The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 232 Ye Yayan's Black Belly 2

Chapter 232 Ye Yayan's Black Belly 2
Helpless, full of helplessness!

Hearing this, a smile flashed across Ye Yayan's eyes.

Don't think that she doesn't know what they are paying attention to. From their eyes, she can see a lot of tricks.

She doesn't have much experience, but she has good knowledge. These people, under the panic, actually have such a mind. I have to say, it's not bad.

It's just that their mistake was that they shouldn't sneak attack them.

From their skillful movements, it can be seen that the sneak attack is not just one or two, it must have accumulated over time. Such a person should not stay in this world.

However, she will not kill them, because there is something more painful than killing them, which is to abolish their strength and make them ordinary people.

This is probably more painful than killing them!
If they were ordinary people from the beginning, then they might be able to bear this blow, but they are not.

Not only are they not, but their strength is not weak.

But now, Ye Yayan has crippled their strength, the gap is too great.

"You..." Everyone never expected that Ye Yayan would do it as soon as he said it, and directly crippled their strength.

This is completely different from what they expected before.

"You just asked us to let you go, now, I'll let you go!" When Ye Yayan said this, he was upright, and Han Feng could see the corners of his mouth curled up with that all-over aura.

It seems that this is also a black-bellied master!
Before, he still thought that Ye Yayan was a soft-hearted person, but looking at his current posture, he was definitely the one who killed without blood.

To survive on Yuntian Continent, one has to be like this, otherwise, other people will eat him to the brim.

If Ye Yayan doesn't do it this time, he will do it for him. He won't let any potential threat exist. Fortunately, Ye Yayan did it directly, and this time it was definitely within his expectation outside.

Abolishing the force value, he hadn't thought about it before, so he was shocked after Ye Yayan made this action.

Luo Lihao didn't have any surprises, it seemed that Ye Yayan did what he should do, or in other words, he had already expected it.

Ye Yayan's words made Luo Lihao see another side of her, a dark and cute side.

If other people knew what Luo Lihao was thinking at this moment, they would definitely not be able to help complaining.

Is that still cute?

Is this taste too heavy!
This is definitely beauty in the eyes of beholders, no matter what Ye Yayan sits on, in Luo Lihao's eyes, it is the best.

"Should we go to the southwest or to the east?" Now, Tears of Angels has no meaningful news, but at this time, they have two choices.

"The easternmost side!" It was not Han Feng who spoke but Luo Lihao, and he directly clicked on the destination.

Most east, is there anything good?
Ye Yayan believed that there was a cave left by the predecessors in the far east, but she was a little unsure about the treasures.

There may be treasures in the caves left by the predecessors, but they must be destined.

If you are not a predestined person, even if you really enter the cave, you will not get the treasure, and Ye Yayan asked himself that he is not RMB, and he cannot be liked by everyone, and he will not be so lucky to become the predestined person of the owner of the cave .

However, since Luo Lihao insisted, it doesn't matter if they go back once!

(End of this chapter)

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