Chapter 222
"You can leave, but Lei Shuiqing and the others must stay. I want them to give an explanation to our town!" Dong Lai's words couldn't be more obvious.

There are many meanings contained in these words!
One reason is that Lei Shuiqing and others are still alive, at least, there is still a breath;

The second reason is that they need the Zhentian mercenary group to give them an explanation, or the price for bringing the captives back.

This must be there, otherwise, their small town will not be able to gain a foothold.

The three of Ye Yayan naturally understood Donglai's meaning. If it was changed to something else, maybe Ye Yayan and the three turned their heads and left, but now, they can't.

Although Lei Shuiqing's character is not very good, at least he has some sense of loyalty, and besides, they can't just leave him dead.

What's more, he needs to lead the way to Sunset Forest.

"Lei Shuiqing, we have to take it away!" After Ye Yayan said this, Luo Lihao frowned indiscernibly.

"Engong, I don't think it's necessary!" Although Han Feng didn't know the relationship between Lei Shuiqing and Ye Yayan, he didn't think it was necessary for Ye Yayan to fall out with people from the small town just because of one person.

Before, Ye Yayan was able to win not because of how powerful she was, but because she took the lead.

At the beginning, everyone didn't react at all, so she made a move, and directly swept away everyone with a move like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

If this were normal, she wouldn't be beaten to pieces.

If everyone got serious this time, they would be the ones who would suffer. Of course, Ye Yayan would be the only one who suffered.

"Why?" Ye Yayan is not someone who can't listen to anything, on the contrary, she can accept all suggestions.

Now, since Han Feng raised his objection, there are naturally reasons for his objection.

"They just need an explanation!" Han Feng didn't explain much, just one sentence explained what he meant.

In fact, Ye Yayan also knew this, but if Lei Shuiqing was not taken away, it would be morally unjustifiable.

Also, she wanted to rescue the female mermaid, without any reason, she just wanted to.

This is why she wants to take Lei Shuiqing away.

"If you just want to know who the female mermaid is, then you can leave here!" Suddenly, Luo Lihao's voice reached his ears.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Yayan looked at Luo Lihao strangely.

She understood the meaning of Luo Lihao's words.

Leave, he actually let her leave?

Before, but he wanted to come in.

Could it be that after making a contract with Feng Xi and An Yi, it's over?
"Female mermaids don't have much power in the mermaid clan. If you want mermaids, you may not want this one!" Luo Lihao added another sentence, and this sentence also let Ye Yayan know , They want to leave here, leave here before Lei Shuiqing is rescued.

"Lei Shuiqing and others will naturally be redeemed. Haven't you ever thought that this might be a trick?" Luo Lihao looked at Ye Yayan's eyes and said helplessly.

Why didn't Ye Yayan react to this point?
From the very beginning, this was a well-arranged game. Perhaps their joining was a bit of an accident, but this accident did not change the final outcome. Therefore, Lei Shuiqing and the others let them join their team.

From the very beginning, Luo Lihao saw their purpose, but Ye Yayan foolishly didn't realize it, and he didn't give her a hint of reminder!
(End of this chapter)

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