Chapter 234 The Same Front 2
As the saying goes, the effect of force is mutual. Since they are about to be on the same front now, they must tell each other everything they know, so that the other party can see their sincerity.

Indeed, after Xu Ce's words fell, Ye Yayan nodded slightly.

This group of people is much better than the previous group. At least, these people didn't play any tricks, and told them honestly that they can worry less about being in the company of such people.

Temperament determines fate, if Xu Ce and the others are the same as the previous group, then at this time, there will inevitably be many misunderstandings, and even a big battle.

But now, nothing happened, everyone is kind, so that we can be happy.

"Is it a matter of restraint, or a barrier, or a formation?" Since the other party is very polite, they will not take Joe, and now, the most urgent task is to enter the cave.

Ye Yayan still dabbled in formations, barriers, and barriers. As long as it wasn't the ancient barriers, formations, and barriers, she could still solve them. At most, it was just a matter of time.

"It seems to be nothing!" They have tried all the three mentioned by Ye Yayan, but it seems that they are not.

In their group, there are many who are proficient in these three, but none of them can do anything about it.

"None of them?" Ye Yayan frowned slightly after hearing this sentence.

Generally speaking, it is indeed difficult to enter the cave of the predecessors, but basically it is not the three, but now, it is not.

If they can say that, it must have been verified. If so, it will be difficult to handle.

"We also used other methods, such as forcibly attacking, but we still couldn't enter!" During this period of time, they didn't waste time and thought of countless plans, but none of them allowed them to enter the cave.

This is also the reason why they want to pass on the news, otherwise, they will hide everything they say.

In fact, Ye Yayan should have considered this point before. If the cave was so easy to enter, then the group of people before would not have directly told them that there was a cave here.

If it is easy to enter, where will they get their turn.

However, what Ye Yayan did not expect was that it would be so difficult to enter the cave.

"I'll try!" Ye Yayan was about to step forward to try, but was blocked by Luo Lihao.

"Don't try it, it's useless!" Luo Lihao pulled Ye Yayan to his side, but looked into the distance.

At this time, the breath of a strong man came from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, they had already appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing many strong men appearing, Xu Ce and Ye Yayan retreated to a safe place.

Everyone is a smart person, so many strong people appearing at the same time, there can only be one thing, and that is to come towards this cave.

If everyone is at the same level, then there is no need to back down at all, but now, the gap between them is too big, and they may be able to obliterate them with just one thought.

For the sake of a cave, there is no need to fight against this group of strong men. Moreover, they have not found a way to enter the cave. Now, the appearance of the strong has given them hope.

"Did you know that these people would come?" Ye pulled Luo Lihao's sleeves. If he didn't know in advance, why did he let them come when he knew she couldn't open the cave door!
(End of this chapter)

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