The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 277 Dog Blood Sees Everywhere 2

Chapter 277 Dog Blood Sees Everywhere 2
"Who are you?" Just this one glance, let them see Han Feng's fierce momentum, if it is an ordinary person, it will definitely not have such an aura.

Although they are not the most powerful people on this continent, there are not many people who can threaten them, especially such young people.

"Han Feng!" Han Feng said coolly, at the moment he is doing the best escape strategy.

Han style?

Everyone looked at each other and wanted to see something famous in each other's eyes. Unfortunately, no one knew Han Feng. They didn't pay much attention to such a young man, let alone such an unknown man. generation.

Their focus is so high that they ignore such a No. [-] person.

Moreover, the surname Han is also a common surname. In their impression, only the Han family is hidden from the world, but could the people in front of them be the Han family?

They were the first to rule it out. It was impossible for the Han family to appear in front of them. Furthermore, when the Han family came out, there was a lot of ostentation, so it was impossible for him to be alone.

Moreover, at his age and with such an aura, how could the Han family let him go out alone.

No, definitely not the Han family!

Thinking of this, everyone felt relieved.

As long as it's not the Han family, then they have nothing to worry about.

As long as he is alone, they will not be afraid of him at all!

"Boy, do you think you can defeat us with your own strength? You're so naive!" After they regained their composure, they sarcastically ruthlessly.

They really lived more and more, and they were shocked by such a young man's aura. If they said this, they would really laugh out loud.

Fortunately, what happened here will not be spread outside, even if you lose face, it's fine, as long as you keep them here.

"Hehe..." All of a sudden, Han Feng laughed. The appearance of laughing made everyone present frown. They couldn't understand Han Feng. They didn't know why he was in such an environment I can still laugh.

If it were them, they would not be able to laugh at all, not only would they not be able to laugh, they would try their best to escape from their sight.

"Engong, lend me Anyi!" Over the years, he and Anyi have cultivated a tacit understanding. If he just wanted to leave here before, now he has the opportunity to compete with them. However, if you want to suppress them, you can't do without the help of An Yi.

"Of course!" It is relatively difficult for Han Feng to deal with these people alone. If An Yi and Feng Xi are added, then it is not certain who will win and who will lose.

At the moment, An Yi and Han Feng stood together, and the tacit understanding cultivated over the years was also sublimated at this moment.

"Feng Xi, secretly attack!" Ye Yayan is not a righteous person, she has several explanations for the sneak attack, so she doesn't mind being a villain when facing this matter.

"I know!" It's not the first time Feng Xi has done a sneak attack. When she met Ye Yayan for the first time, didn't she just do a sneak attack?
While Feng Xi was secretly preparing, Han Feng and An Yi had already chosen to attack, and took the initiative to meet them.

Han Feng's speed was very fast, and he appeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye. Before everyone had time to react, a wave of light shot out from his palm, shining brightly, and entered everyone's body in an instant

This turn of events hit everyone beyond their reach, and they didn't react at all!

(End of this chapter)

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