Chapter 285
"Then why do you know something about Mu Wan?" Since you can't remember what Mu Wan wanted to borrow back then, why do you remember her identity?
"Aunt Muwan is a very gentle woman!" When Han Feng said this, there was a trace of admiration in his eyes!
Back then, if it weren't for the tenderness that Mu Wan left him, maybe he would not be so temperamental now.

When Luo Lihao heard Han Feng's words, the corners of Luo Lihao's mouth twitched continuously.

Mu Wan, be gentle!
Where do you start with this!
At least, in his memory, Mu Wan and Ruan really couldn't match each other.

However, Ye Yayan's opening made Luo Lihao frowned, and things seemed to have changed.

"Indeed, she is indeed a woman as gentle as water!" Ye Yayan still remembered Mu Wan's gentle appearance, and when she heard Han Feng's words, she couldn't help but miss her.

"Yan'er, did your mother really give you the bracelet on your wrist?" Although Luo Lihao didn't have any doubts about You Lan on Ye Yayan's hand, from their description, Mu Wan was not at all Like this.

As a demon king, how could he be gentle!

Gentleness or something, Nima's, it doesn't matter at all.

"Of course!" Ye Yayan looked at Luo Lihao in amazement when he heard Luo Lihao's voice transmission from the bottom of his heart, and didn't understand the meaning of his words.

"At that time, did Mu Wan say anything when she gave you the bracelet?" For some reason, he always felt that things had changed, at least, the Mu Wan they talked about was completely different from the Mu Wan he knew.

Could it be that there are still two Mu Wans in the world?
"No, she just asked me to protect this bracelet. Unless it is death, I must not take it off my hand!" The original words seemed to be still in my ears.

Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Luo Lihao frowned even more.

Strange, very strange!
Ye Yayan naturally wouldn't lie, and Mu Wan must also be the Mu Wan he knew, what happened here?
Could it be... Amnesia?
Suddenly, Luo Lihao thought of this possibility.

Only this possibility can make people's temperament change overnight.

If so, what happened in the first place?
As the demon king, Mu Wan's strength is about the same as his. To make Mu Wan lose her memory, it would take a lot of energy.

Thinking of this, Luo Lihao instantly felt a lot of pressure.

At his level, there are very few things that can make him feel pressured, but now, suddenly guessing this matter, he suddenly feels a pressure on his upper body.

Although he never asked Ye Yayan, but from Ye Yayan's words, he still knew that if she wanted to find Mu Wan, no matter who she was or where she was, Ye Yayan would find her.

However, if things are really as he guessed, then Ye Yayan will face even greater challenges!
However, as that person's daughter, Ye Yayan, who has his blood flowing through her body, no matter how big the challenge is, I believe she can overcome it.

"Yan'er, when did you start remembering things?" Now there are no clues at all, only some clues can be found from Ye Yayan.

He needs to know, when did Mu Wan's change start?

"About two years old!" This point, Ye Yayan is not too clear now, but she knows that this body was enlightened very early, if you remember, it should be around two years old.

"Then from the time you can remember until Mu Wan left, has she always been so gentle?" This is very important, it is the key to distinguish whether it is Mu Wan or not!

(End of this chapter)

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