The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 242: Good Heart, Hard Work 2

Chapter 242: Good Heart, Hard Work 2
Misunderstanding, this is a big misunderstanding.

After realizing this, the strong men didn't hesitate any longer, and walked directly into the cave. Now, all they can do is to ensure the safety of the seven people from Xu Ce.

As long as they hold their breath, they still have hope to save them.

After seeing the strong men walking directly into the cave without thinking, everyone didn't react for a while.

Generally speaking, they will definitely wait a while, at least until the people inside get a message before going in, but now, they seem to go in without even thinking about it, because they are afraid that the people inside will take away the treasure ?

After realizing this, everyone walked into the cave without thinking.

But Ye Yayan guessed a little bit of the whole story, looking at Luo Lihao and Han Feng beside him, Ye Yayan shook his head.

"Let's go in too!" Although she knew there would be danger inside, if she wanted to back down, it would not be her.

"Wait!" Ye Yayan was about to enter the cave, but stopped when he heard Luo Lihao's words.

"Is there a problem?" Luo Lihao can only stop if there is a problem in the cave, otherwise, he would not open his mouth.

"Watching a play!" Luo Lihao didn't say whether there was a problem with the cave, he just talked about watching a play.

Ye Yayan and Han Feng were a little confused by these two words, what does it mean?
Go to a play?

Whose play are you watching?

Could it be that something happened in the cave that they don't know about?

After Xu Ce and the others entered the cave, they did not move forward. As smart as they are, they naturally knew that the cave would not be very safe, so they just stayed at the entrance of the cave and did not move forward.

Before, those strong men only let them enter the cave, but did not let them penetrate into the cave. Naturally, they did not violate the meaning of the strong by doing this now.

Originally thought that as long as they didn't make a sound, those strong men would not walk in, but they didn't expect that as soon as they entered the cave, the strong men rushed down first.

Xu Ce and the others were shocked when they saw the strong men appearing behind them.

They never thought that these strong men would suddenly appear, this is not logical at all!
And these strong men also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Xu Ce's seven people were intact. They were really afraid that something would happen to them. Now, seeing that they were safe and sound, the big stone in their hearts fell to the ground.

Fortunately, nothing was found!

It's just that before their breath completely fell to the ground, suddenly, an unknown mist began to pervade the entire aisle.

"Hold your breath!" After realizing that the mist was poisonous gas, everyone immediately held their breath.

Holding your breath, although it can prevent the inhalation of poisonous gas, but it is not a long-term solution. If you don't come up with a countermeasure, then I'm afraid they will be eroded by poisonous gas.

Poisonous gas filled the entire cave, perhaps they did not expect this.

They thought that the cave would be unsafe, but they never thought that they would encounter poisonous gas from the very beginning.

This poisonous gas is really pervasive, even if they hold their breath, the poisonous gas still seeped into their bodies bit by bit.

How to do?
Even the strong, there was a hint of nervousness on his face at this time.

It is true that they are strong, but first of all they are still alone. Facing this unknown poisonous gas, it is impossible for them to deal with it indifferently, especially after discovering that the poisonous gas began to affect their bodies. Be calm!
(End of this chapter)

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