The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 228 Despicable and Shameless 2

Chapter 228 Despicable and Shameless 2
"Hehe, it's up to you?" Ye Yayan smiled coldly, with a sharp look.

Even if they were willing to let them go, she would not leave, and Ye Yayan would not let them go based on their sneak attack just now.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

If they are allowed to leave, then in turn, they will still deal with them, and after knowing their combat effectiveness, they will choose even more despicable methods.

The villain is hard to guard against, she will not lose the big because of the small.

It was impossible for her to let them leave without knowing it.

Although, with her current strength, it is very difficult to keep them, but isn't there still Han Feng?

Is the Korean style a decoration?
Of course not!
Before, she was the one who made the move. Now, should Han Feng also make the move?

Ye Yayan's calculations were crackling.

"You..." When everyone heard Ye Yayan's words, their faces were full of anger, but none of them did anything, because they knew that once they did, it would be difficult to stop them.

Before, they saw Ye Yayan's move.

If it were someone else, maybe they wouldn't think about it, and just killed it.

But, now that this person is Ye Yayan, they have to think about it.

In addition, there are Luo Lihao and Han Feng on the side. Although the two of them didn't say anything, they were a little trembling. They met their eyes and made them tremble unconsciously, especially Luo Lihao. Hao, it only takes one look to make their souls tremble.


These two are definitely not to be trifled with.

But, let them leave like this, they can't do it!

They are relatively well-known in Yuntian Continent. Even if no one else is present, even if they lose face, no one will see them, but they cannot pass this test psychologically.

"Brother, let's go together!" Generally speaking, they didn't go together, but now, the situation is different, it is necessary for them to act together.

"Okay!" The leader nodded. He is not a fool. He has already seen the opponent's strength, and he will definitely not ask for one-on-one.

What's more, they are not people who talk about morality in the world. If they talked about these things, they would not sneak attack Ye Yayan and the other three.

As soon as the words fell, everyone immediately formed a formation and attacked Ye Yayan and the three of them.

When the attacks of the crowd were heading towards Ye Yayan and the three of them, Ye Yayan made a movement that surprised Han Feng, that is, she moved her body and hid behind him with lightning speed.

Yes, hide!

Ye Yayan's action, no matter how you look at it, is a hiding posture.

After Ye Yayan made this movement, Luo Lihao also retreated to a safe position in a flash.

At the moment, Han Feng is the only one who has to face the attack of the crowd.

If it were an ordinary person, they might not be able to cope with such an abrupt situation, but Han Feng was different. In the blink of an eye, he made a countermeasure and gave everyone a blow.

He shot very fast, almost at the same time as everyone attacked, that is to say, when everyone attacked, Han Feng's attack also went towards everyone.

Although everyone's attacks were very fierce, when encountering Han Feng, it was like hitting cotton, completely powerless.

Their attacks were powerless, but Han Feng's attacks carried killing intent. Wherever they went, people's bodies bloomed, and blood continued to ooze out from their bodies...

(End of this chapter)

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