The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 212 A trace of the same kind of breath 1

Chapter 212 A trace of the same kind of breath 1
"You should know your physical condition!" Ye Yayan's words changed suddenly, making Han Feng a little confused, but he still nodded.

His body naturally knew that his deteriorating body made him feel a little hopeless.

This time when he had an asthma attack, he also thought that he would go to hell, but he didn't expect that because of An Yi, he would still be alive.

In fact, he didn't feel at ease and just died like this. He still had a lot of things to do, but he also knew that he had no life left until that moment.

However, for some reason, the moment he opened his eyes again and saw Ye Yayan, he suddenly felt a hope, a hope that would allow him to live.

"Fetal poison, the toxin left over from the mother's womb, is not so easy to remove. In addition, the toxin precipitation over the past few years has turned your body into a poisonous body. I don't know how your different pupils are produced. Yes, but there is one thing I can be sure of, it has something to do with the toxins in your body!" Ye Yayan's words have actually made it very clear.

There are too many toxin deposits in the body. It is very difficult to get rid of it, but it is not necessarily hopeless. The key point lies in his fetal poison.

And she also specially pointed out different pupils, intending to illustrate the dominance of the toxin.

Indeed, as Ye Yayan said, Han Feng's different pupils are not born, but formed the day after tomorrow.

Because of the toxins in his body, his eyes were mutated, and it was because of this that his status in the family dropped suddenly, and he eventually left for another country.

Han Feng knew that if he stayed in the family, he would be murdered without waiting for the poison to occur.

He withdrew from the family, but even so, those people were still unwilling to let him go. If it weren't for his relatively good strength, Ye Yayan might not need to rescue him now.

"Can you solve it?" With hope, Han Feng hoped that Ye Yayan could give him an affirmative answer, and even if he couldn't solve it, he still hoped that Ye Yayan would say it.

Ye Yayan didn't speak, but looked at Luo Lihao. If he made a move, the toxins in Han Feng's body would definitely be fine. However, if Luo Lihao made a move, it would definitely be worse than Deng Tian. Disaster.

The reason why she looked at him was not that she wanted him to make a move, but that she wanted him to make a decision.

For Ye Yayan's look, Luo Lihao still likes it, which means that Ye Yayan puts himself in the eyes, otherwise, he would not seek his answer.

Luo Lihao nodded to Ye Yayan, if it was someone else, he wouldn't want Ye Yayan to waste his mind, but this Han Feng is different.

The blood in Han Feng's body made Luo Lihao frown. It seems that something is a little unusual!

Seeing Luo Lihao nodding, Ye Yayan was taken aback for a moment, but she never thought that Luo Lihao would agree with her to treat Han Feng.

Although Luo Lihao is not self-absorbed, but if he is asked to take action against a stranger, he cannot do it. Now, even if Luo Lihao did not take action, he would not agree to it.

It's not that Luo Lihao doesn't know that to remove the toxins in Han Feng's body, it takes not only time, but also other things. If she nods her head in agreement, the subsequent series of situations will become complicated.

It is for this reason that she needs Luo Lihao to make a decision.

Never thought that he would agree!
Since Luo Lihao agreed, she has no reason to refuse. Moreover, there must be his reasons for Luo Lihao's behavior!

(End of this chapter)

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