after another.

How they dealt with Ye Yayan just now, how Ye Yayan dealt with them now.

When the attack came, everyone didn't react at all.

Especially after the light slashed at him fiercely, everyone didn't realize that the crisis was approaching.

By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

The pain, the pain of cracking all over the body, made everyone realize that they were injured.

However, they had no idea where the colorful light came from.

At this moment, everyone was a little confused!
At this time, Ye Yayan was sitting on the ground panting heavily.

Borrowing strength is not so easy to borrow, she has spent a lot of energy, this time borrowing strength also made her use up all the spiritual power in her body.

If she hadn't taken a lot of pills, she might not be sitting like this now.

Luo Lihao looked at Ye Yayan who was still bleeding, and sighed slightly.

"Paint it on!" Looking at Ye Yayan who was bleeding, Luo Lihao rarely found that there was such a pain in his heart.

He seemed unwilling to see the scene of Ye Yayan bleeding.

However, he also understands that on the road of growth, it must be watered with blood.

The current laissez-faire is irresponsible to Ye Yayan.

Even if he feels distressed, he must let Ye Yayan bear it.

This is not only what she needs to experience to grow up, but also what she has to bear the pain.

Only through wind and rain can we see the rainbow!

(End of this chapter)

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