Chapter 210 Different pupils 1
This time, Luo Lihao did not explain Ye Yayan's doubts, because he didn't need his explanation at all, as long as she got to the place, she would know.

Sure enough, when Ye Yayan finally came to the place where the owner of the hellcat was, it was clear at a glance.

The owner of the Hellcat was lying on the ground at this time, his face was pale, his breathing was short, and he looked dying.

Even so, there is no danger to life, it just looks more serious.

If it were someone else, they would definitely not make the same promise as Ye Yayan did, but the Hellcat didn't know its owner's physical condition at all.

After seeing its owner like this, thought it was going to die.

It was indeed as it had seen, the man in front of him was indeed looking like he was about to raise his braids, but in the eyes of a discerning person, it was not the case.

He was just having an asthma attack.

Asthma, recurrent wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness or coughing, the current owner of Hellcat is just suffering from severe asthma, not at the moment of life-threatening.

"My master, are you okay?" The Hell Cat came to Ye Yayan rashly because he had the idea of ​​breaking the jar. Seeing the master in such pain, the Hell Cat couldn't bear it either.

"It will be fine, I promise to return you a safe and sound former master!" Ye Yayan specially emphasized the word "former master" in order to remind the Hellcat of its previous promise.

"As long as you can keep the master safe, I... have no problem!" This choice is difficult, but it must be agreed.

"Remember what you said!" Ye Yayan didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out a set of golden needles from the Zilan space. Under the surprised gaze of the hell cat, he moved his hands together, and inserted the gold needles into the man's mouth one by one. body.

The golden needles moved together, and the trembling sound made the hell cat's eyes widen, a little unbelievable.

Similarly, Feng Xi also opened a pair of small eyes, looking at Ye Yayan in surprise.

This method is really unusual!

Under Ye Yayan's swing, the golden needle trembled continuously. After a while, the golden needle flew out of the man's body with a whistling sound.

The golden needles flew together, shining brilliantly.

This scene made the beasts in the arena dumbfounded!

This scene also made Feng Xi and Hell Cat surrender to Ye Yayan.

Such means are not available to ordinary people.

When the last golden needle returned to Ye Yayan's hand, the man lying on the ground just opened his eyes.

Ye Yayan's expression changed slightly as soon as he opened his eyes.

Different pupils!

Ye Yayan did not expect to see a man with eyes of different colors.

"Did you save me?" The man's voice was nice, although it was weak and hoarse, but it was hard to hide his tone.

"I did it, but if you want to save it, it should be this cat from hell. If it hadn't asked for me and made a promise with me, I'm afraid I wouldn't do it!" Ye Yayan's words were true. There is not a trace of falsehood, every sentence, every word is true, and no one can find any rebuttal.

Especially when it comes to the word promise, the voice is slightly raised.

And after she said this, Han Feng's eyes became a little complicated.

As smart as he is, although he couldn't immediately understand what the promise in Ye Yayan's words was, he also knew that the hell cat Anyi had paid some price for Ye Yayan's rescue this time, and these prices were beyond his control. Bear it!
(End of this chapter)

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