Chapter 263 His Tribulation 2
"Did Long Teng kill someone else's family, or did he leave behind a love debt?" From Luo Lihao's words, Ye Yayan could tell that someone must have tampered with the murals here, which is not an ordinary level. tough.

This is Long Teng's cave, which represents everything about Long Teng. Now, to tamper with the Dragon Transformation skill that he is most proud of, what a deep hatred it must be.

If there is such a strong hatred, it should be a love-debt dispute!
Ye Yayan's speculation is not unreasonable, only love debt can make people so impulsive, so that even if they go to hell, they have to drag the other party.

"From these means, I'm afraid it's a love debt dispute!" Although it's impossible to be [-]% certain, judging from the handwriting here, it should be a love debt.

I also don't know how Long Teng provoked this woman and let this woman dig such a big hole for him.

Cultivators are influenced by the Dao of Heaven, and the stronger their strength, the more powerful the Dao of Heaven exerts on them. These people all died in Longteng's cave, and died under his magical power of transforming dragons. All these karma will be added. On Long Teng.

This person wanted to torture Long Teng to death.

Most importantly, Long Teng knew nothing about it!
He didn't even know that there were so many evil obstacles on his body all of a sudden, and even if he knew, he would be powerless to change everything.

"Women are really terrifying creatures!" Luo Lihao said such a sentence suddenly, and Ye Yayan looked at Luo Lihao with deep eyes as soon as this sentence came out.

"Yes, don't offend a woman, especially if you provoke a woman, it's very difficult to get out!" Ye Yayan's words made Luo Lihao feel creepy.

Fortunately, for so many years, he has kept himself clean and never had any involvement with women. Over the years, the only one who has been involved with women is Ye Yayan.

And she is the disaster of his life!
"Then we're going to return without success this time?" The purpose of their coming here was to aim at the Dragon Transformation Art, but now that the Dragon Transformation Art has been tampered with, wouldn't they want to be so disheartened? leave.

"Don't you want to decipher what is painted on the upper stone wall?" As far as Ye Yayan's curiosity is concerned, Luo Lihao believes that Ye Yayan is very interested.

"Isn't it impossible to see?" She was really curious. She was able to add some other elements to the murals painted by Long Teng. At this level, she looked up to it. If she could learn a thing or two, she would definitely benefit a lot!
"You don't need your eyes, but you can use your heart!" Luo Lihao's words made Ye Yayan even more confused.

"There are deceptive things on the murals. If you don't use your eyes but use your heart, wouldn't it be easier to be deceived!" It has been clearly stated before that there are deceptive things. If you use your heart, wouldn't it be easier to be attracted.

"Don't you even have such concentration?" Luo Lihao asked back, which immediately aroused Ye Yayan's fighting spirit.

Indeed, if you don't even have such determination, how can you talk about revenge!
The road to revenge is extremely dangerous, and one must have a firm heart.

"Heart, I don't want you to look at this mural wholeheartedly, but to let you feel it. You can let go of your heart, but you must guard your spiritual platform. If you make a mistake, you will withdraw!" Although Luo Lihao asked Ye Yayan to go Tried everything on the mural, but still a little uneasy.

If it were someone else, he definitely wouldn't remind him like this, but since this person is Ye Yayan, he would have to be distracted!
(End of this chapter)

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