The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 244 The Choice of a Smart Man 2

Chapter 244 The Choice of a Smart Man 2
"Let's go in!" Poison, of course, won't knock them down, it's just that the poison has passed.

As long as they survive this period of time, the toxins in their bodies will naturally be eliminated. Now, the reason why they haven't heard their voices is because they have already walked forward.

After surviving the pain of the toxin entering the body, everyone knew that this time, they could not turn back. After the heart-piercing pain, they would never quit again.

Now that the pain has been endured, they can also bear the pain below.

With this in mind, everyone got up from the ground and walked forward with high spirits.

Ye Yayan absolutely believed in Luo Lihao's words, since he said they could go in, of course they would not hesitate in the slightest.

After seeing the three of Ye Yayan enter the cave, the remaining small group of people also followed behind.

Just now, they didn't know why they hesitated, but fortunately, they hesitated that step and saved them from pain.

You know, the screams coming from the cave can really be described as howling ghosts and howling wolves, especially after entering the cave and seeing corpses, they realized how wise they were not to enter the cave first s Choice.

"We follow them closely!" Some people were smarter. The reason why they didn't enter the cave before was because they were a step too late, and because they saw Ye Yayan and the other three not moving.

Before, Xu Ce's seven people saw the meaningful glance, but now it seems that following in the footsteps of Ye Yayan and the other three is quite correct.

"What's going on with those people behind?" Ye Yayan looked at the few people following them, his eyes full of strangeness.

"Smart people made smart choices!" Han Feng didn't realize that among these people, there were actually a few smart ones.

Following them, at least some risks can be avoided. Although they will not help them, they can encounter less danger than others.

These people are the smartest people.

They know what is best for them.

"They actually believe us?" Ye Yayan couldn't figure out this point. They didn't show much strength, and they didn't have the momentum to make them surrender. Why did they believe that they would meet after following them? Is it less dangerous?

"Sixth sense, maybe there is something in you that they believe!" Han Feng's eyes flickered when he said this.

At the beginning, Han Feng felt that Ye Yayan could remove the toxins from his body, but he didn't feel anything else about it, but now, as he got in touch with her, he found that there was a power in her, a power that made people submit .

This, he is very strange!
How can such an ordinary person have the power to surrender?

And Luo Lihao!
Such a person is actually willing to follow behind her and protect her from the wind and rain.

Although Luo Lihao had never made a move during this period of time, his repeated reminders saved Ye Yayan from a lot of trouble. Just because of this, he felt that the relationship between them was extraordinary.

However, no matter how unusual the relationship is, a person like Luo Lihao would not be so willing.

Here, there must be something he doesn't know.

Curiosity, at this moment, full of curiosity wrapped around him, giving him the urge to find out.

After Han Feng's words fell, Luo Lihao gave him a meaningful look, and just such a look made Han Feng's hair stand on end!
(End of this chapter)

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