The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 240 Watering With Blood 4

Chapter 240 Watering With Blood 4
Sad, deplorable!
This kind of ending can be heard from the words of the strong people. Unfortunately, these people are overwhelmed by excitement and excitement. If it is normal, they may also be able to hear it, but now, they have nothing. Yes, they only know the end result.

Perhaps they never expected that their end would be death!
Ye Yayan shook her head slightly, she had expected such an ending a long time ago.

The door of the cave opened slowly, calling from the inside to the outside. This scene made everyone's eyes turn red.

Watering the door of the cave with blood, if Luo Lihao didn't say it and they dared to try, maybe they would never be able to open this door, because no one would try with blood.

When the door of the cave is completely opened, no one will pay attention to those who "sacrificed" to open the door.

At this time, the eyes of the strong men were full of excitement. If they thought they were [-]% sure before, now they are absolutely [-]% sure that this is Long Teng's cave.

If it wasn't for his cave, no one would have set up the cave so fiercely.

As soon as the scene started, it was watered with blood. He was the only one who could do such a thing.

At this time, although they saw that the door of the cave had been completely opened, no one dared to take a step forward, because they didn't know whether there would be danger inside, unknown danger.

If it wasn't so bloody from the beginning, perhaps, at this moment, there would not be a single person on the scene.

But now, no one dared to move, for fear that they would become cannon fodder.

"You guys, whoever goes in first!" The strong men were more afraid of death than the others. This time, they also knew that the previous words were useless, so they put aside everything and directly used threats.

Even though there were no threatening words in their words, they could be seen full of threats from their faces.

Sure enough, in the eyes of these powerful people, they are not human at all!

If there hadn't been that bloody scene before, maybe everyone would have dared to enter the cave. However, after being poured with blood, they didn't even have the courage. It was already so bloody, and they could foresee the "cruelty" after entering the cave. .

If they could regret it, they might not have come to this muddy water, but unfortunately, they are neither advancing nor retreating.

Everyone is pushing and shoving, and no one dares to take that step, but they also know that if they don't take that step, what awaits them is still death.

These strong people are not so easy to dismiss. If they are upset, their lives will be lost. However, they don't have the courage to take this step now.

Seeing that everyone was unmoved, the eyes of these strong men burst into fierce light. However, considering that the next matter would require the participation of these people, they did not get angry immediately.

They are waiting, waiting for everyone to take the initiative to stand up.

However, their lives belonged to them. Even mercenaries and people who wandered on the border of death cherished life. Who didn't want to live longer.

"Is there no one?" The voice was gloomy and cruel, and the eyes that looked at everyone were also that kind of ferocity.

No one dares, no one is willing, everyone will look at me, and I will look at you, no one dares to step forward.

Ye Yayan looked at the crowd and sighed imperceptibly. This is the best proof that strength is king!
(End of this chapter)

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