The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 254 Don't Reject Me 1

Chapter 254 Don't Reject Me 1
"Huaxia? What?" Han Feng's answer made Ye Yayan slightly relieved. She didn't know why she was relieved, but Han Feng's answer did give her a feeling of breathing.

"It's my hometown!" When Ye Yayan said this, he was still paying attention to Han Feng's expression.

"Oh!" Han Feng didn't have any other thoughts, just nodded.

On the other hand, Luo Lihao listened to the words.

Huaxia, if he has the opportunity, he will go to see the place where Ye Yayan once lived, it may be a good experience.

After the conversation was over, everyone stopped talking and began to slowly recover their strength.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

The voice continued, but at this time, the faces of everyone no longer showed fear, but were very calm.

But, what they don't know is that the danger is approaching.

Ye Yayan frowned after hearing the sound of horseshoes again.

Not the same!

The sound is different!

"Be alert!" Ye Yayan yelled immediately after realizing that the voice had changed. The sound of the voice startled everyone.

Soon, though, they realized what had happened.

The moment they stood up from the ground, a crisis filled their bodies. At this moment, everyone was highly concentrated, and they knew that another wave of crisis was coming.

With everyone's high concentration, a huge monster appeared in front of everyone. Surprisingly, it was originally thought to be a horse-type monster, but it was not.

These behemoths are similar to black bears, and there is a rotten breath all over their bodies.

If they could confirm that they were in Long Teng's cave at this time, they would probably think that they had walked into a dusty tomb. Although these black bears were covered in fur, the rotten aura filled them. .

That rotten smell is awful!
The moment these black bears appeared, everyone blocked their sense of smell.

If the smell continues like this, they guarantee that they will all be suffocated to death without their help.

"Apart from the rotten aura, why do these black bears have an evil spirit?" From Luo Lihao's words, he knew Long Teng. What's the matter with the evil spirit entangled in his body?

Compared with ordinary people, Ye Yayan is much more sensitive to the perception of evil, even if there is only a trace, she can still feel it.

And now, these black bears do have evil spirits!

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Luo Lihao frowned slightly when the black bears appeared.

A black bear is not a dragon's thing!
If the soul-killing poison before was written by Long Teng, then these black bears are absolutely not.

Luo Lihao still has a certain understanding of Long Teng, he is not that kind of person!
However, these black bears appeared in his cave. What does this... mean?
At this moment, Luo Lihao has the heart to explore.

Of course, this time, he won't know in advance, he and Ye Yayan will solve the mystery step by step, so that it will be interesting!
Thinking of this, the corners of Luo Lihao's lips rose slightly, and his mood became extremely good.

Ye Yayan looked at Luo Lihao strangely, she couldn't understand, Luo Lihao at this moment made an angel fall into the mortal world and became more popular.

Before, he looked like he didn't eat fireworks, but now, he has become close to a mortal. This change made Ye Yayan very happy!

(End of this chapter)

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