The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 215: Becoming a Prisoner 1

Chapter 215: Becoming a Prisoner 1
"In the Sunset Forest, there are countless treasures, but risks and benefits coexist. If you rush towards the treasures, the end will definitely be bad!" Han Feng did not directly answer Ye Yayan's words, but Feng Ma Niu Buxiang said such a sentence.

If it were an ordinary person, maybe they really couldn't understand what Han Feng was saying, but this person was Ye Yayan, she only needed to give such a little hint, and she could guess the other party's intentions.

Now, Han Feng didn't give her a little hint, but gave her a lot. If Ye Yayan can't figure it out, she will really live.

Han Feng was reminding her in a disguised form that it is not easy to share a share of the pie. If you don't have a plan, don't go there.

"Since risks and benefits coexist, if you miss it, I'm afraid it will be a great regret in your life!" Ye Yayan did not reply directly to Han Feng's words, but the meaning of her words was already very obvious.

Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Han Feng stopped talking. Since Ye Yayan was determined to go to Sunset Forest, no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it would have no effect.

Han Feng didn't have any worries about his own strength, what he was worried about was Ye Yayan.

Ye Yayan's strength can be spotted by anyone who is interested in it. Healer level, such a cultivation level, can be found all over the street. Of course, at Ye Yayan's age, this strength is not bad.

However, such strength is simply not enough after entering the Sunset Forest!
Now, Han Feng doesn't want Ye Yayan to have an accident, his life is in her hands.

If something happened to Ye Yayan, he would have to go to someone for treatment.

Ye Yayan's medical skills, in his opinion, on the Yuntian Continent, she is the second, and no one is the first.

As a descendant of the Han family, the Han family could invite countless doctors, but they did not have Ye Yayan's strength. He only needed a few needles to get him out of trouble temporarily.

At this point, even the disciples of the Heavenly Medicine School do not have this ability.

Thinking of this, Han Feng's eyes became darker.

No matter what the situation is, this time, he will protect Ye Yayan.

When Ye Yayan returned to the forbidden area of ​​the town again, Han Feng showed a strange look on his face.

"Why is this place so strange?" After all, Han Feng is a child of the Han family, and he has always been in the Han family before. Even if he came out a few times, he has never been to such a strange town.

The small town at this time was really silent, there was no sound at all.

Such an atmosphere made Ye Yayan's face a little ugly.

What about the people from the Zhentian Mercenary Corps?

All evacuated?

Because Ye Yayan saw that some equipment of the Zhentian mercenary group was still in place. If they evacuated, these things would not be left on the ground.

Did something happen?
This is the only thing Ye Yayan can think of.

If nothing happened, then the members of the Zhentian Mercenary Corps must still be searching.

Wait, carpet search!

Could it be that the agreement has already started ahead of time?

Ye Yayan didn't believe that the people from the Zhentian Mercenary Group could find the caller. If so, did the old man who suddenly appeared before take away the people from the Zhentian Mercenary Group?
In fact, Ye Yayan didn't go astray as she thought, indeed, as she thought, the members of the Zhentian mercenary group were taken away.

The moment Ye Yayan left with Anyi, the original residents hidden in the town launched an attack on the Zhentian mercenary group!

The results are predictable!

(End of this chapter)

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