Chapter 220 Face Matters 1
Everyone's expressions became very ugly because of Ye Yayan's words.

Although they already knew that Ye Yayan and the others came here for the female mermaid, they couldn't accept Ye Yayan's attitude.

The female mermaid is the private property of their small town, how can others covet it!
"What did you say?" Dong Lai was pretending to be confused, but now they could only deny it vigorously.

"Even if you detain the female merman, the merman blood in your body will not change!" Ye Yayan's words pierced everyone's hearts.

This made it clearer, and it also brought up the things that everyone was most unwilling to be mentioned in their hearts.

Merman blood, if given a choice, they don't want it!

In this small town, Donglai is probably the only one who doesn't have the blood of the mermaids, so he doesn't feel anything about Ye Yayan's words.

However, even if he doesn't feel it, he still has to pretend to feel it.

As the lord of a town, it is natural to empathize, especially in front of so many people, even if it is pretending, you have to pretend.

Those people in the small town with merman blood were shamed because half of the merman blood flowed in their bodies. Therefore, after discovering the female merman, they did not treat her kindly, but carried out a series of cruel punishments on her. As for the beating, in their opinion, if it wasn't for the female merman, would there be merman blood in their bodies?

It's just that they hadn't thought about it at all, a mermaid can't do anything, and besides, they were born from the same root, so why rush each other!
Regarding this point, they have never thought about it. In their opinion, the shame given to them by the mermaid blood is really too great.

And this is where Donglai takes advantage of everyone.

The strength of a female mermaid is indeed limited, but it can attract a large number of mermaids.

The merman wept into tears. If he contributed the merman to the royal family, his status would definitely rise like a rocket. With this in mind, Donglai detained the female merman.

However, for some reason, the news of the female mermaid in the small town was leaked. Before he lured the mermaid out, he absolutely did not want such a thing to happen. The people in it were processed.

Fortunately, the people in the small town have an instinctive aversion to human beings. His orders, coupled with the means of the people, have made this town as impenetrable as a fortress!
Let people who enter the town never return!
No matter which time it was, it was successful, but this time, there was a fish that slipped through the net.

Originally, Donglai didn't pay much attention to Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao, but now, I'm afraid these two people are what he missed the most. At least, being able to move around under his nose is not what ordinary people do. owned.

"Your purpose is also for the female merman?" Naturally, he would not hand it over to the female merman. He just wanted to find some clues from the conversation.

"No!" Ye Yayan shook his head, the purpose of their coming here was indeed not for the female mermaid.

As soon as Ye Yayan's words came out, Donglai and the others were a little stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect Ye Yayan to reply like this.

Generally speaking, people who come to the small town come for the female sharks, but now, Ye Yayan told them clearly that their purpose of coming here is not for the female sharks.

It wasn't for the Mermaids, so why did they come to the town?

You know, all the people who came to the town came for the female mermaid!
(End of this chapter)

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