Chapter 289

When the dying people lying on the ground heard Han Feng's words, they felt very speechless.

Their purpose is only spiritual planting?
And it seems that they are still coming for the spiritual plants on them?

Isn't this a little too funny?

At this moment, everyone was really puzzled.

Isn't there something they fancy in the huge sunset forest?

Dudu took a fancy to the Lingzhi in their hands.

Among these people, there are spirit plants on their bodies, it's just that the level of the spirit plant is high or low, and when Han Feng said this, everyone covered their space rings.

Good things are naturally hidden in the space ring.

Now, if they want to obtain spiritual plants, do they need to open their space rings?
Thinking that they were going to open their interspatial rings, everyone held their hands tighter.

Their whole life's hard work has been in the space ring, if the other party takes away the space ring, who should they cry to.

No, absolutely not!
Some smart people, after hearing Han Feng's words, silently took Ling Zhi out of the space ring. Since the other party came for Ling Zhi, then as long as he surrendered Ling Zhi obediently, other treasures would be fine. Keep it, and even their lives may stay.

Smart people are smart no matter where they are.

When Ye Yayan saw these smart people making a decision, he nodded secretly.

With a wave, they took away the spiritual plants they had taken out. Similarly, with a wave, antidotes appeared in front of everyone.

In the Sky Continent, there is no pure enemy, only when interests are in conflict, will they become enemies.

Now this kind, there will be no life-and-death enmity, and they have also seen their methods, so naturally they will not take the initiative to provoke them in the future.

There is a saying that many friends have many paths, even if they cannot be friends, at least they will not become enemies.

And if they are still on the road, then they will not be allowed to die.

When other people saw this scene, they followed suit.

Everyone is not stupid, so they naturally know what to do.

For Lingzhi, Ye Yayan is willing to accept it, there is a blue space, no matter how many Lingzhi there are, there is never too much.

Since everyone was so knowledgeable, Ye Yayan was very generous and gave everyone a detoxification pill.

Han Feng's poison is certainly poisonous, but the detoxification pill she made can quickly remove the toxins in their bodies, but it has some side effects.

Although Ye Yayan could detoxify them, he didn't believe them.

As I said before, her sense of trust is extremely low. If it is someone who is truly recognized by her, then she will definitely not have a backup, but these people are not.

Some things, once let go, the consequences are definitely not something you can bear.

So, in the beginning, she had to be risk-averse.

Others may not know this, but Luo Lihao sees it.

Not only did they not object to Ye Yayan's approach, but they were happy to agree to it.

On the other hand, Han Feng looked at Ye Yayan strangely. He had been in contact with her for a while, but he didn't realize that she was a good person. She was clearly a winner, but he wanted to let them all go. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. , he did not believe it.

However, he would not object to Ye Yayan's decision. The first time he could subdue them, there would naturally be a second time. If they were smart, they would naturally not find them again.

If they don't know what's interesting and come to them again, then he won't keep his hand!

I believe they should also understand!
"I'll let you go, I hope you will cherish it!" After Ye Yayan said this, he walked forward without even looking at everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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