Chapter 246
Poison, Ye Yayan actually has poison in his body!

And it's fetal poison!

Even, in this fetal poison, there are other toxins mixed in.

Soul Eater, even if there is only a trace, he has captured it.

In an instant, Luo Lihao's body was filled with a layer of killing intent, although it was very faint, but it made everyone feel suffocated.

Once again, Han Feng once again felt the suffocation.

Luo Lihao is definitely not an ordinary person!

Even when he saw him for the first time, he felt this way, but now, he really felt it.

At the moment when the murderous aura was released, they couldn't bear it.

It's just a trace of murderous intent. If this was replaced by murderous intent, I'm afraid they have already reported it in hell by now.

This kind of power is not something ordinary people can have.

"I'm fine!" Ye Yayan grabbed Luo Lihao's hand with his backhand.

The murderous aura on Luo Lihao's body made Ye Yayan very uncomfortable, but there was a tinge of joy in his heart, because he was so angry because of her.

Ye Yayan's backhand shook Luo Lihao's breath slightly calmed down.

He knew the fetal poison in Ye Yayan's body, but considering Ye Yayan's current physical condition, it was impossible to get rid of it, while the soul-devouring poison in his body could be cured, but there was a certain possibility. difficulty.

"Why is most of the soul devouring in your body cured?" The soul devouring poison will not cause any trouble to Ye Yayan's body, but he is still worried about the existence of toxins in his body, and this worry must be eliminated. She knew the whole story of her poisoning.

"Being poisoned!" When Ye Yayan said this, he didn't feel anything at all, but it sounded strange to Luo Lihao's ears.

Just such an attitude made his heart ache!
Although, he knew before that the soul in this body does not belong to this body, but no matter what the situation is, she, Ye Yayan, is just her, no matter what she has encountered or touched, from now on At first, he wanted to know.

With his strength, it is still very easy to know something. Even if the current soul wants to know, he can know it, but he doesn't want to do this. He wants Ye Yayan to Tell him, tell him exactly!
"Get to the point!" Luo Lihao's voice was a little raised, and his eyes looking at Ye Yayan became serious.

"I used to be a genius in this world. The brilliance of genius naturally attracted villains to do evil. Just like this, the poison of soul-devouring was flowing in my body. I also blame the hardness of this body. The poison of soul-devouring did not let this The body died!" When Ye Yayan said this, he had no scruples at all.

Under Luo Lihao's eyes, no matter how deep the concealment is, it will have no effect. Instead of doing this, it is better to speak out.

"The toxin was not killed, but it was destroyed by someone. It's sad, lamentable, but it's not a pity!" Ye Yayan's eyes widened when Luo Lihao said this, and he couldn't believe it. It came out of Luo Lihao's mouth.

In fact, Ye Yayan placed a big bet when she said this, because she didn't know what Luo Lihao's attitude towards her was. If it was only because of the Youlan bracelet, then he could do some things, such as He snatched the Youlan bracelet, after all, she is no longer the person he thought she was.

But now, Luo Lihao's words made her let go of Xinlai, and made her feel warm from the inside out.

Warm warmth flowed through her body, full of contentment wrapped around her body!

(End of this chapter)

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