Chapter 261 Good and Evil 3
ooh ooh...


Suddenly, roars and screams came from the front, and the sound of the sound shook people's hearts and souls.

Is this a big explosion?
Has the battle really started?

Ye Yayan was a little curious, and with this curiosity, Ye Yayan went to the place where the voice was.

During the march, the speed was not very fast, and she didn't want to be caught by someone to participate in their battle as soon as she passed.

Since they started the battle, they should be responsible to the end. As for her and Luo Lihao, they can only be said to be passers-by.

As a passer-by, of course, you can only watch the play, not enter the play.

Furthermore, Long Teng's magical skill of transforming dragons has not been seen, so it is impossible to ask her to contribute!
Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao just walked forward leisurely.

At this time, the scene was extremely brutal.

Evil cultivators, the reason why everyone despises them and wants to kill them is because there is something wrong with their cultivation techniques, and secondly, it is because of their brutal methods.

Once you are confronted with evil cultivators, you have to prepare for the scene of being disgusted by cruel means.

Although Ye Yayan had already reminded herself, she was still a little shocked when she actually saw it.

Limbs flying around and blood flowing like rivers, this is already a small scene. What she saw was a scene of corpses being dismembered, disembowelled, and internal organs spilled all over the floor.

If you are timid, you really can't watch this scene.

After Ye Yayan glanced at it, she moved her eyes away, not because she couldn't accept the scene, but because she felt a kind of sadness and heartache.

In a fight, casualties are unavoidable, but this kind of death is really ugly and cruel.

Being able to do such a thing can only be done by evil cultivators.

But, this time, Ye Yayan was wrong.

It wasn't just the evil cultivators who caused this scene, but also people from their side.

Soon, Ye Yayan knew that he was wrong, and it was absurdly wrong.

Because of the bloody scene, it started again.

When Ye Yayan found out that this time, the person who was disemboweled was an evil cultivator, Ye Yayan felt for a moment that there was something wrong with his eyes.

However, this is the truth!
The cruelty can no longer be expressed in words!

At this moment, Ye Yayan was speechless for a long time.

"Do you think it's a little unacceptable?" This is a matter of soul shock. Even if Ye Yayan had accepted the massacre of genocide, it didn't hit the soul as directly as now.

"It's not unacceptable, but it's not worth it!" Yes, it's not worth it.

Righteousness and evil have always been positive and negative, but this time, what she sees is whether it is good or not, and evil is still evil, but the way it manifests is different.

People's hearts are not old, they have always existed, I can't say I am disappointed, I just feel that it is not worth it.

This is not worth it, not only for myself, but also for others.

In their eyes, the strong are the embodiment of justice, but what are they doing now?
Killing is not terrible, what is terrible is their cruel methods.

From their understatement, it can be seen that they usually do not do less of these things.

Such proficient movements, such proficient skills must have been cultivated overnight.

Thinking of this, Ye Yayan's heart felt as if it had been pricked by a needle, and it hurt a lot.

"It's really not worth it!" Luo Lihao affirmed Ye Yayan's words.

"Even so, there are still good things!" In order not to let Ye Yayan lose hope, Luo Lihao took Ye Yayan's hand and asked her to look aside.

Sure enough, there are still some people who persist and have not fallen into it.

Although these people's persistence is not worth mentioning in the eyes of those people, but for Ye Yayan at this time, there is a feeling of spiritual impact.

(End of this chapter)

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