The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 257 Surrender to the Lord 1

Chapter 257 Surrender to the Lord 1
"As long as we can get out of this cave, we will be at your disposal in the future!" Since treasures are not valued, we can only sell our labor.

Their strength can't be displayed inside the cave, but outside, it's still pretty good.

If Ye Yayan can rescue them, she will control their lives from now on.

"Are you willing to lose your freedom?" Ye Yayan didn't expect them to have such thoughts.

You must know that life is precious, but love is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away.

But now, they are willing to give up their freedom and want to save their lives.

As for the meaning of what they said, Ye Yayan also understood.

They wanted to get out of this cave alive, not to resolve this crisis.

Before entering, everyone was in a state of high fighting spirit. From their point of view, even if there was danger in the cave, with their strength, there was absolutely no problem in protecting themselves. However, after entering the cave, everything was in danger. changed.

They are not used to it, their hands are tied, they can't show their strength at all, and they are afraid of being suppressed.

So, at this moment, they made this decision!
But this decision pushed them to the apex, a height they never thought of.

Every time they recall this scene, they feel incredible, but they are also grateful for the decision at that moment!

"Yes!" replied firmly.

They knew that if they answered slowly, their lives would be lost.

"Okay!" Ye Yayan was less afraid of their slip of the tongue.

"Anyi, go!" This time, Ye Yayan didn't intend to do it himself, so he chose Anyi.

When An Yi appeared in front of everyone dressed in black, everyone was in a daze for a moment, but soon, they became excited.

That kitten looks petite and exquisite, but its combat ability is first-class. In just a few moments, those black bears who seemed huge to them fell down one by one under Anyi's little claws.

It fell down with a bang, making everyone's bodies tremble.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it.

A black cat, against a group of black bears, did not lose the wind, and even solved them one by one.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but took up their hands and wiped their eyes.

No matter how they rub it, facts are facts!
When the last black bear was finished, Dark Wing blew on his little paw, showing a triumphant smile.

"The treasured sword is not old!" Ye Yayan heard An Yi's words after seeing An Yi's move.


Ye Yayan couldn't help laughing.

What a treasure!
In the past few days, the contract space has joined An Yi and Feng Xi, but it is quite lively. Bai Ze has protested more than once, but unfortunately, the protest is invalid!


After An Yi finished the last black bear, everyone knelt down in front of Ye Yayan with a plop, a look of determination flashed in their eyes.

"Master!" The remaining ten people said in unison. At this time, they no longer had a trace of nobility.

At this moment, they knelt in front of Ye Yayan with the most pious hearts.

"Get up!" Ye Yayan said lightly, without any excitement because of their surrender.

Just because of this, everyone felt that the choice this time might be right.

Although their strength has not reached the Zun level, but they have great potential to achieve it, and their strength does not appear to be very powerful in Ye Yayan's eyes. Such a person will definitely become a great weapon in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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