Chapter 259 Good and Evil 1
Naturally, Han Feng didn't take the wrong medicine, but he felt that there was no one in Ye Yayan who could command except him, and who else could he?

Could it be Luo Lihao?

how can that be possible?
Such a big Buddha, Ye Yayan can drive it?

Yes, Ye Yayan is absolutely fine, as long as Ye Yayan is willing, Luo Lihao will not refuse.

However, Han Feng didn't know, in his opinion, Luo Lihao wouldn't do anything, that's why he spoke.

Unexpectedly, Luo Lihao who was involved in this matter wanted to hang him up and beat him severely.

Have you seen someone who has no eyesight, but never seen someone who has no eyesight like this, and you haven't seen him wanting to make a move?
"Yes, I can send them away!" Han Feng said with certainty.

"After we send them away, you don't need to come in anymore, let's go!" Luo Lihao didn't give Han Feng any chance to object and react, he directly took Ye Yayan's hand and walked forward.

The speed was so fast that it disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

This incident made everyone dumbfounded, especially Han Feng, who didn't know what happened. Could it be that he did something wrong?

is it possible?
Han Feng's head was blurred, and he looked at the two Ye Yayan who were going away with some surprise.

"Let's go!" Luo Lihao had already spoken, if he dared to object, then he would really hang himself, and he thought his life was too long.

He still cherishes his life very much!

"Are you angry?" Ye Yayan was pulled forward by Luo Lihao, with a smile in his eyes.

Although Luo Lihao didn't show any expression on his face, she could still see that Luo Lihao was angry, and he was still sulking.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, with a hint of arrogance.

Luo Lihao's reaction was a bit eye-popping, Ye Yayan just looked at him in a daze, with a strong smile in his eyes.

This kind of Luo Lihao, with the emotions that ordinary people should have, is really a different lover from him before. This kind of him is really good!
"This time, I didn't ask for his help. He asked for his help. Since there is free labor, I won't miss it!" Ye Yayan still explained, and Luo Lihao was so arrogant With a delicate temper, if he doesn't speak, he doesn't know how long he will sulk.

Sure enough, after saying this, Luo Lihao's face looked much better.

"Tell me, what do the evil cultivators who practice in this cave think?" At least Ye Yayan couldn't figure it out. Is it just because the cave is so defensive?
If this is the case, this evil cultivator is also very bold.

Although she doesn't know Long Teng, but from the expressions of Han Feng and others, it can be seen that Long Teng is very powerful. This is Long Teng's cave, so there is no guarantee when he will appear. Once Long Teng appears, it will be him Someday in the world.

Obviously, he didn't consider this point, otherwise he wouldn't boldly practice here, and even turned it into his cave.

This time, if they hadn't accidentally found out and entered the cave, they probably wouldn't have known that there were evil cultivators in this cave.

"How are you sure it's one person, not a group?" Ye Yayan's expression changed when Luo Lihao said this.

"Is it a group?" If it is a group, then this is the base of evil cultivators.

"Judging from all the signs, it's impossible for one person to do it. With your mental strength, you can contract several monsters, and others?" As soon as Luo Lihao's words came out, Ye Yayan also felt something was wrong.

The previous black bears were not one or two, but many!

(End of this chapter)

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