The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 265 Love Becomes Hate 1

Chapter 265 Love Becomes Hate 1
Seeing the changes in Ye Yayan's body, Luo Lihao smiled.

It's easy to understand, such aptitude is rare, she deserves to be Mu Wan's daughter!
After Ye Yayan let go of everything, Luo Lihao's spirit also began to concentrate. Once he found something wrong, he would stop it, and he would not let Ye Yayan fall into danger.

Ye Yayan began to touch the murals, but what surprised her was that this time, when she touched the murals, she didn't feel the palpitation, but she felt pain, the pain from the murals.

Is this the emotion left by the man?
Do you want to express her inner feelings through the things portrayed in the murals?
There was a tingle in her heart, and Ye Yayan knew that it was not her feelings, but the one in the mural.

Suddenly, a ray of light came from the mural, and with a bang, a memory that did not belong to her suddenly appeared in her memory.

In the picture, there is a man and a woman, the man is tall and handsome, the woman is beautiful and gentle, the woman is snuggling in the man's arms, smiling so cheerfully and happily, but Ye Yayan saw the twinkle in the man's eyes. Gone is the color of worry.

Yes, worry!
Because the woman in the picture was so happy, she didn't notice the elixir in the man's eyes at all, and the reluctance in his eyes when he looked at her.


Suddenly, the word came to mind.

At this moment, if Ye Yayan didn't know who the men and women in the picture were, then she would be really stupid.

Aren't the men and women in this picture the same as Long Teng and that woman?

Even if she had never seen Long Teng, the picture that appeared in her mind at this time was not them or anyone else.

Could this picture be when Long Teng was about to leave?

Otherwise, why would there be reluctance in Long Teng's eyes.

In the screen, there is no dialogue, only the screen, Ye Yayan looks at the screen, experiencing everything about them.

The woman was living a happy life every day, and the smile on her face was getting deeper and deeper, but in addition to reluctance and worry, there was deep anxiety in Long Teng's eyes.

Is it because he is about to leave and no one takes care of this woman?
This possibility should not be great!

Although this woman is gentle, she is also full of heroism. Such a woman should be able to accept Long Teng's departure. Moreover, Long Teng's departure was not to abandon her, but to improve her strength.

What is the reason for this woman to have so much hatred for Long Teng?
Curious, Ye Yayan was very curious.

The picture is still going on, but Ye Yayan has no urge to watch it. Although the picture is beautiful, it is too unreal.

Especially the different colors in the eyes of these two people, let Ye Yayan know that they are sleeping in the same bed, even if they sleep in the same bed, they don't understand each other's mind.

The woman hadn't noticed the complex look in Long Teng's eyes, she had been living happily in her own world.

Back then, as long as that woman raised her head to pay attention to Long Teng's eyes, she would discover the expression hidden under Long Teng's eyes.

Unfortunately, this woman did not!
She never paid attention to Long Teng's every move, and she didn't even notice Long Teng's already somewhat revealing movements.

Is she too stupid to ignore everything about Long Teng?
Or did she do it on purpose, not wanting things to develop?

No matter which one it is, Ye Yayan feels that this woman has some problems, at least there are problems with this love.

If she could have noticed at that time, maybe there would be no tragedy!

(End of this chapter)

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