Chapter 251 Special Status
Even if it was such an insignificant sentence, it was not the case when it fell into Luo Lihao's ears.

Such concern is really good!

Even though Ye Yayan was talking to Luo Lihao, she did not ignore the surrounding environment, because at this time, the corpse insects had already started attacking.

Waves of corpse insects were attacking them. They didn't know how to get tired at all, they just knew they were coming towards them.

Everyone was a little overwhelmed by the corpse worm's attack. At this moment, another group of people fell down.

If it goes on like this, I am afraid that everyone here will be buried under the corpse insects.

Ye Yayan frowned and looked at the corpse insects around. These corpse insects really worked hard. No matter how they drove or killed them, they could not stop them approaching the heart. As time went by, their strength would be exhausted.

Do you want to sit still?
She will not sit still, nor will she admit defeat!
Fire came out from Ye Yayan's palm. This time, the flame was golden, but it disappeared in a flash, so quickly that Ye Yayan didn't even notice it.

She didn't notice it, but it didn't mean that other people didn't notice it. Luo Lihao could see it clearly.

Golden flames, interesting!

Luo Lihao only knew who Ye Yayan's mother was, but he didn't notice anything about her father. Naturally, he wouldn't connect Ye Hongguang in the Ye Mansion. Father, it must be someone else.

Now, seeing the golden flame, he suddenly thought of that person.

The man who made him stand in awe!

If it is really that person, then Ye Yayan's identity is really unusual.

But, what will happen when they know that this body is no longer the soul it used to be?

Thinking of this, Luo Lihao suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

He won't let this happen. If he had only participated in the Tears of Angels as a passer-by before, then now, he must get it.

Only the tears of an angel can completely fuse Ye Yayan's soul with this body, and even they cannot find out.

As soon as the fire in Ye Yayan's palm came out, a large number of corpses were killed and injured in an instant.

"Let's go!" Ye Yayan shouted, and went directly to the broken gap.

Although it was only for such a short time, it gave them a chance to rush out. At that moment, everyone followed Ye Yayan's footsteps and rushed out towards the gap.

The wind is blowing under your feet, and the speed has reached an extreme. Sure enough, human potential is unlimited. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to volatilize this speed.

After everyone retreated to the safe zone, they couldn't help exhaling heavily. This breath had been held in their stomachs for a long time. Now, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

For the first time, they realized that they had made such a clear choice—following Ye Yayan and the others.

This time, if there is no Ye Yayan, I am afraid they will all be buried under the corpses.

And Han Feng looked at Ye Yayan in surprise, his eyes full of surprise.

Ye Yayan, who only had the strength of a spiritual master, unexpectedly had such explosive power. Sure enough, the person who could be favored by the Mie Shen organization was so different.

At this moment, he was actually a little envious and jealous of Ye Yayan.

According to her growth rate, becoming the next spirit god would not be a dream, and if he didn't remove the toxins in his body, he might not live long.

My own body knows that these years, if I hadn't insisted on it and taken a lot of pills, I am afraid it would have turned into a dry bone by now!
(End of this chapter)

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